Disclaimer: I Don't OWN Inuyasha! .

He knew from the moment that he saw her, she didn't belong there. Among the gray souls of the Underworld, their she was. She was an angel. Shining with a purity that he had only seen once before.

She looked around in confusion. She was not ment to be there...was she? Their was this sound, this everlasting scream. It swirled around her in waves.

Suddenly he was next to her, tilting her chin upwards to examin her more closely.

You are not one, for a place such as this. his warm breath tickled her neck.

What...place is this? her voice was soft, like low bells.

You are in my domain. she didn't reply.

The crowd of slow moving gray souls were moving again. Only they stood still. The fear of this strange place fell onto her sholders like a rock. Where was she? She didn't remember what she was suppous to know. It was important.

Why can I not remember anything? she finally met is intense gaze. Crimson. His eyes were the colour of freshly spilt blood. She was drowning in them. But she saw unimagenable horror, death, torture, rape...all contained within those horribly beautiful eyes.

It's always like that, you will remember in time. Her anglic features had startled him. Yes, this was defenatly a mistake, no creature as beautiful, and pure as her belong here. But, he would try and keep her.

What is this domain you rule over? Her strange blue eyes gazed deeply within his. At that moment, he knew he had to someday let her go. She was not ment, for anyone in this place. Even him.

What is your name, angel? He murmered. A look of deep thoughtfulness crossed her pixie like face. Then tilting her head to the side in a curious childlike way.

My name...is Kagome. He grinned wolfishly.

Well, Kagome, my name if Lucifer, welcome to Hell. Her eyes widened in suprise. A picture flashed before her eyes. A silver hair boy with pleading gold eyes, and a woman dressed in miko robes. That was when the world went dark.

Well, what do you think of the first chapter? Do you like it? Hate it? Please tell me in your review ^____^;. Oh, and if you find any spelling mistakes, tell me please, its because my spell check isn't working. Thank you!