AN: Ok, this fic is an idea I've had for a little while, and my muse has gone insane. It refuses to let me finish the fics I've already started so I've given it to Pyro, if it doesn't start behaving then he's going to set fire to it (muse whimpers pitifully in the background) Shut it you! It's your own fault.

Right, this is AU, as always, and I've switched Rogue and Gambit's powers. It will be a Romy eventually, (like I'd write anything else) and it starts during the X-Men's first battle with the Acolytes (Day of Reckoning pt 2 remember) but anything after the battle takes place during Mainstream then leaves the current Evo path completely, there will be no Apocalypse ok. Mystique, for purposes of this fic, did not replace the professor or blow up the mansion, she's around somewhere though.

Just changing the subject here but I did a couple of 'which X-Man are you?' quizzes the other day and they both said I was Rogue, how cool is that?

The song has nothing to do with the fic by the way, I just love the album so I'm gonna use all the songs on it. they aren't essential to the fic unless otherwise stated so you don't have to read the lyrics bits if you don't wanna.

Pairings (at the moment) are as follows:

Rogue + Remy (this will not change)

Scott + Jean (fairly sure this will stay too)

Lance + Kitty or Piotr + Kitty (readers can choose this one)

Kurt + Amanda

Logan + Ororo (I think I might keep this one too, I think they're sweet together)

Any other requests will be considered so please just tell me who you want ok? Good, now on with the fic.



=Lyrics, Just A Little Girl by Amy Studt=

Disclaimer: I own only the idea.

Chapter 1

The X-Men watched as the metal plates swirled around under the force of Magneto's power, revealing four male figures. Of the four only one was familiar, Sabretooth -- 'Thank gawd Wolvie ain't here' Rogue mused with a smirk -- the other three were a tall metal skinned guy that Kitty already seemed to be drooling over, a fiery haired boy with an insane glint in his eye and flames shooting from hoses on his arms, and an auburn haired boy in a trench coat twirling a bo staff in front of him. They looked about them, confused, where exactly were the X-Men?

Jean was using her powers to send them the illusion that the place was empty, just piles of crates and bits of mechanical equipment and stuff lying around. After a perfectly timed moment Storm called down a bolt of lightening, stopping it short of hitting one of the aforementioned crates -- averting the premature deaths of herself and the other X-Men -- and in that instant Jean dropped the illusion, revealing those of the X-Men who had gone on the mission. The Brotherhood were there too, standing on the ground to one side of their reluctant allies, keeping out of the limelight for a change.

They were certainly an impressive sight. Rogue stood in the middle, in a uniform of black and red with a black bomber jacket over it, idly shuffling a deck of cards, strands of white falling across her face. Kurt was on her left in his normal blue furred form with his red and black uniform, yellow eyes glowing faintly, and Kitty was on her right in her black and lilac uniform, arms folded across her chest as she frowned at the enemy. Above them were Storm -- her pure white hair and black cape flowing in the soft breeze she was creating, lightening crackling dangerously in her eyes -- and Jean, hovering there motionless, her telepathic bubble preventing the wind from ruffling her red hair. Beast and Evan were in front, standing a little apart from the slouching Brotherhood members, the former waiting in a crouch, fangs uncharacteristically bared, ready to leap into action, and the latter standing there with his typical bone spikes sticking through his skin and blue and yellow uniform.

The Acolytes looked on in awe as their enemies appeared in a flash of lightening until Pyro, impatient as always, sent a stream of flame -- which began to form the shape of a giant cat -- towards them, causing the X-Men to scatter. Kurt jumped gracefully down and grabbed Evan's shoulder 'porting them both a safe distance away. Kitty phased herself and Beast, who she grabbed on the way, through the ground to come up out of the flames range. Storm and Jean flew, though both repelled the flames using their powers -- wind and rain from Storm and a telepathic bubble that cut off the oxygen created by Jean. Rogue simply executed a perfect back flip, landing lightly on her feet behind a different stack of crates.

As the other Acolytes distracted the main body of X-Men and Brotherhood members Gambit crept slowly between the crates, booted feet barely making a sound on the concrete floor. He knew there was one X-Man unaccounted for, the girl with the cards, and he planned on being the one to take her down, even if it meant he had to have another psyche in his head. He rounded a corner and found himself staring into the most unusual -- and beautiful -- eyes he had ever seen, ruby red on jet black, and sparkling with mischief, a single strand of white hair falling across one, heightening the dramatic colours.

Rogue was a little surprised when the guy rounded the corner, she hadn't heard him coming. Fortunately she was good at hiding her emotions, living with the old Brotherhood had taught her that early on, and she managed to pull off her usual seductive, superior smirk. The guy was staring straight into her eyes, something she still had trouble dealing with on occasion, and he had that dazed look most guys got when doing that. Her smirk grew, dark painted lips curling triumphantly, this was going to be far too easy. She reached into her pocket and drew a card from the deck hidden there, the ace of hearts, not one she would usually use, hearts being too cliché for her taste, but it would do for now.

Gambit watched as the girl's eyes lowered from his to look at something she now had in her hand and he allowed his gaze to travel with hers. She had something small and rectangular in her hand, holding it slightly away from her and studying it intently. As he watched, fascinated, it seemed to glow with a slight pinkish colour, casting a soft light across her pale, beautiful face. Suddenly she looked up at him, pushing the object into his hand as she leaned forwards, kissing him swiftly on the lips. Smirking slightly she broke the kiss and waved at him, before disappearing in the opposite direction.

Gambit was in shock, the girl had kissed him, the untouchable, and still walked away. With a disbelieving smile he looked down at the thing she had placed in his hand, a playing card, the ace of hearts to be exact, and his smile grew, but… why was the card glowing? And why was it warm? "Oh sh--" he had time to mutter before he threw the card away from him and all sound was lost in the resulting explosion.

| | | | | | | | | | | |

"Rogue, can I talk to you please?" Jean asked, walking up to where the other girl was sitting. Rogue had come to the mansion about six months after Jean, having run into problems with the Brotherhood, and the girls -- unalike as they were -- had grown close since then, usually bonding by ganging up on Scott when he got too serious. They had developed an almost sisterly relationship and often came to each other with their problems, even though they bitched and argued about almost everything, especially Rogue's casual attitude towards her powers.

Rogue looked up at her redheaded friend with a tired smile, 'So much for a peaceful lunch,' and turned her back on the solitaire game she had been previously been involved with, "Sure thang sugah, 'long as ain't 'bout Duncan," she joked.

Jean grimaced, she was still furious about what Duncan had said to her earlier that day, "Ugh, don't get me started on him. What the hell does he mean, he's willing to 'forget about my problem'?! Ugh, I can't believe he actually said that! Who the fuck does he think he is?!…"

With an exasperated sigh, one that was almost a groan, Rogue turned back to her game, waiting out Jean's rant. She knew it wasn't what Jean wanted to talk about but she also knew that her friend would have to get over that before she could think rationally about anything else. Plus it was always fun to hear 'Miss perfect' swearing. Occasionally Rogue would lift her head from the game and nod or make some sound of acknowledgement, making it look like she was listening, it also served to check how much longer Jean was likely to carry on.

Twenty long minutes later Rogue was glad she had opted for her dark glasses that morning rather than the image inducer to cover her demonic eyes, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to hide her amusement. She was also glad about the psychic shields that her powers gave her -- since she knew Jean wouldn't appreciate some of the thoughts running through her mind at the moment -- there was absolutely no way she'd risk pissing Jean off now.

The redhead was still going strong, though she had moved on from Duncan to her former friends, the 'in crowd'. To be perfectly honest, Rogue didn't understand what Jean had seen in any of those guys, surely she had realised that they would turn against her at some point, if it hadn't been because of her powers it would have been about something else. That was the way popular people were, in Rogue's experience anyway. Pick one person to be seen around, to bask in their glow, and then move on to the next one after the novelty had faded, and it always faded.

"…And that bitch Taryn, she was ALWAYS all over Scott, claiming that she loved him SO much, that they were 'soul mates' -- yeah right -- then as soon as she finds out he's a mutant suddenly she doesn't want to know him! She won't even look at him anymore! She thinks she's too good for him! It's like he's not even the same person to her…"

'And so we get to the point,' Rogue smirked, 'figures it would be Scott.' Finishing her third game of solitaire Rogue interrupted her friend, "Ah s'pose ya gonna tell me a gal lahke her don't deserve a guy lahke Scott, raght?"

"Exactly!" Jean exclaimed, missing the mocking tone in the others girl's voice, "I mean he's sweet, kind, smart, handsome…" the list of Scott's better qualities could have gone on indefinitely had Jean not been interrupted by a loud ringing sound, the bell signalling that they had to get back to class.

Rogue gathered up her cards, putting them in the pocket of her leather jacket, and adjusted her shades, "C'mon Jeannie, we bettah get ta french class, we don' wanna give 'em any excuse ta get us expelled now do we?" the sarcasm in her voice was, once again, missed by the pissed off redhead.

"I guess not," Jean replied dejectedly, she had really wanted to discuss Scott with the other girl, since she always seemed to be flirting with him, though that was no indication that Rogue was interested in dating him since Rogue was somewhat a flirt. Still, there was no way Jean was going to attempt a relationship with Scott if her best friend was after him, friends didn't do that to each other, even if Taryn had at one point. But Taryn hadn't really been a friend had she, not like Rogue. Jean had no secrets from Rogue but her whole friendship with Taryn had been full of secrets -- lies -- hadn't it? 'Maybe if I'd told her…?' Jean shook her head, removing such thoughts, before following the other girl into the building.

| | | | | | | | | | | |

Remy was furious, not because he had to go to high school -- though he wasn't happy about that either -- but because it was so CROWDED. He hated crowded places, but he hated the fact that he hated them even more. He never used to have a problem with crowds, not until his powers surfaced, but now he just couldn't be in crowded places without worrying about accidentally absorbing people. He always wished he could still touch people without the need for gloves.

Unfortunately thinking about his powers did not put Remy in a good mood so he was feeling worse than ever as he walked into the french class, 'Why does Remy have t' take french anyway?' he thought angrily. Luckily for him the teacher, Mr. Collin, didn't like his routine being disturbed for anything less than an earthquake -- which, this being Bayville, had occasionally happened -- so Remy didn't have to bother introducing himself to the rest of the class. He simply took a seat at the back of the room with an empty chair on either side of him.

Five minutes into the class, which Remy hadn't been paying attention to, the door opened again to reveal two familiar girls, a tall, attractive redhead in a knee-length brown skirt and yellow striped sweater, and a slightly shorter, equally attractive girl with brown and white hair dressed in ripped black jeans, a dark red halter top and a black leather jacket. Dark glasses covered her demonic eyes but the hair was still a giveaway, it was the girl who had almost blown him up, the girl who had kissed him and walked away. Suddenly the day didn't seem so bad.

"Mademoiselle Grey, mademoiselle Rogue, you are late," Mr. Collin complained in his dull, monotone voice, "You will report here after school for an hours detention, is that understood?" Both girls scowled at him, Rogue's much more intimidating and impressive than Jean's, but nodded before taking their seats on either side of the now grinning Remy.

*I thought you didn't want us to get into trouble,* Jean grumbled telepathically, reasoning that since no one was getting hurt and they weren't missing out on anything important, the class being EXACTLY the same as every one before it, then the professor wouldn't mind and they wouldn't get into trouble for it.

Rogue grinned impishly, *Just 'cause Ah said it sugah, don't mean Ah meant it.* Rogue was used to this argument, they had it almost every french class, the only difference in it would be whether Jean decided to carry on or not. Jean could be very entertaining when she wanted to, despite the impression others had of her.

The telepath, as always, suppressed a laugh at her friend's familiar comment and sent back a mock serious, *Hush,* pretending to be deeply absorbed in what the teacher was saying.

*Whah?* Rogue asked innocently, copying the other girls example and making it look like she was paying attention to the lesson.

As the girls continued their telepathic conversation Remy watched their faces. They had started off scowling, moved on to grins and suppressed laughter and were currently assuming an air of obviously fake studiousness. He was deeply confused by the whole thing, then it clicked, the redhead was a telepath wasn't she? He wondered what they had been talking about to cause that reaction.

*None of your business Acolyte,* a voice echoed scornfully in his mind. He jumped in his seat, looking at Jean with wide eyes while she and Rogue watched with amusement.

"You three at the back," Mr. Collin had been oblivious to them until Remy moved but now his attention, and that of the class, was on them, "Is there a problem?"

"No Mr. Collin," Jean replied sweetly.

"Non monsieur," came Remy's bored voice.

Rogue smirked at the slightly overweight, balding, 50-something man at the font of the room, "Oui, il y a un problème. Ceci est la chose exactement pareille que nous avons faites dans toutes vos leçons, et si cela n'ennuyait pas assez votre voix ternee et impassible pourrait quelqu'un envoyer pour dormir, je mets't pense que vous sait parler même français parce que vous le refuge't a compris qu'un mot que j'ai seulement dit vous a?" she replied in perfect french, causing the man to splutter unintelligibly.

Finally he smiled, proving Rogue's words right, "Good, very good mademoiselle Rogue. Keep it up."

Remy was both amused and surprised by the girl's reply, "Vous parlez français chere?" he asked almost incredulously.

"Non, Je parle Swahili," she muttered sarcastically before switching back to English, "Cain't ya tell?" she aimed a smirk at him, "Actually, if Ah really wanted ta Ah could probably ask th' prof ta give meh a telepathic Swahili course."

Remy wasn't sure whether the last part was addressed to him or not so he smiled politely at her and pretended to listen to the rest of the class, glancing at her occasionally out of the corner of his eye and receiving an almost seductive smirk every time she caught him.

| | | | | | | | | | | |

=Sometimes, I feel, you're not listening,

Sometimes, I feel you don't understand.

But I, think I, got the answer

Already, know what, you're gonna say.=

Later that evening Rogue sat in her room, idly fiddling with an ace of spades, listening to her Amy Studt CD. The professor and Storm had gone to London to talk about the 'mutant situation' a few days earlier and the CD had been their gift to her, Storm had said something about the attitude of some of the songs reminding them of her. She had to admit they were right, the basic theme of the entire album was 'I'm doing this my way and I don't give a fuck what you think', something she was familiar with.

=Cos I'm just a little girl you see,

But there's a hell of a lot more to me

Don't ever underestimate what I can do

Don't ever tell me how I'm meant to be.=

"Like, hi Rogue, have you seen Kurt anywhere?" Kitty stuck her head through the door to the older girls room, a comical sight really. It was like a valley girl version of those door knocker things in 'Labyrinth', though Kitty could -- unfortunately at times -- both hear and talk.

Rogue grinned at the girl, not sharing her thoughts since, like Jean earlier that day, she didn't think the little brunette would appreciate it, "Ah think he went ovah t' Amanda's, somethan' 'bout 'extra homework'," she smirked slightly, "Cause ev'ryone gets giggly 'bout 'extra homework'."

Kitty blushed a bright red at the implication in Rogue's words, "Like, ew, that's your little brother your talking about Rogue. It's, like totally wrong to say things like that around him!"

=You say I'm, just a little girl, just a little girl,

How can I compare

What do I know

What have I got to share

But there's nothing in this world

Nothing in this world

That could hold me down.

Can't you hear me?

Don't you understand

That I wanna be myself,

Wanna be the girl wanna be the one

That you can, rely on?

How I wish that you could see,

All there is of me

How I long to hear, that you take me,

For who I am.=

"Ah c'n say it cause it's true. Are ya seriously tellin' meh that you an' Lance nevah…" Rogue trailed of but lifted her eyebrows suggestively, causing the valley girl to blush furiously. Her head vanished from the door, something Rogue had become used to. She often used this technique to get rid of Kitty or any of the younger girls who were bothering her. Jean was easier to get rid of, a simple 'fuck off' worked like a charm.

=Cos I'm just a little girl you see,

But there's a hell of a lot more to me

Don't ever underestimate what I can do

Don't ever tell me how I'm meant to be

Cos I'm just a little girl you see,

But there's a hell of a lot more to me

Don't ever underestimate what I can do

Don't ever tell me how I'm meant to be.=

With a deep sigh Rogue turned the volume up on her CD player, put her cards away and reluctantly pulled out her homework. 'Ah wonder if Ah c'n get Scott ta do some o' this fo' meh,' she mused, knowing that even without her charm she had the 'fearless leader' wrapped around her little finger. The right word or action and he would do anything for her.

*Please do your homework yourself Rogue.*

"Wha--?!?!?!?!?!" Rogue spun around in shock, looking for the owner of the voice. It took her a few moments to realise that it was the professors mental voice. 'Damn telepaths, always pokin' their noses where they ain't welcome. Cain't a gal get any prahvacy in this place?' She was sure she heard the professors mental chuckle reverberating in her mind.

=Sometimes, I feel, you're not listening,

Sometimes, I feel you don't understand.

Cos I'm just a little girl you see,

But there's a hell of a lot more to me

Don't ever underestimate what I can do

Don't ever tell me how I'm meant to be

Cos I'm just a little girl you see,

But there's a hell of a lot more to me

Don't ever underestimate what I can do

Don't ever tell me how I'm meant to be.=

She scowled at the pile of homework in front of her, wishing she could leave it be. Unfortunately she knew the professor would find some way of making her do it. She picked up the first piece of paper, french, and read through the task. 'Look's easy enough,' she reached into the draw of her desk for a pen and ended up with a deck of cards, and another, and another. "Where the hell is that fucking pen?!" she demanded of the assorted cards before her demonic gaze swept over the assorted mass of books, clothes, papers, CD's and other things that covered what had once been a fairly nice carpet. It appeared she was going to have to rearrange all her junk to find a pen, homework couldn't get done till then. Such a pity really. Maybe she should go out for a while, to get a new pen of course.

With an impish smile she grabbed her leather jacket from her bed, keys for her bike and a deck of cards from the desk and checked her appearance in the mirror. Black leather miniskirt with a slit up to her thigh, black halter top, knee-length black boots, perfect black make-up. Oh yeah, she looked good. She smiled at her reflection, red-on-black eyes sparkling with mischief, hmmm, should she wear the image inducer? Nah, just to be safe she picked up a pair of sunglasses on her way out. The glasses, keys, card and jacket were the only things she ever knew exactly where they were. On impulse she also grabbed a pair of leather gloves as she walked out the door.

| | | | | | | | | | | |

Five minutes later Rogue walked into the garage to find Scott there, lovingly polishing his car, she often thought that car was more important to him than any of the team. Ok so he got pissed when one of the X-Men was hurt but if anything happened to his car he would hunt down the culprit with the fury and determination of Wolverine, it was frightening really. Of course, she'd probably do the same if it was her bike but that was beside the point.

"Ah think ya car mahght jus' be shiny 'nough now sugah," she drawled leaning against a nearby wall with her arms folded across her chest, a wicked smirk crossing her lips.

Scott whirled around in shock, his face turning redder than either Jean or Kitty ever could, "R-Rogue," he stuttered, embarrassed to be found practically drooling over an inanimate object, "What are you doing here?"

Pushing herself away from the wall Rogue slowly walked towards her leader, causing him to back away nervously. Her smirk widening she stopped millimetres away from him and leaned over him, grabbing her helmet from the shelf behind him, "Going out," she smiled sweetly at him before crossing the large room. Stopping she turned to him once again, sporting an adorable pout, "Y'all wouldn't do me a favour would ya?" she place a hand on her right hip, putting all her weight on the same foot, "Ah'm havin' some trouble with the math, y'all wouldn't look ovah it fo' meh whahle Ah'm out, jus' ta show meh what ta do o' course."

"Uhhhhh, ok. I guess I can do that for you," he gave her a confused smile as he exited the garage in a daze and headed to the bomb site that was Rogue's bedroom.

As the boy left Rogue allowed a self-satisfied smirk to cross her features before she put the helmet on, climbed onto her bike and sped out into the Bayville evening.

Translations (I used a translator so if I got it wrong please tell me)

Oui, il y a un problème. Ceci est la chose exactement pareille que nous avons faites dans toutes vos leçons, et si cela n'ennuyait pas assez votre voix ternee et impassible pourrait quelqu'un envoyer pour dormir, je mets't pense que vous sait parler même français parce que vous le refuge't a compris qu'un mot que j'ai seulement dit vous a? = Yes, there is a problem. This is exactly the same thing we have done in all your lessons, and if that was not boring enough your dull, emotionless voice could send anyone to sleep, I don't think you even know how to speak french because you haven't understood a word I have just said have you?

Vous parlez français chere? = You speak french dear?

Non, Je parle Swahili, = No, I'm speaking Swahili,

Next chapter (if anyone wants one) will be what Rogue does on her evening out. It will also have Remy and the other Acolytes, some Lancitty, Jott (possibly) and Kurmanda.

That was my first attempt at a battle scene, not that there's much battle, it's not brilliant but it's the best description I could give for the images in my head. Please tell me what I can do to improve this, I will consider any opinions, good or bad, and use them to make my work better.

The french teacher, Mr. Collin, is actually my old secondary school french teacher and he really DID do the same thing in every lesson and had (probably still has) a monotone voice. This is why, after taking the subject with him for five years, FIVE, I only understand the odd word in french, enough to get the jist when it's written down but not to write it by myself (god knows how I got a C in my GCSE exam).

And now I'm gonna take a moment to explain why Jean and Rogue are best friends in this fic. I've never particularly disliked Jean, and I have this theory that if Rogue could touch there would be no reason for her to be jealous of Jean so they could be friends, that and they're the same age and have been at the institute for the same amount of time. That's my reasoning but you don't have to agree with it.

I've switched most of Rogue's green to red cause it goes better with her eyes, don't hate me please. And please tell me how you like this idea, cause I always try to be adventurous in my fics, doing things I haven't seen before, and I never know if they work too well.

Just so you know, when Rogue kisses Gambit at the beginning of this it doesn't mean anything, she's distracting him so she can get away before the card explodes. I'm trying not to rush the Romy for once. Don't worry, it won't last, I'll be throwing them together before too long, especially when Rogue finally finds out what Remy's powers are an that she's the only one who can touch him. Oh, and I want to add something to make Remy jealous later on, any ideas for what, or who, that haven't already been used are appreciated since I don't know what to do. I'm thinking maybe to start with Scott could have a crush on Rogue instead of the other way round, what does everyone else think?

One last thing, I took a break while I was writing this to do some stuff. I was in the garden when I was attacked by the Insane Dog From Hell aka my puppy. I was just standing there when she come racing up the path and jumped me, I'm traumatised, really I need reviews to make me better, I do.

I shall now leave you to (hopefully) review,


Mercury Dream

PS. This is seven pages (Microsoft word) without the mega-long authors notes and nine with, that's a record for me.