Chapter 19/Epilogue - Perfect Day

The sun shone in through the crack between the curtains and Buffy screwed up her eyes against the painful brightness. Still, she was smiling. It was going to be a perfect day today, just like yesterday had been and just like tomorrow would be too. Okay, so she was still the Slayer, and the demons of Sunnydale still required staking and beheading most nights, but near-apocalypses had been few and mostly patrols had been uneventful.

It was just a few weeks since the wedding of Jessica and Giles, and they'd return from their honeymoon tomorrow, just in time for the librarian to go back to his job when school started up again on Monday. They'd sent postcards saying what a wonderful time they were having, but Buffy was just grateful they hadn't gone into details about it!

Doyle stayed around Sunnydale longer than intended, keeping Spike company, and seeing Cordelia regularly, until it was time for her to head home. They travelled to LA together, where the Irishman continued to see his girlfriend whilst helping Angel to fight the evil of Los Angeles.

With the absence of his cousin, parents, and grandparents, Spike felt like the house was suddenly very empty, so he'd spent a lot of time the last few days at Buffy's house. Of course she had no objections at all, and neither did Joyce or Dawn who loved to have the bleached blond around. By the same token, the Summers' women also enjoyed the company of the boy's Uncle Johnny.

When his parents had gone home, Johnny realised he'd really fallen for Joyce and just couldn't leave her now he'd found her. He'd been the love them and leave them type of guy since High School, believing that he may never settle down, but now here was this woman, the mother of his favourite nephews girlfriend no less, and she was all he ever wanted.

Buffy couldn't be happier for her Mom. Johnny was great and a lot like an older version of Spike, though thankfully he wasn't too similar because that would just be too freaky for everyone.

Buffy sighed and stretched out her body, thinking perhaps she ought to get up, though there was one particular reason why she didn't want to.

"Hey pet" aforementioned reason said as he opened his eyes and noticed her looking at him, "You been awake long"

"A while" she told him, leaning over to kiss his lips, "I was just thinking how perfect everything is right now" she smiled as she turned and laid her back against his chest, snuggling back down under the covers and nestling into his arms.

"I told you it would be" he said softly, kissing the top of her head, "And it always will be"

Buffy only smiled, loving the feeling of knowing it was true, and also knowing that what ever trouble arose, they would get through it, so long as they were together.

~The End~

Please review and let me know what you think to the ending! :-)

And for anyone who's interested, I will updating my other two fics soon!