Disclaimer: THEY'RE NOT MINE!!!! Though if I had my way they would be.

Professor Mc Gonagall walks by as Sirius is just leaving the bathroom. 'Wow' thinks Sirius, 'she's got a nice butt' His gaze drifts upward 'and a great body! How does she always manage to look so great? Man, I would do her in a second!' Sirius woke up breathing hard, perspiration dripping from his brow. 'Did I just have a dream about professor McGonagall?' He thought to himself, 'I have got to get a girlfriend, this is getting out of control. I can deal with the dream about Molly Weasly last week, but this is going too far.' Sirius suddenly became aware of a delicious smell in the air. "Speaking of Molly..." He drew in a deep breath and visions of his dream of him and her floated back into his mind. Sirius groaned and got out of bed, dressed quickly and headed downstairs to get breakfast.


"Look! Here comes Harry Potter! What are we going to do to him today?" Draco turned around and looked hard at Goyle, deep in thought.

"Well, I guess we could go along with the usual, you know about how he's always making up lies to get attention."

"It's always the same old stuff!" Goyle said, toying with his "Weasly is our king" badge.

"Yeah? well maybe it wouldn't be if SOMEONE would make up some ideas when it's his turn!" Malfoy glared at Crabbe and Goyle. When he looked up again, Harry had already taken his seat. "Look what you made me do! Now I have to wait till after breakfast to torment him!" Malfoy turned away disgusted. Pansy Parkinson came up behind him and tried to squeeze in between Crabbe and Goyle.

"Draco!" she whined "can you tell your body guards that I'm harmless and to shove over?"

"No, Pansy," he said disgustedly. "Can't you ever just go away and leave me alone? Why are you always hanging around me like you're my girlfriend or something?"

Pansy looked offended "Fine, Malfoy, if thats how you want it. But don't bother asking me to help you make fun of Hermoine Granger today in potions!" She walked away angrily, but Malfoy didn't notice. All the other boys in Slytherin, with the exception of Crabbe and Goyle who were too stupid to know any better, noticed.

Pansy was by far the best looking one in the house, and always turned down anyone who tried to ask her out with a resounding no and an offensive insult of some sort. The only boy she ever paid attention was Draco and he seemed to want nothing to do with her. This baffled the others to some extent. But they didn't say anything or harass him because the last thing they wanted was for him to put in a bad word to Pansy. While the others pondered over this question, Malfoy was busy thinking up new schemes and couldn't have cared less that Pansy wasn't there the first class of the day and showed up to the second late, eyes red and sniffling.

Sirius gazed longingly out of the window in his stuffy bedroom. 'I wish I could just go outside and walk around like a normal person again.' he thought wistfully. He knew that if he went out undisguised, he would get caught and be thrown back into Azkaban. So he transformed into the large black dog he had been for weeks when in hiding, leaped down the stairs, and rushed outside.

The sun beat down on his furry back, warming his entire body. He breathed in the fresh air and chased after a few rabbits. Suddenly, he looked up and saw a beautiful young woman hurrying down the crowded street, her long blonde hair blowing wildly behind her. Sirius looked her up and down and thought, 'Wow, too bad I'm a dog, otherwise I'd have her eating out of the palm of my hand by now. Well, she probably has a boyfriend, anyway. I wonder what he's like...' He became lost in his thoughts and didn't even notice when an even prettier lady almost bumped into him. Only after walking smack into a lamppost did he realize where he was and what he was doing.

A few minutes later, a couple who looked to be in their early twenties approached him and stopped. "Aww, what a cute dog!" the woman said in a high pitched voice, leaning down to pet him. The man scratched him behind the ears, in Sirius' favorite spot. He looked up at the man. is eyes were a deep chocolatey brown, and his lips looked so soft gleaming in the sunlight. His thick brown hair, so dark it was almost black, fell loosely over one eye.

"Good dog," said the woman next to him. Sirius glanced at her. Her eyes were an icy blue. She seemed cold and hard, nothing like the warm, gentle man she was with. Sirius fixed his eyes on the man's handsome face, and the man gazed back and smiled, revealing straight white teeth. 'What is he doing with HER?' Sirius thought to himself, his large eyes never leaving the beautiful stranger's.

"Well, we'd better get going," the man said to his girlfriend. They both got up and walked away. Sirius watched woefully as the man reached for the woman's hand. 'That woman was attractive,' thought Sirius. 'But she didn't seem like a nice person. Her boyfriend, though, seemed like a great guy. His eyes were so dark and mysterious. Makes you want to get to know him better. And those muscular arms! I wonder what it would feel like to be held in--' Sirius snapped back to reality and shook his head violently. 'What the fuck was I just thinking??' he thought, suddenly feeling a strange sensation creep throughout his body. Sirius decided it was best for him to just go home. He had had enough walking for one day, and he didn't feel too good. He had an empty feeling inside and just felt like being alone.


Draco entered Transfiguration and sat down behind Goyle, not being able to sit next to him since Professor Mc Gonagall had seperated their threesome. "Nasty old bitch" he said as he thought about her. Mc Gonagall walked in the room. "Pull out your books, we'll be taking notes today."

As Professor Mc Gonagall droned on, Draco stared ahead blankly. 'Why does she bother?' he thought as he looked around. More than half the class had stopped writing and had drifted off like Draco, or fallen asleep all together. Draco stared ahead at Goyle, willing him to turn around so they could talk instead of sitting in a stupor listening to boring, pointless things that Draco would never need to know later in life. As he stared at Goyle, he realized something had been bugging him for a while. Goyle wasn't actually fat. He was huge, yes but every ounce was rippling muscle. Put like that, he could see how noicely his bulging torso went with his round face with piercing blue eyes and translucent skin. His pudgy cheeks complimented his lucious lips. No, Goyle wasn't fat. Actually, Draco was surprised to find that Goyle was rather attractive. Not the hottest guy around, but by no means ugly.

"Mr. Malfoy!" Draco shook his head, waking up from his reveries. "I asked you a question! PLease payattention! Now, who can give me the correct answer? Lets see who was paying attention...Pansy?"

But Malfoy didn't hear what Pansy's answer was, even though he knew it would probably end up on finals. He was thinking sabout what had just taken place in his brain. 'GOYLE?? ATTRACTIVE?? I've been ordering him around since i was born! Maybe i should just go out on a date with Pansy, for the sake of my sanity! It's quite obvious I need a girl in my life!' The bell rung and Malfoy hurried out of the room without waiting for either Crabbe or Goyle, too caught up in his thoughts to even taunt Harry.

"Thats odd," said Harry as Malfoy brushed past Harry without even a glance. "He didn't even look at me! He always has something nasty coming out of that big gob of his! And without Crabbe and Goyle as well!" He turned to Ron and Hermoine. "You know, I think I could get used to this!" They grinned at each other and continued walking in high spirits.


Sirius transformed himself back into a human and opened the front door. He sat down in the spacious living room for a moment, pondering his options of what to do next. He knew the house was desperately in need of a good cleaning, but he despised housework.

'Maybe I'll just tidy up my room a little,' Sirius thought, rising from the couch. He sprinted up the stairs and entered his room. As he did so, something unusual caught his eye. 'Is that what I think it is?' Sirius asked himself.

(A/N: Let me know if you like it. There's a second chapter in the works but I'm not gonna post it unless people like it! So read and review. I don't want to be bringing the quality level down or anything :-P)