Hey everybody. It's been forever since I've done anything on this site. I just had a case of major writer's block for months. Well, now I've gotten a new Sweep idea. I don't know if I'll update Hardships again. I've gotta see if anything comes to me for that story again. Hopefully something will come to me. But for now I'm sticking with this story, which came to me in the shower. That's not very surprising to me, since that's probably my best time to think. So let me know what you think about this story. I'll try to update often, even though I'm sometimes swamped with homework. It sucks being a sophomore in high school sometimes. Anyway, enjoy! If you have any ideas for this story or Hardship, just include them in a review.


In the Stars

~Hunter's POV~

"Do you understand it now?" I asked. Bree nodded, twirling her hair around her finger.

"Yeah. I mean, this witch history is just so interesting and rich. Who knew that witches were actually keeping history so many years ago, before other groups of people started keeping history?" she said.

It was nine o'clock on a Sunday night. I was filling Bree in on what she missed at the coven meeting last night. She spent the night in New York City at her father's apartment, after going on a shopping spree for a new summer wardrobe. In my opinion, Bree had enough clothes, so much more than Morgan. But Morgan was still incredibly good looking. Anyway, last night Sky and I taught the coven some witch history. It had been awhile since we had. Bree missed out on a lot. I thought it was a little strange how she wanted me to come over to her house at night. It was also empty except for her and me.

"Well," I said, "that basically sums it all up. That's what you missed. Actually, I might have gone a little too far. You might know some more than the coven."

Bree giggled and looked up at me. "I'd like to talk to you about something." I nodded, and she continued. "When I get older and it's time for me to get a job, I want to do something in the Wiccan world, maybe. I mean, I still want to model and try to get into acting, but I also want Wicca to be a major part of my life. My connection with it just runs really deep."

"That's great," I said sincerely. "Just don't work in the Council," I said, rolling my eyes. I had recently quit my job as Seeker for the International Council of Witches.

"I wanted to ask you if, well, if… you would tutor me," Bree said. "If it's not a bother," she added in a rush. "I'm totally serious about this. I WANT to do something with Wicca."

I pondered this for a moment. Tutoring Bree might mean less time with Morgan. What would she think about this? She's Bree's best friend. I'm sure she wouldn't have a problem. "Sure," I replied. "I'd be happy to do it."

Bree grinned and thanked me over and over again. We set it up so that I would tutor her after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for two hours. We would alternate houses. As Bree said good-bye to me, she had a weird look in her eyes. It looked like lust.