Frieza looked around. There was mist everywhere, he couldn't see a thing. Couldn't even tell if it was day or night. All he knew was that he was surrounded by a gentle sea of white mist. It seemed to touch him, caress him with icy fingers that felt cold against his skin.
"Where...?" Frieza mumbled. He took a step forward. "... am I?"
"Lord Frieza?" a voice carried itself through the mist. Frieza gasped when he recognized the voice.
"Could it be....?"
"Lord Frieza?"
"Zarbon?" Frieza squinted as a shadow started to appear in front of him. His face lit up when he saw Zarbon only a few meters away. "Zarbon!"
"Lord Frieza!" Zarbon smiled, his arms outstretched and welcoming as Frieza ran towards him. Frieza jumped at Zarbon, who caught him and spun him round. He then put him down and held him close. As he did so, all the mist cleared away and Frieza could feel the warm sunlight on his back. They gazed into each other's eyes longingly. Lovingly.
"Lord Frieza..." Zarbon breathed, his eyes closed. He rested his head on Frieza's. Frieza smiled, and closed his eyes.
"Zarbon..." he said softly. He raised his head, and gazed into Zarbon's golden eyes once more. Zarbon gazed back. Then, they kissed. So passionately, Frieza thought it was all real. "Zarbon..."
"Oh, Zarbon..." Frieza slowly opened his eyes, and realized once again that he'd been dreaming. And once again, his heart ripped in half. But there was nothing surprising about it. Ever since Zarbon had died, it had been like this. He'd been in Frieza's dreams every night. The dreams were all different, there seemed to be three that appeared the most.
One dream began at sunset. Frieza and Zarbon would sit on a cliff edge, gazing out to see. Zarbon usually had his arm around Frieza, and Frieza leaned against him with his eyes closed. Then, it took one out of two paths. Sometimes they'd stay like that. Gazing out to sea below the red sky and the setting sun. They'd stay like that for hours, never saying a word. Then, Frieza would close his eyes. And if he was lucky, it would be another few minutes before he had to wake up.
The other path this dream took was different, but even so, wonderful. They would sit under the sun, and Zarbon would gently lift up Frieza's chin. Then, he'd kiss him softly. And Frieza would kiss back just as softly. They'd kiss, telling each other how they loved the other. And they' make love right until the sun had died down completely, and the dream was over.
Another was when they were both in the sky. Zarbon and Frieza would float in the night sky like stars under the moon. Frieza holding tightly onto Zarbon, and at the same time being held in Zarbon's arms. His head would rest against Zarbon's chest, and Zarbon's head would rest on Frieza's head. And they would just stay there. Their eyes closed, just floating there forever. More often than not in this dream, they'd just remain silent, letting their feelings of love for each other do all the talking.
The third dream was the one he'd just had. Where there was nothing but mist, then Zarbon would appear, and then it would all clear away. Then, they'd gaze into each other's eyes. They'd kiss, then they'd gaze again. Then they'd kiss again. And then, Zarbon would stare into Frieza's eyes and whisper:
"I love you, Frieza." and Frieza would replied, he too in a whisper:
"I love you, Zarbon."
That was Frieza's favourite dream. But it always ended. Just like every dream. And it killed him.

"Zarbon..." Frieza held his pillow to his chest, and smiled dreamily. His eyes closed. "God, what I'd do to be part of a dream...." he sighed. "Oh, why did you have to leave?"
"Frieza!" Kold's voice bellowed through the ship. Frieza sighed.
"Another day..."
"I'm awake, you moron!" Frieza snapped.
"Hey! Watch how you speak to me!!" Kold shouted. The door opened. As soon as it did, Frieza threw the pillow out of his arms and shot out of bed. He stood before his father.
"I'm awake. Now kindly leave me alone!" he frowned.
"Y'know, when I was a boy -"
"You were ten years old and I am over forty, I am not a child anymore, father." Frieza interrupted.
"So stop behaving like one." Kold replied angrily.
"Yes, father. Sorry, father." Frieza said the words with no meaning what - so - ever. This had been the same old routine almost every day since Zarbon had died. Frieza had changed. A lot. Before, he had always been up at the crack of dawn. Leaving all his personal feelings in old the dreams that had faded away out of his memory. The old dreams he had cared nothing for. But now, he was different. He was rarely up before Kold had time to call him, let alone at the crack of dawn! Kold had noticed all these changes in his son. The oversleeping, the lack of care and passion for work, Frieza's constantly daydreams.... the list went on. But for the life of him Kold couldn't figure out why. He'd assumed it was because of what that saiyan had done. Frieza had needed a metallic body, and hadn't been at all impressed by it. Embarrassed was the only word that could come to Kold's head. But even so... why would Frieza act like THIS just because of a bit of metal on him? Kold knew his son. He knew there must be something else. But he didn't know his son well enough to know what that something was. And the chances of Frieza telling him were next to nothing.
"I thought you'd be excited. We're going to Earth today." Kold said to Frieza. "You can have your revenge on that saiyan. What's his name again?"
"Goku." Frieza rolled his eyes.
"Oh yeah"
"Father, go to the control room, okay?" Frieza instructed. "I'll be out in a minute."
"Literally. Make sure you are." Kold said sternly, and left the room. Frieza sighed, and sat down on the bed.