Disclaimer: see chapter 1

Chapter 28

Time passed and left my sorrow to pour from my soul. I cried mercilessly into my sheets, clutching Frodo's letter to my chest, until a soft touch came upon my shoulder. Turning around slowly, sitting up and wiping away my tears quickly, ashamed of my pitiful state. Rosie sat down on the bed next to me, putting her arm around my arms. I looked her straight in the eyes, trying not to break down again in her presence.

"Mira, I know it hurts," she said softly, whispering in my ears and giving my shoulders and extra squeeze. "Just let it all out. You can cry to your heart's desire. Sam nor myself will think lesser of you. I wrapped my arms around her waist, burying my face in her chest. Rosie tightened her embrace about me, comforting me like I had imagined my mother would if she were alive to see me through such times.

After what seemed another several hours, my eyes were dry, unable to shed more tears of my sorrow. I pulled away slightly from Rosie, wiping any remaining tears from my face. Rosie slowly released her arms from around me and let me stand. I moved in a trance like motion to the kitchen, taking my place at the counter and proceeding to chop vegetables for a nice hearty stew.

"Are you sure you want to be doing this? Sam and I will understand completely if you do not feel like working for some time," Rosie said as she moved next to me, her eyes constantly on my face.

I nodded meekly, staring at my hands, which were running automatically to prepare dinner. Rosie sighed and left me to my work.

The days passed slowly, each creeping along more slowly than the last, until finally, I lost track of time altogether. I worked diligently for Sam and Rosie until the winter where they could see how much being in Bag End affected me. Every time I turned a corner, something would remind me of Frodo and the heart break would start again. I was released to go home, with enough money to provide for what my family needed. Lily married the next Spring and left to live with her husband. I took care of my remaining siblings, managing to lift some of my thoughts from Frodo. The most trying days consisted of Everard insisting of telling me stories from the books I had brought home with me from Bag End.

Lily visited occasionally, trying to get me to take to some courtiers, but my responsibility was to my family, taking care of my siblings until they found suitable homes themselves. Andwise earned more than enough to support us when he finished his apprenticeship and began to work as a carpenter in town, and even provided enough for us when he married.

After that, I worked with his wife, Dora, to raise Ruby and Everard. Honestly, she was one of the nicest people I had ever met. Upon meeting out family, she enjoyed talking with the youngest and treated them like family, and then when she and Andy were married, she practically insisted on staying with us so that we could all have a nice life together.

Life continued slowly and peacefully. I took to routine, abiding by my natural instincts instead of what my mind or heart told me to do.

And so eleven years passed from the time that Frodo left and I was still working steadily away.

One particular afternoon in late summer, I was in the market, gathering various items from the market, breads, meats, fresh fruit, when I heard my name called from behind me. I turned around quickly, searching for the person who was looking for me. Suddenly, Rosie broke through the front layer of people and greeted me warmly, hugging me tightly.

"Mira! I can't believe it's you!" She stepped back and smiled. It was as if no time had passed and nothing had changed. "I've been here so many times yet we've never managed to cross paths."

It was then that I realized how much I missed the warm environment they had provided me with during my darkest days.

"How about you stop by for dinner tonight, any chance your family can spare you now?"

"Why, I'm sure one night won't be of much harm, but I must take these home," I said, gesturing towards my basket.

"Sam will enjoy your company again in the house, plus there's more to our family now that you must meet."

I smiled, cheered by her enthusiasm for meeting me again. "I'll hurry to be there before dinner," I said, taking a step back.

"Alright then, I'll be seeing you in a bit then."

Rosie turned and disappeared into the crowd after a short wave. I hurried home, putting all of the provisions away and informing Dora of my dinner with longtime friends. Soon, I was standing in front of the familiar green door, my knuckles rapping on it sharply, memories of my first day at Bag End flooding to my mind. The door was soon opened to reveal Rosie positively beaming behind it.

"You've never had to knock," she said, reaching for my hand and guiding me in. A small girl ran up to me in the hallway. She had golden curls, just like her parents and inquisitive eyes. "This is Elanor," Rosie said, patting the small girl's head. I kneeled down in front of her.

"I remember when you were but a wee lass," I said, chuckling softly to myself as I remembered Elanor as a baby.

"That's what Mum said. It's awfully nice to meet you after all of the stories they've told of you." She turned to look at Rosie quickly and Rosie nodded, sending Elanor running off down the hall. I stood up and returned to Rosie's side.

"She's very sweet. You've raised her well."

"She's also very eager for the new babe," Rosie said, placing a hand on her swollen stomach.

"Well, she has every right to want a new sibling."

"This is her fifth sibling."

"Congratulations," I said. I gazed around the hall, noticing that it had not changed in the years I had been gone. I walked into the kitchen to find it exactly the same and moved to start preparing a meal. Rosie came up behind me and took the knife from my hands.

"You don't have to work here any more, just relax," she said, motioning to the front sitting room. Abiding by her wishes, we sat in the sitting room and talked until dinner where I helped her to prepare the meal.

After dinner, I excused myself from the table and walked through the house, bringing wonderful memories to mind. Then I passed by his room. I stood in front of the door, standing still for fear of bringing back the sorrow. Slowly, I turned the doorknob and opened the door. It was the same as when I had left, not a book out of place. Approaching the desk, I pulled the chair out and sat down on it, running my hands over the smooth desk and wishing that his book was still there. Emotions flooded through my body, the sudden urge to flee the room and return home tugged at my heart. But all of my thoughts were disrupted by a soft touch on my shoulder.

I turned around to see Sam smiling down on me.

"It's odd, but in the eleven years you've been gone, this door has not been opened once," he said.

"Why?" I asked, turning back to stare at the desktop.

"For a while, it was mostly wishing that Mr. Frodo was not gone for good, and then by the time it all sunk in, the room needed to be preserved and we simply never went in it." I heard Sam sigh heavily as he sat down on a trunk near me.

"What's troubling you, Sam?" I asked, turning my body to face him.

"Are you happy where you are?"

"Whatever do you mean?"

"At your home. Do you feel content?"

"Aye, well, sometimes it is a bit bare and almost everyday I wish I had gone with Frodo." I dropped my gaze to stare at my hands in my lap.

"There's something you should know," he said softly, almost as if it pained him to say it.

"There is?" I asked, suddenly lifting my head to see his averted gaze.

"There are still voyages to the Undying Lands, and you are allowed to go if you wish."

"I can go?" I asked, surprised by everything he was telling me now.

"Mr. Frodo requested that you be allowed to come when he left, and the offer still stands whenever you feel that you can leave."

I could feel my heart overflow with anxiousness, eager to just run out of the house and to the docks, despite the fact that I did not know where they were. "Are you going too?" I asked Sam.

"Someday, when my time comes, but for now I'm content here with my family." He looked up at me, a sincere smile crossing his face.

"Thank you, Sam." I stood up from my chair and wrapped my arms around him, utterly grateful that he had shared this with me. "When can I go?"

"You would have to leave as soon as possible for it takes a bit of a journey to get there."

"I can leave tomorrow if that's quite alright."

"That is perfectly fine. Mr. Merry and Mr. Pippin will be accompanying you to the docks."

I could not help but to wrap my arms around Sam again.

"I cannot tell you how much I appreciate everything that you've done for me. You have my eternal gratitude."

"You're quite welcome, Mira. Thank you for bringing hope into this household. Now, how about you go break the news to your family."

I moved to the door and then stopped to turn around and look at Sam. "Goodbye," I said, before leaving, hearing a soft "goodbye" in reply from Sam.

I said my farewells to Rosie and the children before hurrying home. Andwise, Ruby, and Everard took the news of my departure much better than I had expected, knowing how much Frodo meant to me.

The next morning, I packed my things and traveled to where Merry and Pippin were staying and then we started our journey to the docks. It was a long and arduous journey, but every step was a bit closer to seeing Frodo again. Finally we reached the docks, with an amazing horizon, more beautiful than anything I had seen before. A graceful boat was stationed at the dock, and I moved towards it, then I noticed the Merry and Pippin were not following me.

"Are you two not going with me?" I asked.

"We are content here and mainly wanted to see that you got here safely." Merry said, nodding his head towards me.

"And please send our greetings to Frodo if you see him," Pippin chimed in.

"I will be sure to do that. Thank you." I smiled and moved to the ship where a tall man with light hair and pointed ears, the first elf I ever laid eyes on, was standing near the ramp to help me on. I was merely half his height, but he was kind and gentle as if we were from the same family.

"Hello, Mirabella Fairbairn. I am Cirdan and I will take you to the Undying Lands." He held his hand out for me and guided me onto the ship, showing me where I was to stay for the voyage.

Soon, the ship stopped, and I moved from my resting-place to the main deck, seeing the white shores of the Grey Havens, the most wonderful sight I had seen in my life, better than anything in my imagination. Cirdan led me off of the ship and onto the docks where there was one lone figure standing. I recognized him immediately and ran with all of my might to greet him.

As I neared him, I could see a difference in him, a peace that he had so longed for. His arms stretched wide as I approached and I fell into his embrace, feeling him kiss the top of my head. I, too, felt a sense of peace, being in his arms after eleven long years of wanting to be in that exact spot with no hope of achieving it. I pulled away from him, gazing into his deep blue eyes and seeing his soul mended. His hand stroked my cheek, moving down to my neck and tugging on the chain slightly.

"I never took it off," I whispered.

He smiled, moving his hand to lift my chin.

"I love you, Mira, more than you can ever know," he said, and I felt his emotion behind it.

"I love you, Frodo."

He leaned closer to me, laying a passionate kiss on my lips, and I returned his kiss, pulling him closer to me, never wanting to be parted from him again and knowing that I never would have to leave his side.

The End


Okay, so that's the end. I hope you guys liked it. I'm sorry that it took me a bit longer to get out, but I've been busy and this chapter didn't want to be written, you know, ending the story and all. This has been a blast to write and I want to thank you all for leaving reviews and reading this. Thank you for all of the encouraging comments that have kept me going on this. I hope that I can come up with a new fic idea sometime soon. I'm glad that you all have enjoyed this so much.

Evildiabolicalbunny: sorry to say this, but there will be no sequel

Cstini: it's nice to hear from you after all these chapters. I'm glad you liked it.

FrodoBaggins87: Oh, don't worry about the whole thing, I didn't mean to accuse you of accusing me of stealing the idea, and I did not mean did not take it that you were insulting my story. I'm incredibly sorry if I sounded that way. I do appreciate how much you enjoy this story.

Traveller: *bows but is not sure why she's receiving a standing ovation * my whole intention for this story was just to insert it into the existing timeline that Tolkien had written out since he jumps around a bit at the end, leaving a lot of time to be dealt with. I'm glad your little man is doing well and I'm glad that my story has provided a breath of fresh air.

DianaBananna: good to hear from you. Thank you for your compliments. Yeah, it is always sad to see Frodo go, but he had to. Too much to deal with for an innocent little hobbit. But you already know that and I probably need to be quiet now.

Shelob Tinuviel: It's okay that you've never reviewed, at least you did now. I must say thank you for speaking up. It helps to know how my little story has affected people. I hope this was a satisfying ending.

Story-weaver09: I'm sorry that it broke your heart, and I hope that this chapter has revived that somehow.

Again, thank you all for all the reviews you've left. It's helped me so much to know how much this was appreciated.