Disclaimer : Sadly, I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters therein. Rumiko Takahashi does. (sigh) Always the writer, never the owner. Sad isn't it?

Chapter 1: I'm not a bad guy, honest.

Sure, traveling through time looks easy, and painless. But you try landing on your rear more times than you can count on the hard-packed dirt of an ancient well.

Not so easy is it?

Well, as a time guardian, I know what that Kagome girl felt. You see, I was her. In a sense. We all have watchers that keep us in our own times and help direct us where fate wants us to go in order to orchestrate the major events in our lives. I was Kagome's watcher.

But I made a mistake.

I accidentally let her fall into the hands of a monster who dragged her through time. It wasn't ALL my fault, mind you. It was also the monster's. The centipede knew she wasn't supposed to do it, but she did it anyway. And that is what started this whole mess. It changed my girl's entire future. I couldn't help her because I didn't have any idea what her future held.

She was supposed to go through school, get a well paying job as a college algebra professor, marry Hojo, have two lovely children with him, a little boy and a little girl, and die "An old, an old lady, warm, in her bed.", to quote Leo in Titanic. Obviously, that's not going to happen now, is it?

She got pulled through time and met the Hanyou, who was supposed to stay stuck to the tree 'til a fire swept through and-

Well you know.

So she didn't fall for Hojo, or bear his children, or get a teaching job, or anything else that was supposed to happen. All because of that Inuyasha. She fell for him.


So, as her out-of-a-job watcher, I followed her through the well. I stayed scent-less and invisible thanks to the powers given to my kind. Needless to say, Inuyasha didn't discover me. I forgot to mention, another power I possess is to read minds. I had to listen to him belittle her, then listen to his thoughts of admiration grow. It was sickening! Why didn't he just say what he wanted to say! It would've made my time there a whole lot easier to bear.

When they found the monk, I thought she would've wanted to go back to her time and live the life she was supposed to live. Who wants to stick around with the threat of being groped every time you're within arms length?

But noo.

She already loved Inuyasha, even if she didn't realize it at the time, and she couldn't leave him. They were bound together, even if they didn't know it.


Then they met the demon exterminator and she found a girl to talk to. The monk also found another outlet for his (cough) wayward ways.

And so, the proverbial shit hit the fan. Now she really wouldn't leave. By this point I had given up. I left her to her own devices. What good was I when I didn't even know how to guide her?


I know.

And probably irresponsible. But what was I supposed to do. I can't even GET a new job until she kicks the bucket! So I decided to do something that I'd only heard of before.

I took on an identity.

I manifested myself into a body of my own design and started a life. I became a ninja. A spy/assassin of sorts. They answered to no one and could kick some serious ass when needed. Of course I couldn't kill Kagome, even if I wanted to. It just isn't done.

Time guardians can't kill.

So, why, you ask, did I pick a ninja? Why become a killing machine, if I couldn't back it up?

The reputation dumb-ass!

If you've never either been to or heard stories from the Feudal Era, I'm gonna edu-ma-cate you a bit. See, all around this time period are demons, war lords, robbers and other villains all looking to kick your butt. Searching for that big break that'll make them rich and/or famous. Guess some things never change, eh? I don't particularly want to die while in my mortal sate, so I chose the one profession that'll keep most of them off my back at a glance. And if they don't go for that, then I can defend myself. Be it with my stealth, my brains, or my brawn, I can keep myself safe.

And that's why I chose the whole ninja gig. No one wants to deal with something that dangerous. And the fools that do? Well, they'll receive quite a few lumps and a stern warning, but not death. I just have to say brilliant lines like :

"You got lucky today pal. I just got this haori and don't want it fucked up yet."

Or something to keep the threat open, like :

"Do you feel lucky? Well do ya? Punk?"

What movie was that from? You know. The one, with the guy, who had that thing to do? I think it was like…..Dirty Harry, or something.

Anyway, now that you've heard my story you'll understand why I did the things I did. And hopefully…..you won't hate me…..

Hello my readers.

This is just the prologue, it gets better. Promise. R&R Thankies.