This is my first Ed, Edd, and Eddy fanfic so if it sucks. don't yell at me. In this fic they are in high school. Nazz and Kevin are best friends but are not dating. Please Read and Review.

AN: Sorry I had to take this down for a little bit. I didn't change anything.


Double D started feeling very nervous as he made his way up to Nazz's door. 'Why would she want me to tutor her? Sure I get the highest marks, but wouldn't she rather have Kevin tutor her? He's doing pretty well.' He mentally slapped himself for complaining about a chance to spend time with Nazz. Beautiful, wonderful, Nazz. He reached up and rang the bell.

"Hey Double D!" Nazz opened the door and let him in. "Come on, we'll go to my desk and you can help me with my homework.

"Uh, ok." Double D was really nervous now, he knew where her desk was. in her room. 'Ok, don't panic. You've been in a girls room before.. If you count Sara as a girl' He shuddered thinking about it.

Nazz opened the door to her room and walked in. Double D lingered in the doorway looking very nervous. When Nazz noticed that he didn't follow her she turned to see why. When she saw the look on his face she started laughing. "Come on Double D, don't be such a baby. It's just a room" She walked back over to him, grabbed his arm and pulled him over to the two chairs by her desk.

"Now, what should we start with? Spanish, Math or Science?"

"Um. I don't know, which are you the worst at?"


"Ok, we'll start there. The homework was on page 158" Nazz opened the book. "Problems 1-24"

As they worked on their Problems, Nazz seemed to get closer and closer to Double Dm while he was getting more and more nervous about being alone with her.

"Um. Nazz, do you mind if I use your bathroom?"

"Sure, go ahead. It's across the hall, first one on the left."

"Thanks." He finds the bathroom with out any trouble. As soon as he

was in there he locks it and turns on the water faucet. Then he leans

back against the door and slides down to the floor. 'God she's driving

me crazy. What am I going to do if she finds out how much I like her?

I know there is no way that she feels the same.' He sits there for a

few more minuets before standing up and washing his hands and face.

(In the other room)

'Oh my God! How can Double D be so hot?" Nazz was thinking to herself

while he was in the bathroom. 'How could that one boy make me feel

thins way? She blushed faintly from her thoughts as Double D came back

into the room.

"Ready to get back to work?"

"Sure Double D"

Just when he sat down the doorbell rang. "I'll get it, just stay

here." Nazz got up and went to see who was at the door. It was Kevin.

"Hey Nazz. Come on out. Roulf is throwing a huge party!"

"I can't Kevin, I have homework."

"So, you can do it later. Roulf won't be throwing this big of a

party again anytime soon."

"As much as I'd love to, I can't. I have Double D over. He's

tutoring me."

"What?! Double Dork is tutoring y9ou?!"

Double D was at the top of the stairs and could hear every word they

were saying.

"Why is HE tutoring you?"

"Because I asked him to."

"Why didn't you ask me to help you?"

"Cause he's got better grades than you."

Double D felt pain shoot through his heart. He knew that was most

likely the only reason for her choosing him over Kevin, but to hear

her say it.

"Fine! I'll leave you with your Dork tutor, but you're missing

out on one kick ass party."

Kevin hopped onto his motorcycle and sped away.

"Oh God," sighed Nazz (obviously not thinking that Double D

could hear her) "If he ever found out the real reason I asked Double D

instead of him. there'd be hell to pay." She said so softly that

Double D could heat the words 'real reason' and 'Double D'. There was

still hope for him. He hurried back into the room so that she wouldn't

know that he had been eavesdropping on her conversation with Kevin.

"who was at the door?" Double D asked when she cam back into the


"It was Kevin. He wanted me to come to a party, but I told him I

was busy."

She sat down in her chair and put the math book away. "What one should

we do next, Spanish or Science?"

"I don't know, which one do you want to do?"

"Well, your best at Science right?" He nods" Well then I think I

think that we should do that one."

"Uh. ok then. The homework is on page 215, 1-15."

He watched as she opened her book and started on the problems. After a

few minuet she stopped working and looked at Double D. She didn't say

anything. She just sat there and stared at him.

"Uh. Nazz?" He was starting to feel really nervous (again).

She still didn't say a word. Instead she pressed her lips to his.

Double D was too shocked to respond.

Nazz pulled away and looked at him. He opened his mouth to say

something but closed it again. She started to look self-conscious. She

rubbed her leg nervously. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. I-"

She got cut off because he pressed his lips to hers, returning the

kiss that he wasn't able to return before. Delighted, Nazz threw her

arms around Double D's neck, holding him close, as Double D's moved

hesitantly to her waist.

Nazz slipped her tongue into his mouth. He was shocked by her

boldness, but he quickly recovered. She then moved and straddled his

lap. She giggled when he froze from her sudden move. She finally

pulled away so they could breath.

"Oh my God, you don't know how long I've wanted to do that." She

said, still trying to catch her breath.

"I think I have some idea."

She smiled and kissed him chastely. When she pulled back from their

short kiss, Double D pulled her back to him and kissed her deeply,

slipping his tongue into her mouth and massaging her tongue. She

eagerly kissed him back.

She began tugging at his shirt, she broke the kiss to yank it over his

heat then threw it on her bed. She paused to look at Double D's

slightly muscular body before she went back to kissing him.

Double D slid his hands up her shirt and caressed the soft skin on her

back. He pulled away breathless and pulled her shirt off. He looked

lovingly at her body and passed his fingers over her stomach. He

looked into her eyes, "Let's not take this too far, ok?"

"Whatever you want" She brought him back into their fiery kiss.


Kevin had just arrived at Roulf's party. He was kinda feeling guilty

for yelling at Nazz over Double D being her tutor, but he just hated

him and the rest of the Ed's so much. He decided to go back to her

house and apologize.

When he got to her house Double D and Nazz had just taken off their

shirts and were kissing. He pulled up in from of the house and seen

them through her window.

"What the fuck!?!"

He dropped his motorcycle on the ground and ran into her house. Up the

stairs and burst into her room. "What the fuck are you two doing?!"

He grabbed Nazz by the shoulders and pushed her to the floor. Then he

punched Double D in the jaw, knocking him form the chair.

"Kevin, what are you doing?!?! Stop it!!"

"I told you to stay away from those Ed's Nazz. They're nothing

but trouble. He went to kick Double D in the ribs but Nazz got up and

pulled him away.

"I said stop it!" She knelt to Double D's side and gently touched his

jaw "Are you ok?"

He nodded. She stood to face Kevin.

"Why did you do that?" She was furious.

"I. I." He couldn't think of what to say.

"If you ever. EVER, touch him again I'll never forgive you." She

knew how much her friendship meant to him. "Now get out of my house!"

He stood there there staring at her for a while before he silently

turned and left.

Nazz turned to Double D and stuck her hand out to help him up.

"Thanks" he murmured as he took his hand. She noticed he was blushing

a little. 'He must be embarrassed about me taking care of Kevin. How

cute.' She smiled and planted a kiss on Double D's lips.

"I love you" she said, looking into his eyes."

He smiled and put his arms around her. "I love you too." He slid his

arms around her slender waist and pulled her into a deep, passionate

kiss. Knowing that this afternoon wasn't just a one-time thing, but

the beginning of a long and beautiful relationship.


Should this be the end? I was going to end it here, but a friend of mine begged me to keep writing. Let me know in your reviews if I should post the additions. Thank you. R&R!!