Just two sentences make this short and sweet: Thanks for putting up with my prolonged absence. Thanks for all those who reviewed the past chapter, and hope you'll like this chapter well enough to do the same for it! :D

* LOL * Sorry, I'm really just to excited to FINALLY get this up that I can't think of anything more to say. Next time, maybe.


* * *


Chapter Seven - LOSSES

"Good morning, Princess! Good morning, your Highness."

"Good morning, Delariand!" Armir greeted cheerfully, smiling brightly at the young he-elf standing outside the entrance to the stables. "Isn't it a beautiful day?"

"Indeed, milady." the stableman responded, with smile for her and the elf-prince at her side as they walked up to him. "I was just wondering when we would be seeing you again. I had expected you to drop by and visit earlier than this."

"I am sorry. I did mean to come sooner." Armir said apologetically. "It has just been so busy for me during my first few days back that I had not the time."

"Naturally." Delariand said, nodding his head vigorously. "I understand. It is just that Elruwen has missed you terribly over the long months of your absence. She has not really been herself since you left, the poor thing."

"But she is all right, is she not?" Armir asked, suddenly looking worried. "I trust that she has been well cared for while I was gone?"

"Of course!" Delariand assured her quickly. "I told her all about your return the moment I found out, and she has been very excited to see you since. How happy she certainly will be today! You will be going out for a ride this morning, I presume?"

"Yes, I shall." Armir replied. "Legolas will be joining me. His horse has also been lodged here, has it not? Could you please help us get them saddled?"

"Yes, my lady. Certainly." Delariand answered readily, putting down his pitchfork and making his way to the stable entrance.

The couple followed the he-elf inside and walked past stalls of fine horses, who nickered in welcome as they went by. Armir took Legolas' hand and led him to a pen at the backmost area, where a gorgeous white mare stood with her regal head poked out of the stall, looking as though she were waiting for somebody. The moment the horse caught sight of Armir walking towards her, she whinnied happily and gave her head an excited toss.

Armir laughed and rushed over to stroke the eager mare's head lovingly. "I have missed you too, Elruwen." she murmured, running her fingers through her silky mane and down her elegant neck. "Tis so good to see you again."

"She is beautiful." Armir heard Legolas say, as he came to stand beside her. He raised a hand and began to gently rub the horse's snout. Elruwen whickered agreeably, obviously enjoying the prince's soothing touch.

Armir smiled, pleased at how well her horse-friend was getting along with her husband. "Glorfindel gave her to me as a gift on my fiftieth birthday." she explained. "Asfaloth was her sire."

Legolas laughed as Elruwen stretched out her neck to nuzzle his forehead affectionately, then tried to lick his face. Suddenly, a loud neigh came from one of the other stalls nearby and interrupted them.

Legolas grinned as he recognized the impatient call instantly. "It is Arod." he said, shaking his head. "I think he is getting jealous."

Armir followed the prince to a pen that housed a handsome white gelding. Upon seeing his master coming close, the horse butted the prince's arm gently in greeting, then turned his head to look curiously at the maiden that stood with him.

"He is magnificent." Armir whispered, reaching out to touch Arod's proud head, which was met with approval. "You could see his wisdom and nobility shining from his eyes."

Legolas nodded. "It is the same with all Rohan horses." he said from where he stood behind her. "I must admit though, that I never expected to form such a strong a bond with one I have known for only a short while. Arod is as dear to me now as a friend I have known my entire life. We have been through much together."

Armir sighed as she continued to run her hand down Arod's snout. "He is the lucky one." she murmured wistfully. "I wish I had been there for you too. I wish I could have been at your side during those dark moments."

Legolas' hand covered her hand that was petting Arod. He gave her fingers a gentle squeeze and slid his other arm around her waist.

"You WERE there for me." he whispered in her ear. "If you only knew, Armir. I would have lost all hope in life had it not been for the memory of you, and the promise I made to you that I will continue living. It was you who saved me."

Armir smiled, and turned around to wrap her arms around his neck. "I guess that makes us even, then." she said softly, laying her head comfortably on his shoulder as he embraced her fully.

Then suddenly, a strange thing happened. A strong sensation of light- headedness washed over her, and suddenly she found herself looking at a whole different scenario, standing in a completely different setting. She was no longer in the stables alone with Legolas. She was standing in a vast forest glade, surrounded by many people.

It was another vision.

Armir stared about her, confused and somewhat frightened by what was going on. Surrounding her was a large assembly of elves dressed in clothing of unusually dark colors. The women were veiled and weeping. Everyone had their heads bowed and were all faced in a certain direction Armir looked towards the place where their attention was focused, and felt her heart drop when she saw what they were all looking at.

At the front of the crowd had been set up a tall platform, and upon this platform was a magnificently crafted coffin inlaid with gold and silver. Countless garlands and arrangements of colorful flowers surrounded the casket.

This was a funeral. But of whom?

Standing to the side of the platform Armir noticed a small group of people which was obviously the bereaved family, but she was too far away to be able to distinguish their faces. She quickly began to elbow her way through the crowd of mourning elves to get closer to the front. Just as she expected, not one of them even seemed to notice her presence.

When finally she reached the head of the assembly, Armir stood at the foot of the platform and looked up at the faces of the people who stood right beside the casket. Out of the several adults, two males in particular caught her attention. They looked very much alike, except one was visibly older and of higher stature. Both had long blond hair, were tall and very handsome, in spite of the intense grief on their faces. They wore luxurious robes of black and silver, and wreaths of silver leaves rested on their heads.

The next people to catch her attention were two children that stood beside these regal he-elves. One was a male and the other a female. The he-elf looked as though he was about thirteen years old, while the she- elf was clearly several years younger.

Armir felt a strange feeling stir her heart as her gaze fell to the young he-elf. Something seemed very familiar about those vivid blue eyes, silky golden hair, and sweet face. She watched as the little girl handed the boy a large white rose and gave him a hug. With tears in his eyes, the elfling approached the casket and laid the flower upon its wooden surface.

"Amin mela lle, Ammë (I love you, Mama)." Armir heard him whisper.

And for a long while the boy did not move from his spot in front of his mother's coffin. Only when the younger of the two adults Armir had been watching earlier stepped up and placed a hand on his shoulder did the little one raise his head again.

"Tolo (Come), Legolas." the older elf said gently, taking the boy's arm and leading him back to the sidelines, as one of the elders moved towards the coffin to begin conducting the final prayers.

* * *

Legolas drew back from his wife's embrace with a start as her body jerked and a loud gasp escaped her lips.

"Armir, what is wrong?" he asked anxiously, cupping her face in his hands and staring down at her with concern. Her cheeks had suddenly grown quite pale, and she wore an expression that made it seem as though she had just witnessed a terrible scene.

Armir said nothing, but her gaze drifted up to rest upon Legolas' face. Her eyes were wide and full of a peculiar grief, which worried Legolas all the more

"Armir?" he repeated, gently caressing the side of her face. "What is it, my love? What happened?"

At last, his wife took in a deep breath and closed her eyes momentarily. "Nothing." she murmured, shaking her head and lowering her gaze to avoid his. "It was just . . . just . . . it was nothing."

Legolas felt a pang of frustration strike him with this open lie. It hurt to discover that that there were still some things his wife felt she had to keep secret from him, more so because the last time that happened they had ended up getting into a big fight.

But before he could try to pursue the topic any further, they were interrupted by the arrival of one of the servants of the Lord of Imladris.

"Please forgive the intrusion, my Lord and Lady." the he-elf apologized, bowing his head humbly. "But the Master has sent me to call for you. He wishes for you both to come to his study at once."

* * *

"You wanted to see us, Minyaatar?"

Lord Elrond looked up from the sheaf of papers he was poring through and smiled at the sight of his granddaughter and her husband standing at the doorway of his study.

"Yes. Come in please, both of you." he said, rising from behind his writing desk. He walked towards the armchairs situated around the unlit fireplace, and the couple followed suit. Armir gave her grandfather a slightly worried look as they seated themselves facing each other.

"Is everything all right, my lord?" she asked. "Has anything bad happened?"

Elrond chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Am I really the sort of elf who cannot help but draw out negative reactions from his loved ones?" he remarked. "Why is it that whenever I call for someone they instinctively think that it is due to ill tidings?"

Armir blushed. "I am sorry, Grandfather." she said meekly. "I did not mean to make you feel that way."

"I know you didn't. I was only jesting, Armir." Elrond told her reassuringly. "Actually, the important news I have for you this morning is good, and is something I am certain you will be very pleased to hear of."

He paused, enjoying the childlike look of excitement that brightened up his grandchild's face. "We shall be having more visitors passing by soon." he said slowly, drawing out the suspense for all it was worth. "The Lord and Lady of Lothlorien have received word of your return, and naturally they wish to see you as soon as possible. A Galadrim messenger just came this morning to see me, and I was told a company from Lorien expects to arrive here in Rivendell the day after tomorrow."

Armir's eyes lit up instantly. "Really?" she exclaimed, clasping her hands together with delight. "That is wonderful news indeed! I have been wishing so much to see them again!"

Elrond smiled and nodded. "But that is not all. Aside from the Lord and Lady, there are two other good friends of yours who will be coming with them to visit you."

"Who would these two be?" Armir inquired curiously, her mind racing to pick out two certain names from the list she knew of.

"A certain Ringbearer and his most loyal companion." Elrond responded simply.

A wide smile burst across Armir's face. "Frodo and Sam!" she cried.

Elrond laughed at her unbridled enthusiasm. "Yes. Frodo and Sam will be coming all the way from Minas Tirith to join the Lorien party." he said. "Aragorn and the other members of the Fellowship too wish to come and pay you a visit, but they need first to take part in the funeral escort of King Theoden of Rohan. Frodo on the other hand, felt his loyalty and gratitude goes with you more than anyone, so he and Sam have decided to come sooner than the others. They are very excited to see you again."

"Not as much as I am!" Armir said, beaming. She directed her excited gaze towards Legolas, who smiled back and squeezed her hand in return.

She then remembered something. Something very important.

"Minyaatar," she said hesitantly, turning her attention back to her grandfather. "If there is an entourage of Galadrim who will accompany the Lord and Lady, do you think by any chance Haldir would be among them? I would very much like to see him again as well."

Upon hearing this question, a very strange look crossed her grandfather's face and completely wiped the smile from his lips. Suddenly he looked extremely uncomfortable, almost aggrieved.

"What is it?" Armir asked, confused by the peculiar reaction her innocent question generated. She then switched her gaze back to Legolas, and the anxiety in her chest increased when she saw that the upset look on her husband's pale face was even worse.

"Armir . . ." Elrond began at last, shifting uneasily in his seat, a gesture of nervousness that she never she had ever seen on him before in her entire life. "There is something you should know, something we had not been able to tell you. Haldir . . . he . . . he . ."

Armir's heart stopped beating the moment she realized where this seemed to be going. No. It couldn't be. It just couldn't!

"Haldir is dead, Armir."

* * *

Legolas apprehensively watched his beloved's reaction to the news, but did not say anything. For a moment it almost seemed as if she had not heard a word that Lord Elrond had said, for her blank face showed no sights of reaction. She was frozen in utter shock.

The elf-prince hesitantly reached over with his hand to touch her arm. But before his fingers could even graze her skin, Armir jerked away suddenly, finally breaking free from her stunned state.

"No!" the princess cried, shaking her head in denial. She leapt to her feet frantically, her entire body trembling from head to toe. "That is not true! It cannot be!"

Lord Elrond gazed back at his granddaughter with tormented pity swathing his face. "I am afraid it is, my love." he said quietly. "The March Warden of Lothlorien was slain in battle during the fight at Helm's Deep not too long ago. He gave up his life fighting for the cause of our people, and to save the race of men. He died a hero's death."

"No!" Armir shouted again, still shaking her head. The tears started to stream profusely down her ashen cheeks as reality slowly began to defeat her refusal to listen. "I do not believe it! Haldir is not dead! He cannot die! He is immortal, and he is a strong warrior! He would never allow anything like that to happen! He knows how to take care of himself! He . . . he . . . "

Seeing the unwavering sorrow on her grandfather's expression, Armir finally broke down as her voice cracked and her hysterical tirade dissolved into ragged sobs. Legolas felt his heart wrench with pity for the maiden as she crumpled weakly to the floor, throwing her face in her hands as she wept uncontrollably.

He sank on his knees to the floor beside her and slowly enveloped her in his arms. Armir collapsed helplessly into the comfort of his embrace and buried her face against his shoulder, though not even his care managed to ease the flow of her tears.

"Shh . . ." Legolas murmured soothingly, rubbing his hand up and down her tremulous back. "It is all right Melamin. I am here. Things are going to be all right."

His reassuring words however, failed to comfort her as he had intended. Instead it caused her to pull away and glare at him with what seemed like growing anger in her eyes.

"Why did you not tell me this sooner?!" she choked out, her voice quivering but escalating in volume. "I have been with you for days now. How could you not have found the time to tell me what happened to Haldir?!"

Legolas stared back at her, quite surprised and hurt by the sudden vehemence she was directing towards him. "Forgive me." he said softly, lowering his eyes. "I just did not think it was the right occasion to tell you."

"When would have been the right time, Legolas?!" Armir shouted, roughly pulling herself away from his hold. "Did you honestly think it would be better for me to find out this way?"

"We are sorry, Armir." Elrond spoke up suddenly, drawing his grandchild's incensed attention from her husband. "Truly we are. Perhaps it was wrong not to tell you such significant news right away. But believe me, we did not mean for it turn out like this. We just did not want to subject you to anything that could cause you grief or pain. Not after you had been so recently returned to us."

Legolas nodded, and fought against the ache in his heart to attempt a comforting smile. "After everything that you have been through, we did not want to bother you with such awful tidings." he added. "Not when you were so happy."

His beloved whirled back around and threw him a disbelieving look that cut through the elf-prince worse than any weapon ever could. Though he certainly had not meant it to be so, clearly his remark was the wrong thing to say.

"Is that what you think Haldir is?!" she cried, her voice wavering with distress. "A bother?! You know how much he meant to me! He cared for me more than you or than anybody will ever know! And I loved him!"

A silent pause followed this outburst. Armir ducked her head as she burst into tears once again, letting her long hair fall around her face to shield her pain from their view.

"I loved him, and now he is gone." Legolas overheard her continue in a faint whisper "I will never see him again."

His face now twisted with a sorrow that almost matched hers, Legolas stepped forward slowly towards her. "Armir . . ."

But his wife jerked away to avoid him a second time as he tried to embrace her. Before he could make a motion to stop her, she spun on her heel and ran out of the room.

Elrond caught the prince by the elbow as he took a step after the retreating, very distressed maiden.

"It would probably be best if we just left her on her own for awhile, my son." the elf-lord told him gravely but firmly. "She needs the time alone to grieve."

"Haldir DID mean a great deal to her." Elrond admitted quietly, the saddened, somewhat quilt-ridden look that crossed his face piquing Legolas' curiosity. "More than anyone—myself included-- was ever willing to accept."

* * *

Even the river Bruinen seemed to be quieter and stiller than it usually was, as though it was sharing in the elven princess' hour of mourning as she sat weeping by its banks. Armir had been there for almost three whole hours now, yet the grief in her heart still refused to be erased completely. She could not remove from her head the sorrowful look on her grandfather's face at that dreadful moment he told her the news. It was a face that told her that, though he much regretted it, his words were the truth.

"Haldir is dead, Armir."

"No. . ." Armir sobbed weakly, squeezing her eyes shut as tears continued to flow from them. In her hand she clutched the precious flower Haldir had given her, the one that Legolas had wished upon to save her from death. So much did her dear friend mean to her, and it was just too difficult to believe and too painful to accept that he was now gone.

She never even got to say goodbye, or thank him properly for all that he had done for her.

Just then, she overhead the sound of very light footsteps approaching her slowly from behind. The princess already knew in an instant who it was, so she did not bother to turn around to greet her visitor as he drew even closer. She remained silent as he came to sit down beside her, and only when she felt his warm hand upon her shoulder did she bother to raise her head.

"Amin hiraetha (I am sorry), Armir." she heard her husband's kind voice say to her softly. "I really am. Believe me, if I had known this would only cause you even more pain, I would have told you sooner. You know that."

No longer able to hold back her need for her beloved's comfort, Armir finally turned to him and threw her arms around his chest. "I did not mean to yell at you so, Legolas!" she wept, burying her face into his shoulder. "Please forgive me for my temper! It is just . . . I just . . ."

"It is all right, Mela." Legolas interrupted, squeezing her gently in the shelter of his arms as she struggled to speak through her shaky breaths. "You don't have to apologize for anything. It was I who was at fault. I thought I could protect you from such distressing news, but now I realize how foolish that intent actually is."

When at last Armir lifted her head back up, she stared at the elf- prince through remorseful eyes. "Please do not take offense, or take my reactions to mean Haldir is still a contender against you for my affections." she said anxiously. "I love him dearly, but my feelings for him are of a different sort from my feelings for you."

"Shh. . . " Legolas whispered, gently placing a finger on her mouth to silence her rambling. "You don't need to explain. I understand completely. I would never doubt the fidelity of your love for me, neither do I have any cause to suspect your feelings for Haldir."

A small smile managed to come to Armir's face, as she felt fondness for her sympathetic husband wash over her. Legolas tilted his head down to kiss her lips briefly before pulling her onto his lap, rocking her gently in his embrace.

"He did so much for me, Legolas." Armir sighed, leaning her head miserably onto his shoulder. "For both of us, though it might be difficult for you to believe it."

"I do believe it." Legolas said quietly. He took her dainty hand, which had grown cold over her hours by the river, and began rubbing it lightly to warm it up. "Haldir was, beyond doubt, a noble elf. When he realized how deeply you and I were in love with each other, he let you go. He yielded you to me and even persuaded me to continue pursuing you. He cared for you Armir, and wanted you to be happy, no matter what it took."

Armir sniffed. "I know. And I regret never telling him how greatly I appreciated that."

"He knew how much you loved him in return, and are thankful for all he has done." Legolas assured her. "I am sure he did."

He slid a hand underneath her chin, tilting her face slightly upwards so she could look into his eyes. "Wherever he is now, I am certain he would have just wanted for you to be happy." he told her. "Not to feel guilt, or sorrow or remorse, but joy and hope."

She closed her eyes to feel him plant kisses on her eyelids. "We will see him again. Someday, melamin. Someday."

* * *

The sound of weapons clashing was deafening, and the smell of blood and grime dizzying. She was standing at the walls of a massive stone fortress, in the middle of an intense battle. All around her, along the walls and in the fields outside and beyond the stronghold she could see swarming orcs locked in fierce combat with human and elven warriors.

Armir's mind spun with confusion and fear as she stared at these images. As it had been in her previous visions, none of the many people around her seemed to detect her presence, as though she were a mere outsider looking in. It did not change however, the vividness of the scene taking place all around her. There was so much death, so much pain and fear, and she could feel every single one of these emotions as though she was in the battle herself.

"Nan barad! Nan barad! (To the keep!)"

Armir's heart dropped from her chest. The owner of that voice was unmistakable.

She turned around quickly, and her breath caught in her throat. There was Haldir, dressed in full elven armor and clutching a bloodied sword in his hand. He looked dirtied and exhausted, but the fiery determination and courage that she knew so well in him was still strong in his eyes. His eyes were directed to the rest of his companions fighting along the outer walls with him. He was calling upon them to retreat, for apparently the battle was turning ill for their side.

Armir watched, frozen with helplessness and uncertainty, as Haldir began to obey his own command and moved away from the skirmish to draw back to the inner walls of the fortress. But suddenly, he stopped in his tracks as something seemed to catch his gaze, something going on in the fields below, where heavy clashes were still taking place. Armir immediately followed the course of his worried stare and found what had caught his attention. She gasped in horror.

Legolas was locked in a brawl with no less than half a dozen orcs attempting to gang up on him. While his fellow soldiers around him were already retreating, he was barely able to move from where he stood because of the continuing flock of enemies engaging him. If he was not able to break out of that jam soon, he would be in very real danger of being overcome and taken down by the orcs' sheer number.

Armir shrieked as an orc swung a sword at Legolas, and missed only by a scant inch, as the elf was still preoccupied with hacking his knives at another opponent. The expression on her husband's face as he confronted his many enemies terrified her all the more. He looked desperate, almost frightened.

"Drego (Flee), Legolas."

Haldir's voice caught Armir's attention for the second time. She turned her gaze and saw that the March Warden had sheathed his own sword and picked up a bow and quiver from the body of a fallen elf. He positioned himself along the wall, loaded the bow, and took careful aim. Arrows few swiftly and fiercely, one after the other, each one taking down an orc waiting to attack the Mirkwood prince.

Armir watched in amazement as soon, most of the orcs that had surrounded her beloved had fallen, leaving Legolas to stare around him confusedly, wondering as to where the saving arrows had flown from. His hesitation was only fleeting however, for upon regaining himself he began to ran back towards the stairs that would take him back into the fortress walls.

"That was for you, Armir." Haldir whispered, as he lowered his bow with a hint of a smirk on his face, as though much satisfied by his deed. However, this moment of distraction delayed his detection of the orc was approaching him from behind.

"Haldir, look out!" Armir screamed frantically.

But it was too late. Just as the March Warden managed to re-draw his sword, the orc struck him solidly on the back. Armir watched in open- mouthed horror as Haldir fell to his knees, shock clear on his face, as so disbelieving of the fact that he had been caught unawares. Slowly he ran his gaze around him, at the sight of his fallen kinsmen, and the realization and resignation to his fate seemed to sink in. Then, for a brief moment, his gaze seemed to pass Armir where she stood and focus on the sight of her face . . . and he smiled.

As he fell to the ground that look of peace remained on his face, even as the light from his eyes faded into darkness.

* * *

Legolas woke up with a start to the sound of Armir screaming in the middle of the night. He bolted upright in bed at once, to find that beside him his wife was now also sitting up, her head clutched in her hands as she wept hysterically.

"Armir, what is it?' Legolas asked, deep worry assailing him at the sight of the tears and sweat pouring down his beloved's pale face, and the way her entire body shook uncontrollably as she cried. Immediately he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him, rubbing his hand strongly on her back to help her breathe. "What happened?"

"He gave up his life to save yours!" Armir gasped out, her shoulders heaving with wild sobs. "Haldir died to save you, Legolas!"

"What?" Legolas said in shock, as she collapsed in his arms, weak with pain and sorrow. He gently stroked the head that had buried itself into him. "What do you mean, Armir? What are you talking about? Did you have a dream about Haldir and I?"

"When you were at . . . Helm's Deep." Armir sobbed in broken sentences, forcing herself to speak in spite of her jagged breaths. Her voice was muffled against his chest, but still Legolas could make out the words. "That . . . archer who . . . saved you. It was . . . Haldir."

Legolas was speechless for a moment. His mind flew back to the memory of the Battle of Hornburg, where he had been cornered in the battlefield by a large group of orcs. He remembered the mysterious archer that had fired at and brought down a great number of his foes and allowed him the opportunity to retreat. That was Haldir?!

"How did you know about this?" he asked, confused but at the same time concerned for her. "Did you see it in your dreams? In a vision?"

But Armir could no longer seem to answer him, for her tears were too great, and her sobs too deep. Clearly she was still in shock over what she had seen in her head, which only worried Legolas all the more.

"Armir, please tell me." Legolas pleased, continuing to massage her back. "Do you see visions now? How? Is that what has been happening to you lately?"

"I do not know, Legolas!" Armir finally managed to choke out. "I only know is that it hurt me to watch Haldir die. I do not know what is happening, and I am frightened."

Her arms tightened around his waist, her copious tears trickling down the bare skin of his chest. He could sense her desperate need for him to just hold and her make her feel safe, and drive away the trauma she had just been through. He decided to just drop the topic for now, and wait until the next morning to discuss his concerns. Right now all she needed as for him to console her and assure her everything was all right.

Still holding Armir securely against him, Legolas laid them both back on the bed with great care.

"It's all right, love." he murmured, tenderly wiping her cheeks with the coverlet. "Do not think of it anymore. It is over now." He kissed the top of her head. "Just go back to sleep, and I will just be here, looking after you."

Armir responded favorably to this reassurance as she closed her eyes again, her sobbing ceasing completely, and her breath returning to its normal pace a short while later.

Legolas frowned as he watched his wife sleeping, cradled in his arms, with still some traces of disturbance marked on her fair face. Something was going on Armir, something wrong, and he vowed to get to the bottom of this problem as soon as possible. He hated nothing more than having to see her cry, and it frustrated him that he often had not the power to prevent her tears.

He laid his head atop of hers and sighed. How long would it have to be before his beloved would be finally be free from all her trials? Was there even anything he could do to make sure she never had to go through any more pain ever again?

The uncertainty of the answer was what plagued him, and weighed on his heart most.

* * *


This chapter was supposed to be the "Visions" chapter, but it got too long, so I had to cut it into two. It is in the next chapter that we will see exactly what these visions are about, and what Armir has to do to handle them. ('cause as you can see, they're not very pleasant things to have.)

I have noticed that I am on the favorites or author alert lists of people whom I've never really heard from before. While I am very flattered and grateful to be on your lists, it would be so much better if you also reviewed my stories, so you could let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading! God willing, I will be back before a week is up! ;P