
My life is not one of luxuries, extravagance or genuine comfort .

It is a life of hard lessons, grim realities, shattered hopes...and broken promises.

A story about trust and betrayal ..... and learning......trying to trust again.

I am a reploid.

Put on this earth by some mere scientific curiosity .

I am a soldier.

Caught in a constant battle. Fighting a war between races and beings , who still after generations of time not not come to accept one another ....because...............

Because of differences of race....or gender....or...age.....religion, colour....the list goes on and on.

I wonder why I fight to save them.....

Why I continue to rise up and toil and pity and bleed for those who would just as surely destroy me given half the chance.

They hate me.

They hate us all......reploids ...robots......non...humans.....inferior....


I can see it in their eyes as I walk past them.

I did not understand this thing called hate .......not truly.......not until I stumbled across the past. Learned the truth.

And it scares me......

History has a way of repeating itself. Away of tying up loose ends.

And as I sit here after all that has happened, a gnawing despair eating at the pit of my guts, mixing with the boiling disgust and absolute rage I carry. I know .......know now what I am feeling.


I hate.

I hate the humans for their petty bickering

I hate the world for it's cruelness.

I hate the fates that stole my life from me.

But most of all I hate myself ......for continuing . For my foolish kindness that won't let me stop and turn away. The conscience that tells me to forgive for all the wrongs I've seen done. It's little voice in my head telling me "They didn't know better"

No I guess they didn't did they...?

They never do.... after generations the human race is still blundering to understand the simplest of things saddens me.

I think of how many have died at the hands of injustice. Because someone somewhere decided they didn't have the right to belong.

How many lives have been snuffed out through misunderstanding. And how many more will fall to it..?

I am a reploid

I am a soldier

I am a person

I have a soul...

I know pain.......

I had a family...........

I was loved..............................................

And then in a heart beat it was gone.....

Taken....because of ignorance.........

.......................Only Ignorance

X Light