Author's Notes: Gawd – 24 Chapters? Hey all! I'm on a roll! Updating as soon as I can here, want to get to the part, which everyone is waiting for so be patient. Selvine Fan – Thank you for your reviews, much appreciated. TifaRose-Depp – Thanks for your reviews also – I have been reading some of your work. Victim had me in tears! Dark Shedevil – Keep up the good work! Anyhoo on with the show!

Fear and Courage Chapter 24

The Forgotten Capital. Aeris' resting place. The beginning of nightmares and the end of dreams. The team walked along the winding paths and seeing the familiar sights made each one of them reminisce in their heads about the poor flower girl and how He murdered her.

The group walked towards the lake where Aeris was laid, and saw what looked like a mirage of the young ex-Soldier laying the flower girl into her watery grave. Many confused looks were exchanged, but thought nothing of it and moved on. Continuing on the path, flashing images and mirages of the flower girl on their adventures.

"Say, Cloud. Have you ever been a bodyguard? You DO do everything, right?" That was what she asked the second time they met, her and Cloud. Barret and Tifa were both thinking. "So that's what happened when he fell."

"OK, I'll do it... but it'll cost you." He replied.

"Well then, let's see... How about if I go out with you once?"

"So that's how it happened," Tifa thought, the thought of the two of them talking like this made old feelings flood back. Another mirage of Aeris appeared. "No, not really. I think they believe I have what it takes to be in SOLDIER!" This brought a few smiles to their faces. Cloud suppressed a laugh, because he felt now was not the time to laugh at a witty comment she made.

"So? How do I look? Oh, you're no fun!" Another smile was brought to Cloud's handsome face. He remembered her in her red dress and him in purple. He remembered how stupid he felt and how badly he wanted to save Tifa. Just then, Tifa appeared in an image like Aeris before her.

"...animal? That's terrible! Aeris is a human being!"

Through all the jealousy and the love she had for Cloud, she still admired Aeris and was good friends with her. She stepped down in her relationship with her childhood friend, and this resulted in Aeris taking her place, or so she felt. She had no hard feelings anymore, and Tifa smiled at the memory.

They made their way to the altar, and saw a vision, which haunted them all once in a while. The innocent flower girl knelt in front of them praying, her emerald eyes closed in silent reflection and intercession. The ex-Soldier raised his sword over his head to kill her, but this was prevented by the voice of Tifa, telling him to stop. Cloud stopped dead in his tracks. "Ugh... what are you making me do?"

Then all of a sudden, the dark angel fell down and impaled Aeris through the stomach with his famous Masamune, the one, which had sliced Tifa when she was a teenager.

Tears were stinging the eyes of Yuffie, Cloud, Cait Sith and Barret and Vincent, Cid and Nanaki hung their heads in sadness. But Tifa stared long and hard at the image of the white materia falling out of her hair with her ribbon, bouncing down the steps, the sound of glass hitting glass, and falling straight into the water.

"How could I have not noticed before?" Tifa wondered as the materia fell into the water. "You saved us with that piece of materia. Thank you, Aeris." Tifa put a comforting hand on Cloud's shoulder.

"A'right. Let's get goin'. Ain't doin' us any good stayin'." Barret announced. Exiting the Forgotten Capital, Aeris appeared in a transparent form and waved to their backs and smiled.

Woohoo! Another chapter yay! You like? Please please please review! I love reading your comments. Got so much work with GCSEs. I really can't wait to start writing the next chapter. Many thanks, Sally xxx