This is a Randy Orton love story, please give it a chance, it's my first fan fiction!

Disclaimer: The only thing I own is Breanne.

Chapter One:

~Backstage at Raw, live at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania~

Breanne walked quickly toward the doors leading to the backstage area. It was her first night on the job as an intern for Eric Bischoff. Breanne knew he was hesitant to hire her at first, because she didn't have a marketable look, and if she were to be working for him backstage and around cameras, it was almost necessary to be some what attractive. Breanne was only 5'6", with brown hair tied back into a tight bun, her frame was not thin nor fat. She was not built in any fashion, and her breasts were sadly lacking, a 36 B. She was plain, ignorable. The only thing that stood out about her were her deep blue eyes, but one could hardly notice through her glasses and mascara.

Eric had given her the job nonetheless, deciding that she would get the work done, but would never be introduced to the camera or the fans. Despite Eric's onscreen persona, he wasn't a lecherous asshole when it came to business. He wanted the job done right, and he knew she would be the one to do it. He just wouldn't be able to mold her into diva while she worked as his assistant, which was regretful, because it would have made for some awesome script. Eric didn't mind though, there was enough backstage storylines for now, and he didn't see any real reason not to give her the job, so here she was, first night, and very excited.

As Breanne entered the backstage area she waved hello to the camera crew, as if saying, "don't worry, it's just me. Nobody camera worthy here!" They understood her greeting and turned their attention to the direction of the locker rooms. Where Randy Orton and Ric Flair were making their way towards them with a briefcase. Breanne quickly jetted away in the opposite direction and made her way to meet with Mr. Bischoff, as she had been instructed.


Eric and Steve turned their attention to the door as they heard a soft, almost inaudible knock. Eric had been informing Steve about the new intern.

"That's probably her." Eric pronounced as he walked toward the door and pulled it open.

"Steve this is Breanne, she is going to be handling the contracts and paperwork. She'll also be organizing tour dates and managing board meetings as well as representing us in those meetings if we are unable to attend ourselves. She'll be attending the events as well, in order to get a feel about how we operate here and I feel it necessary for her to keep up to date on the storylines in case we decide to change her job description." Eric smile as he noticed the terror in her eyes at his last comment.

"Well, I'll drink to that!" Steve declared, almost laughing. "Nice meeting you, but I've got business in the ring right now." With that, Steve shook Breanne's hand and left the room.

"Okay, let me show you where the bathrooms are, where you'll be stationed, and I'll introduce to some of the guys if we bump into any on the way."

"Sounds good, but what did you mean when you said 'in case we change my job description'?" Breanne asked it with an apprehensive tone.

"Nothing really, we might have need for a storyline writer or extra help on commentary, that's all. Rest assure, that at the moment, you won't have to look into any cameras, okay?"

Breanne nodded, still not liking the thought, that someday, she might have to come face to face with a camera. She shuddered at the thought. She noticed that Eric was leading her back toward the direction of the locker and dressing rooms. She really didn't want to meet anyone, she felt awkward enough. Could she not just go to her designated area and busy with the tour schedules and contracts? Maybe I should just reconsider this whole thing, I mean, do I really want this job? She was brought out of her thoughts as she noticed Eric was introducing her to someone. The same someone she had seen when she entered the building not thirty minutes ago.

"This is Breanne, she's the my new assistant for Raw affairs. Breanne this is Randy Orton." Eric introduced her.

"Oh, hi. I…um… saw ya earlier when I first walked in the building." Breanne almost kicked herself for letting her accent show.

"Yeah, yeah, it's nice meet you, but I've got important things to do right now," Randy said before he made his way toward his locker room.

"Well, he certainly is sociable, isn't he?" Breanne asked sarcastically.

"Randy? Sociable? Ha ha, well, actually, he usually isn't like that, but he has a busy night ahead of him. Catch him on a less intense day, and he's actually quite the joker." Eric was really trying to make everyone seem friendly, he didn't want his new intern to quit on him after the first night. He'd have to catch up with Randy and have a little talk with him about keeping his attitude in check around Breanne.


Monday night Raw had been over for thirty minutes now, but the backstage was still busy. All the remaining superstars were getting all of their things together and making for exits, signing autographs and taking pictures as they passed some of the remaining fans. She had met nearly all of the superstars for Raw that night and of all the wrestlers she had met that night, Randy had been one of the only rude ones. Christian was a little snooty, but he at least was some what polite. Randy was the only one that left a distinct bad impression on her. Maybe it was the fact that he was the first superstar she had met that night and she had not expected the first person she met to be an ass-

Breanne was brought out of her thoughts when she walked into something hard. She felt herself falling backwards and heard her glasses and all of her organized paperwork falling and then scattering as it hit the floor. Breanne braced herself for the same kind of impact as she felt herself continuing to fall backwards.

She never hit the floor, though, and she opened her eyes, not even knowing they were shut, only to see the face of the man she had been angry at all night. She could see the amused look in his eyes………..his eyes………are beautiful, she thought. What am I saying? He's an asshole! An asshole with nice eyes! Ugh, she mentally slapped herself. It was then that she noticed his lips were moving.

"What?" She asked, still confused about what had just happened.

"I said that you need to watch where you're going. You're just lucky I was nice enough to keep you from hitting the floor, most people would have just let you drop." Randy looked at her with a smirk and lifted her to a standing position, but still not letting her go, he was too busy noticing her amazing blue eyes that were revealed after her glasses went flying.

Breanne blinked a couple of times, and pushed her pride aside, "Thank you, I'm sorry I bumped into you, I should have been looking ahead of me. I was just in a hurry to get to my hotel. I still have a lot of paperwork to do and," she paused realizing it was all scattered on the floor, "shit." It was all she could manage to say. Then she realized she was still in Randy's hold and that was way too close for her liking.

"Um, I need to get my things together," she said shrinking out of his arms, which were actually very nice, considering they belong to an ASSHOLE, she screamed to herself inside her head. Now stop thinking like school girl and get you shit together! Clearing her thoughts she bent on her knees and started gathering up her papers, then she realized that she wasn't wearing her glasses anymore, but hey were too far out of her sight for her to see where they had fallen. Not only that, but she couldn't see where all the papers were either. Damn the luck. She suddenly noticed that Randy knelt beside her and was helping her pick up her things. "Um, you don't happen to see any glasses, do you?" She asked somewhat shocked that he was still there, and helping as well. Why was he being so nice all of a sudden? What the Hell?

Okay, I know that was somewhat, well, really boring, but I'm new at this, it's my first fan fiction, and I don't even know what inspired me to write one. I'm not even a big fan of Randy Orton, but I just, I don't know. Whatever. I'm going to update as much as I can, and tie it into whatever is happening on the show. I'm going to try and make this as realistic as possible, which means that I'm not writing this to fit the wrestler's gimmicks. I want to write them as they would probably be off camera. Hence the reason Eric Bischoff isn't nearly as much as an ass-clown in my story. Okay, now that I've explained myself, please go review and tell me what you think. Flame me if you will, I'm a tough girl, but please try to make the criticism somewhat constructive. I hope ya'll liked it a little bit though, so please tell me what you think is good about the story so far too.

Alright, I'm done.
