The REAL Teletubbies

*One day, in Teletubbie land, the Teletubbies were very pissed off at always having to supress their natural urges, decided that they would make a show that told little kiddies all about what life was really like.*

"Right" said Tinky Winky, the fat purple fag. "We need to re-decorate this god-awful dump. Silver is SO last season, darlings"

So the Teletubbies nipped out to B&Q, and they bought:

*Plywood (to make some partitions) *Lots of paint (for a psycodelic colour sceme) *Deep-pile carpeting (very nice) *Some sheepskin rugs


*a couple of paintings.

When they got back to the Tubby dome, they all set to work. Tinky Winky and Laa Laa began decorationg, Dipsy began making the partitions, and Po laid the flooring.

When all that was done, the Teletubbies now had 4 rooms - a communal dining/TV/chill room, a bathroom, and two bedrooms. The boys would have one, the girls would have the other.

Their next task was to "personalise" their rooms. The boys brought in their games consoles, rock records, extensive collection of wrestling and Soprano DVDs, blow-up dolls and a mini fridge for their beer. The girls had makeup, hairdryers, styling products, posters of Blue & Craig David, and ridiculously oversized dildos.