Oh Kitty

The class sat restless waiting for the school bell to ring and signal the end of the day and the start of a fun filled weekend.

However moments before, it did. The teacher stood up and announced to her students.

" Now remember class, your assignment for this weekend is to write a poem about that special someone in your life, whom you care about.

The poem will be due on Monday," she then added with a smile, "February the 14th. And you'll be expected to read it in front of the entire class, so don't be shy."

The class groaned as the bell rang, students picked up their books and began to file out.

"And remember Monday," she called out.


"Wow Kitty that's sure an interesting assignment we got for the weekend." Jean smiled at the younger girl as they rode home after school.

"Ya right" Evan moaned "So who you gonna do a poem on..?"

"Like I'm so totally not sure, I mean I like a lot of people , my Mom and Dad and of course you guys ..." Kitty sighed.

"Ja, but who's that extra special someone .." Kurt cut in, giving Kitty a wide grin.

"Ya right Kurt " Kitty laughed , rolling her eyes as they pulled up the drive.

"Alright everyone let's get inside and get dinner started." Scott suggested. " Then we can torment each other a bit more."


"Kurt could you pass me the gravy " Kitty asked , the blue mutant next to her .

She and Kurt were in charge of cleaning up after the evening's turkey and ham dinner ....with all the trimmings.

"JA, Kitty" Kurt grinned , pulling his hand s form the soapy water of the sink. He grabbed the ladle and turned. Right into Kitty.

"Akk" Kitty shrieked as the ladle slipped from Kurt's soggy grasp, covering her shirt with a generous helping of warm brown glop.

"Kurt, Look what you did !!" Kitty cried.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to.." Kurt apologized . He pulled a towel down and tried to help her clean off.

"Oh stop..just...just get away...you've caused enough trouble. I'm all dirty, I don't need blue fur all over my clothes too !!

Kurt felt his face go hot and his eyes sting with tears before he turned and ported to his room.


Evan walked up the stairs to go to his room, is skate board in hand. Along the way he past Kurt's room. He knocked on the door.

"Hey Kurt man. You wanna hang in my room for a while..?

I got some new CD's we can listen to, and we can play that new game I got , see if we can get to the next level."

"No thanks.." Kurt answered his voice muffled by the door, which he didn't bother to open..

Evan stared a moment at the door before shrugging " Ok suit yourself man later" he continued on down the hallway.

Kurt leaned against the door brushing away his tears. Those words had hurt, but then Kitty's words always hurt.

"Vhy, ..... Vhy do I keep coming back for more ..? Kurt asked himself.

"Because I love her..." He gave a sad smirk. "I love her so much.....I think I vould perish without her near me."

He walked over to his desk and took a seat, taking a blank sheet of paper from his drawer.

"Hmmm, a poem " Kurt chewed on the end of his pen. "About the one you love.................oh Kitty.." He sighed as he began to write.

Kurt was startled awake the next morning by the alarm clock by his head.

"Unnn." he winced, rubbing the kink he had acquired in his neck, from sleeping at his desk.

He stretched his stiff muscles, as he made his way to the shower, before all the hot water was used up.

He arrived at the bathroom to find the door closed, bringing his hand up he was about to knock when the door suddenly flung open.

"Argghhhh, Kurt !" Kitty yelped, as his hand missed her face by inches. She gave him an undignified glare. "Like watch where you're knocking!" she snapped.

"Kurt step back in surprise. "Kitty, I sorry...I...un...I vas just....sorry.." He let his shoulders slump.

Kitty nodded , her expression softening as she walked past him.

Kurt sighed as he made his way into the bathroom.

He turned the water on, letting the warmth run over his body. As he washed up, he began to think of Kitty, and he started to recite a few lines of his poem, as they came to him.

"Oh Kitty..I am but a fool. Darling I love you ...........though you treat me cruel....

You hurt me........and you make me cry....."

"Kurt come on Breakfast is getting cold. !!" Kitty's voice came from the other side of the door, followed by a sharp knock on the wood.

"Ja I'm coming in a minute" Kurt called, shutting the water off and grabbing a towel.

"Just down complain to me that your breakfast is cold then.." Kitty answered back before walking off.

Kurt felt a smile come to his face. "But if you leave me I vill surely die"


"Okay class assignments are due today as you all know" The teacher smiled, as she took her seat. "Today we read our poems of that special someone in our lives. Alright, who want's to go first !" she beamed.

After a few moments of silence and seeing no hands go up she announced.

"Very well, Duncan, How about you!"

The football jock, went to the front of the room, his face had a stupid smile plastered to it as he started.

Jean ,jean,

Sex Machine

Really pretty

Really keen

Tastes just like a jellybean

The class broke out in laughter. Jean covered her face.

Scott blinked turning to Evan "Sex machine..?" He asked.

"Jelly bean...?" Evan answered with a shrug.

"Um thank you Duncan" The teacher nodded rubbing her forehead..

"Alright Pietro, you're up.."

The white haired went up the board.

Ahem... You're the only one I love.

Like a god from above

Only such style and grace

Is worthy of my embrace

You're a work of art , a Venus

With a whopping big p****

"Pietro !!" the teacher gasped.

"What..?" he asked putting his hands on his hips in annoyance.

"Skip that line !" She said curtly.

"Ok, ok...fine.. The only one who could ever catch my eye

Is of course, me myself, and I.

The class groaned , as Pietro took his seat once more, hugging himself. "I love me.."

Lance turned in his seat, to face the snowy haired youth. "You truly are one cromasone away from a potato.

"Alright class, " the teacher said, as she looked over her students. "Perhaps I should have made it clear, that we are to have no inappropriate mentions in here. Now if anyone else has written any of that sort of thing you are to rewrite your poem.

Several of the students sighed, crumpling up their poems .

"Good. Now let's see who's next. A Kurt it's your turn."

Kurt gulped, walking slowly up to the front of the room. He turned around to be met with the stares of 23 other students . His eyes locked onto Kitty's.

// Dis is it....I vill show her that I love her. And hopefully she vont kill me....//

He opened his mouth and began to read his poem.

"Oh Kitty, I am but a fool.

Darling I love you..

Though you treat me cruel

You hurt me

And you make me cry

But if you leave me

I vill surely die.

Darling there vill never be another

Cause I love you so

Don't ever leave me

Say you'll never go

I vill always vant you for my sweetheart

No matter vhat you do.

Ohh Kitty I'm so in love with you"

Well done Kurt!" the teacher clapped. "Now who wouldn't feel special after that!" she smile giving Kitty a wink.

The other students turned and started to giggle , teasing Kitty , who was sitting wide eyes in the back row.

Kurt lifted his head from the paper and found Kitty's face in the crowd. She was giving him a hard stare.

The bell suddenly sounded, and the students jumped up and filed out of the room, happy to escape . The teacher announced that the rest of the students would have their turn tomorrow.

Kurt watched as Kitty gathered up her books quickly, and rushed past the others and out the door.

He sighed as he picked up his school bag and trudged out the door to his next class.

"I am a dead man..."

To be continued..............