

'She updated?'

'She actually updated?'

'Is this an author's note, saying she quit the story?'

'no... it's...'

The Final Chapter! I was gonna make this into two chapters, but decided you'd waited long enough. So without further ado, here come 11 unbeta-ed pages just for you!

Chapter Thirteen: The end, or not the end

The two youths stood a bit closer together as they glared at the man in front of them. Marquise looked back trough the mask covering his eyes, his face void of any emotion. The way he sat there on the couch, arm over the back as if he owned the place just made Duo want to kick him out, but he figured it'd perhaps be best not to try so. If there's one thing he understood it was that attacking an officer was never a good idea and seeing as how Zechs was wearing his uniform there was also the possibility of this cottage being surrounded by now. However, that didn't mean either boys had to go willingly with the situation.

"I could have you arrested for breaking and entering." His voice was cold and Duo wondered if he'd ever heard it so cold before.

Marquise just returned with a voice equally as cold, if not worse. "I could have you arrested for so much more."

Solo raised his arms in front of him. "Then why don't you?"

Marquise slowly got up from the couch. Duo held his breath as he watched the taller man's movements, but was surprised to find that all he did was put his hands in his pockets.

"You seem eager."

Solo raised an eyebrow. "You don't."

Zechs seemed to consider his words a moment before he spoke. "If I wanted to arrest the two of you, I would have brought more men along."

"You're not here to arrest us?" Solo dropped his hands.

"I want your help."

Duo blinked. Surely he hadn't heard that right? Marquise not wanting to arrest them? Marquise needing their help? What the hell was going on here?

"There's bigger fish to catch than a street rat and a runaway." Marquise continued, sparing Duo only a short glance. "We want to catch those fish and get your 'friends' back at the same time."

Duo narrowed his eyes and decided it was time for him to join the conversation. "You know where they are?"

Zechs raised an eyebrow and turned questioningly towards Solo. "You haven't shown him yet?"

"Shown me what?" Duo looked at Solo, who was still glaring at Marquise.

"The letter with the conditions."

Solo ignored Duo's face as he made sure to keep his glare pointed at Marquise. "How do you know about that letter?"

"It is my job to know." The mysterious answer came. "Now why don't you inform Mister Maxwell there exactly of the contents of it?"

Duo looked at Solo, confused once again. This was starting to get old. But if Solo had kept important information from him, he wanted to know what exactly that was. "Solo?"

Solo sighed, realising that if he didn't tell him, Marquise would. "In exchange for our friends," he muttered, "Treize wants us to do some dirty work for him."

"What!" Duo couldn't believe what he just heard and Solo turned to him, his eyes no warmer than stone.

"Treize wants us to do his dirty work so he can get higher-up." His voice was completely monotone, reminding Duo painfully of his roommate. "In exchange he says he won't harm the gang."

Duo blinked. "And you haven't told me this because...?"

"Duo! This is Treize we're speaking of! You think he can be trusted? I won't let him make you his little puppet, he'll end up using all of us then!"

Duo glared back a glare matching that of his roommate's. "I'm not a child anymore, Solo." He said through clenched teeth. "Stop trying to protect me, I know what Treize is capable of! We have to make sure he others are safe and if he's got them and wants us, what other choice do we have?"

Zechs, whom had remained silent during their little argument, took this s his cue. "If you do anything rash, all will be lost."

Both teenagers now turned back to the policeman, both still glaring but they wisely kept from throwing more words at him.

"Please, be seated." The uniformed man waved at the couch behind him as he stepped aside to give them space. Not sure of what else to do, Solo cautiously walked over to the opposite side of the couch while Duo sat down in the chair, neither willing to be within this man's close range.

Zechs remained standing so that he could face both boys. "As I said, there might be a way to finish this with as few casualties as possible."


Duo glanced down at himself, turning in the streetlight to get a better view of his looks. He glanced back up at his companion and questioningly raised an eyebrow. "Why are we doing this again?"

/-/-/ Short Flashback /-/-/

"Leave Duo out of this!" Solo glared hard at Zechs, but said man seemed unimpressed.

"Oh, but I can't. You see, one of the conditions Mr. Maxwell here agreed to so that all charges would be dropped was that he would stay at the orphanage. Now that he has decided to run away..." The pause Zechs left for dramatic effect was filled quickly by Solo's voice.

"He has a nine o'clock curfew!"

Duo glared at him. "Shut up, Solo. They're my friends too, I'm in this now." Solo opened his mouth to counter, but Duo didn't give him a chance. "You sold everyone out. The moment you did that, you lost the right to decide anything for any of us. I don't need you to baby-sit me."

/-/-/ End of Short Flashback /-/-/

"Never mind." Duo muttered before Solo could answer. "Let's just get this over with." They had arrived at the front of the garage complex where they were to meet Treize. Soon enough, a man in a black suit came up and glanced at them suspicious. He crossed his arms, looking the two over.

"What do you want?" His voice was gruff and bored, as if he had to say that ten times a day, yet it had a hint of danger in it.

Solo would do the talking, that's what they'd agreed on. It had always been like that, Solo talked, Duo looked around. "We're here to see Treize."

Duo's eyes quickly scanned over the man as he had his attention on Solo now. He weighed at least as much as the two of them together and he was a head taller than Solo was. His suit didn't seem of the cheapest kind, but the black shoes were muddy.

"On what account?"

The man moved his arms a bit, unconsciously revealing the gun he carried. It seemed a quite standard one.

"His invitation."

The man now glanced back at Duo, who wasn't paying much attention. "What you looking at?" the man demanded, causing Duo to quickly raise his head and suppress a jump.

"Nothin'" he said quickly. The man eyed them once more before he turned away.

"Follow me."

A special cart inside the garage brought them to another building and though they rode indoors, both boys were quite certain this was the building they had explored earlier. The cart was parked next to three similar ones. They went through a door and from there another man followed behind them. They took the stairs up a level. They kept their eyes open and took in all possible backrooms and escapes routes while they silently followed the first man.

They walked through a small corridor with doors on only one side –no windows– and stopped in front of the double doors at the end. There another armed man stood guard. The first man and the guard exchanged some words and the guard looked the two boys over. Then he spoke into an intercom to the occupant of the room before he allowed entrance.

The doors opened to reveal a room furnished like an office. The carpet was a dark-blue colour, lit up by the four spots that hung from the ceiling. The walls were painted grey and had little furniture, a lamp in a corner, a door that seemed to lead to a closet and a couch, blue to match the carpet. In the middle of the room stood a desk, facing the door. On the right side behind the man was a large window probably looking out over the garage complex, on the other side hung a painting, a landscape with a river, a tree and a boat.

The man behind the desk looked up and folded his hands beneath his chin. His reddish brown hair was combed backwards, but a few strands hung in his face as if defying him.


He was wearing white gloves, Duo noticed and quite an expensive looking suit. Obviously Solo had noticed it too. Time to put part of the plan in action.

"Looks like ya made quite a name for yourself already." Treize smiled. Only he could show a smile so creepy. From the outside it would look sincere, but when you were the one he had his eyes on, you were bound to feel uncomfortable, like useless mice about to be trapped and crushed.

"Yes," Treize agreed, "I have certainly gone up quite a bit." The door closed audible. The first man who had received them was still inside, but the other one and the guard had been dismissed with a wave of Treize's hand. He still knew how to make his people respect him.

Treize leaned a bit forward. "And I figured, why not share that with my old friends?"

Solo was all but charmed by this. "Cut the crap, Treize. What doe you want?"

"First, I'd like to know why you were charmed by a visit from Zechs Marquise earlier today."

"You had me followed?"

"I had to confirm the arrival of your second man, didn't I?" So he didn't have Solo followed. That was good. Duo didn't think so, considering they would have noticed before they went to check out this place from the outside. Treize had obviously thought one man observing Solo's cottage would have been enough.

"I did my time for what I did on the streets," Solo lied easily, "And I'm workin' an honest job now to pay for anything. Marquise ain't got nothin' on me."

"Ah." Treize said, still smiling, "but that's about to change, isn't it?"

Bastard! He was showing his control over them so easily. "Where are they?" Solo demanded.

"All in good time, my friend. First I will tell you what will be expected of you."

He pushed a button and a screen came down on the side wall. The lights dimmed. What followed was a summary of who they were going to have to 'serve' and what information they were going to get.

In the end, Solo merely snorted. "I know you better than that, Treize. By now you already got all you need for blackmailing purposes, and they'll know it, right?" After all, he had the kids to blackmail them.

Treize's smile, which had disappeared while he was explaining, now returned again. "Indeed I do."

One of Treize's weaknesses what that he just loved to show all the power he had. It had been the case when he had been their rival and it didn't seem like it had changed now. Solo knew how to use that.

"Just tell me, exactly what is your position? Considering the short time span, you can never be very high, yet this room and your clothes seem quite expensive." If Duo didn't know him better he'd thought Solo sounded impressed and actually interested.

A good thing Treize didn't know him that well. He confirmed that what Solo had flushed away had been drugs, he was even naïve enough to give names of just whom he had been ordered to get rid of. He never named his superiors, of course, but still, Solo and Duo knew enough.

And Treize agreed with that.

"Now, back to your job."

"No." This time it was Duo who spoke, surprising all other occupants of the room. "I refuse to co-operate with any of your schemes unless I know my friends are not and will not be hurt." Treize raised an eyebrow, but Duo wouldn't let him come in between. "Solo is overage. Won't do you much good whoring him out." He flipped his braid over his shoulder to strengthen his words.

Treize chuckled and leaned back. "Quite a feisty one, aren't you? Very well, I'll show you to them."

Treize guided the two young men back through the corridor and down the stairs, but he went through another door than the one where they came through earlier. This time they came upon what looked like a living room, with a couch, a tv set and some closets. One of the closets Duo recognised. It was the one standing in front of the window. He'd seen it from the outside.

Treize paid no attention to his surroundings as he headed straight for another door. The man who'd received them was now behind them, grunting his growing impatience. Solo and Duo followed Treize into the room to which he had to unlock the door.

There they were. In a dark, windowless room that looked more like a cell. The little kids were huddled together in one corner on the room, sitting on the cold floor, looking up at Treize, most fearful, but Saria glared at Treize in defiance. She didn't move a muscle though.

In the opposite corner stood a chair. On the chair was another person bound to hold him there. Though the shadows made it hard to see any features, the blonde hair was a dead give away of who was seated there. Quatre!

He was the first to noticed who Treize had brought into their room. "Duo!"

Duo glared at Treize, but it was Solo who voiced his thoughts. "Let them go."

The older man just laughed. "Would that not defeat all purpose?"

"You don't need all of them for blackmail material. You can at least let the little ones go."

"And then what? Keep only the blonde and risk you not caring enough about someone you don't know?"

Solo threw a glance at the prisoners, his eyes resting on Saria a little longer than on the others. "You can keep her and got both mine and Duo's insurance.

"Well, of course I only needed one" Treize said thoughtful, walking over to where Quatre was seated. "But I figured, hell, why not? After all, the others would make good toys," he stroked Quatre's cheek and then cupped his chin and forced the blonde to look at him, "wouldn't they?

Quatre jerked his head away and Treize slapped him at the back of his head for that.

"Besides, I love seeing the two of you squirm. Pun intended."

"I assume you got our wardrobe?" Duo put in before Solo would say something he would regret.

Treize's eyes lit up. "I take it you accept the job then?"

"Only if you will let them free once we're done."

"But of course." Yet in his eyes, Duo saw he was not planning on doing that at all.


The good thing about changing into those clothes that wouldn't cover half of their bodies was that they were left alone in a room. The bad thing was that they were prevented from escaping by a guard by the door.

"Why didn't you let me bargain with him?" Solo hissed angrily at his already half-undressed friend.

"You know Treize likes power." Duo said, not exactly bothering to keep his voice low.

"So? The least I could have done was try."

"You wouldn't have succeeded. Anyway, he'll let them go once we're done. He gave his word, right?"

"Duo. This is Treize." Solo tried to reason. "He's not to be trusted."

"Oh what, so you'd rather risk gettin' him angry and not releasing them at all?"

"I'd rather you stopped being such a pain in the ass and start growing up!" By now, their voices were raised enough for anyone outside the door to hear.

"Me grow up? You sound as if you are so much of an adult! Can't even stay out of Marquise's hands! And if grown up is like that, who's gonna think of their safety? You sure as hell weren't!" A pounding on the door followed and a gruff voice ordered them to shut up, but Duo didn't care. He kicked against the box at his feet. "You shut it yourself! You're just Treize's pawn, he ain't thinking you worth nothin'!" His anger was no completely directed at their guard and Solo made no move to stop him. "Bet you're sleepin' with him, ain't ya? Treize does that to all he finds inferior. Yeah, bet you just enjoy suckin' that small pipe he calls a dick and licking his fat–" That was as far as he came, for the door was flung open and the guard strode straight for Duo.

"Why, you little fuckin..." A sickening crack sounded followed by a loud thud. Duo grinned at Solo. "Nice one!" He was on the man in no time, ridding him of his gun. Solo put down the bat he just used and reached for the rope he had ready. Duo quickly searched for any device that kept the man in contact with other men, but found non. He did find a knife, which he was sure would come in handy later on.

In no time, the two boys had their guard tied up and gagged with the cloth Solo was expected to wear for their 'job'. Duo handed Solo the gun. He was the only one in their gang who'd ever fired one before, so he was the safest to carry it around now.

"You sure we shouldn't wait for the cops?" Solo sounded nervous as he took the cold weapon.

Duo snorted. "You don't trust those any more than I do."

He put his shirt back on while Solo scanned the hall. He motioned for Duo that the coast was clear and as silent as they could, the two stole down the hallway, up the stairs where they'd come from. Solo peered through the keyhole to confirm the living room was empty before he opened that door as well. Then it was Duo's turn.

While Solo stood guard, gun in one hand, eyes carefully watching all doors, Duo picked the lock on the prison room. The door opened and the two boys stole inside, immediately noting the alarmed prisoners to keep silent. Quickly, Duo cut the rope, Saria first so she could go help Solo remove the closet covering the small window. Then Duo freed the little ones and lastly moved to do the same for Quatre. But now there were not out of danger yet.

Quickly and without a word they made their way over to Solo and Saria, who had managed to create enough space for the kids to crawl through the window. Solo turned to Saria. "Can you make it?"

"I'll have to." The girl answered, trying to sound braver than she actually was.

"Go left and keep going. Find a cop and ask for Marquise."

The girl nodded and Duo began to usher the little ones to the window. "Listen to Saria. Don't look back."

"Mikal and Caria hugged Duo simultaneously. "You're not coming with us?"

"We'll be there later." Duo offered them a small smile as he pried their hand off him. "Get going!"

Saria was the last to make her move when they heard footsteps approaching. Duo and Solo glanced at each other and without a word, Solo got again to hide behind the door where the sound was coming from. Just in time, as the door opened less than a second after he got into position.


He stopped to view the scene before him, Quatre staring at him wide-eyed, Saria disappearing behind the moved closet and Duo, of course, glaring hard.

Treize slowly took out a gun and pointed it at Duo. "Stop them." He said, threatening. A thud and a hiss sounded, indicated that Saria had managed to squirm herself through the small window.

Duo shrugged. "Too late." Footsteps ere heard running off now.

Treize glared hard at them. "I know that window." He muttered more to himself than to anyone. "Where's Solo?"

The click of a safety being removed. Solo stepped out from behind the door, aiming the gun at Treize's head.

The older one stood silent for a moment, unmoving, his gun not wavering. "Honestly Solo, what are you going to do? Kill me?"

"If that's what it takes to protect them." Solo's voice was different now, determined, a voice that Duo had never heard before. It scared him as he realised Solo was indeed capable of doing just that.

Obviously, Treize heard it too, for he was slowly raising his hands up. Solo grabbed his gun and shoved Treize to the side. Pointing one gun at Treize, he stored the other in his pants, safety on and motioned for Duo and Quatre to get through the door.

Without a hesitation, the two boys moved to the door, Duo first, Quatre following. Then Solo shoved Treize hard into the wall.

"Run for it!" They dashed through the door, not pausing to see what happened to Treize. Duo ran past the stairs to the opposite door through which they'd entered the building, for that would have to be their way out. As he passed the stairs, he heard more than saw a man coming down from it. He wasn't quick enough to stop him, but then Quatre surprised him most of all. With a swift kick he sent the man to the floor before he resumed his way to follow Duo, who, by now had reached the door and yanked it open.

Shouts came, curses, someone yelling for them to stop, but they ignored it. They jumped in the nearest cart that stood parked and within no time, Solo had it going. Only when he drove away did Duo look back to see Treize and the guard to his room appeared in the doorway. The two men took one cart each and set out to follow the escapees.

The damned carts didn't go very fast, but it still beat running. They moved through the complex, frantically searching for a way out, but no door was open and no man was at work in the near-empty hall. Solo made sure to stay to the sides where the gas pipes ran across. Duo saw the guard taking out his gun to aim for them, but the man dared not shoot so near the pipes. He would probably not have to, for the end of the room was closing in and with all doors closed and two carts on one, they had no way out.

Solo had no choice but to stop the cart as he was easily cornered by the other two. He made an attempt to get hold of the guns, but the Guard was faster.

"Wouldn't do that if I were you."

Duo closed his eyes in defeat. They were in big trouble now.

Treize got out of his cart and walked up to the three boys, smirking. He held up his hand. Wordlessly, Solo handed over the weapons. "Looks like I win after all, hn?"

Duo gritted his teeth, feeling Quatre shifting behind him. How he would have liked to punch Treize right now. It was probably not a good idea to try that, though, considering the man had a gun aimed at him and all. He felt extra bad for Quatre still being involved in this. He of all people was the most innocent one here.

Treize ordered them out of the cart, with their hands behind their backs and stand in a row. The complied, seeing no other way out. When they were lined up, Treize passed each of them, running his hand across either their cheeks or, in Solo's case, over his chest.

"Disobedient, are you. Can't have that for a customer." He chuckled. "Still, I bet you'd make nice playthings for me."

At that moment the garage filled with sounds. Duo looked up surprised and saw that some of the garage doors opened. He glared hared at Treize, figuring this was part of his plan, but found the older man just as confused as he was.

"What the..."


Treize tried to cover his eyes with his hand as light beams glared at the group. Squinting his eyes, Duo watched how he clenched the gun in his hand and took a small step back.

"PUT YOUR WEAPENS ON THE FLOOR AND STEP AWAY FROM THEM." Though Duo couldn't really see, he was certain there were at least six police cars here now, two blocking each garage entrance.

When Treize didn't react right away, the voice sounded again. "THISIS THE POLICE. PLEASE SURRENDER NOW."

The guard moved to put his gun down, as did Treize now, realising there were too many men for them to take Even if they did take hostages they wouldn't get far.

"MOVE AWAY SLOWLY WITH YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEADS" Cursing under his breath, Treize did as told, followed by the guard.

Policemen stormed in and quickly isolated them from Duo and the others. The three of them still looked confused at the whole happening. Then Duo saw people running in their direction. Suddenly he became unaware of the scene around him, his eyes fixed on Heero, until he heard someone shout "Quatre!"

Not only Heero, but Trowa and Wufei were advancing as well. Quatre saw it too now and ran up to meet Trowa and find safety in his strong arms.

Finally, surrounded by both Heero and Wufei, Duo found his voice again.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Trowa recognised your friend," Wufei explained grudgingly. "He persuaded the cops to let us come."

Duo blinked. "Persuaded?" There was no way those cops would've been 'persuaded' by just a boy. Well, unless they'd been offered loads of money, of course but Trowa would... never... again... right?

"Never mind." He still managed to glare hard at Trowa, promising himself to take care of him later. However, Quatre noticed this and stepped in between.

"Duo, leave him alone! The reason he picked on me was because he liked me more than he thought he should. A boy being in love with a boy didn't seem normal so he tried to forget me by bullying me."

"And that doesn't sound wrong to you?"

"Yes, it does." Quatre stated, his voice softening. "But I believe him when he says he's sorry."

Duo snorted. "'Sorry' don't make up for it."

"He's trying, Duo, give him a break. You gave Wufei a break last year, right? Trowa's the one who got you and Saria to go see your 'gang members' at the other orphanage."

Duo went silent at that. Trowa paid for it? The limo, the address, everything... That had been Trowa's present? He must have had the strangest expression on his face, for Heero appeared next to him. "Duo, are you okay?"

"Yeah." He turned back to look at Heero, but instead his eyes fell upon Solo, who was in the process of being arrested and handcuffed.

"Wait!" He shouted at the cops doing this. "You can't do this! He helped you, Zechs, he played his part, let him go!" Duo tried to run for Solo, but a cop intercepted him and held him back.

Solo, his hands now cuffed behind his back, turned his head slightly so he faced his friend. "Duo, it's fine. They were bound to catch me sooner or later."

"No!" Duo shouted. "It's not fair, 't is betrayal, it's... it's not fair!" He watched as Solo was guided to a police car and put in the back. While Duo's struggles ceased, the car started the engine. One last glance was all Solo could offer before the car drove him out of sight.

Duo fell to his knees and the policeman let go of him. He balled his fist as if trying to crush the stone it caught. "It's not fair..." he said, biting back his tears. "Not... fair."

Suddenly aware of the pair of black boots in front of him, Duo looked up. The moment he caught sight of the long, blonde strands, anger took over. By the time his eyes reached the metal mask he was gritting his teeth and glaring hard. Without a warning he shot up and threw his fist at Zechs, who easily caught it. His other fist shot out, but Zechs intercepted this one as well. He allowed the boy to struggle some before he hardened his grip and gave a short jerk. It had the desired effect as Duo stopped struggling, instead the teenager just glared.

"You did this on purpose, didn't you!" He spat at the officer. "You and your big words, sayin' we should help ya fellows out and all'd be fine, but in the end you double-crossed us just as hard, you. Son of a.."

"I suggest you do not finish that sentence." A cold voice sounded and Duo could only imagine the expression his captor's eyes wore. Alarmed by the seriousness in the man's voice, he chose to indeed leave the sentence unfinished. He was too tired to fight this man, he realised he was nearly panting trough clenched teeth.

Zechs let go of Duo's wrists and Duo stepped back, distancing himself from the hated man. His wrists were throbbing painfully from the grip, but he refused to show it by easing them.

The older man spoke. "I stated these conditions to Solo before he accepted the mission and he agreed to them. You were not supposed to act on your own. I could have arrested the both of you and leave it at that."

Duo huffed. "So you blackmailed him with the lives of his friends and with me, is that it?"

"Call it as you wish." Zechs turned around, prepared to walk away, but hesitated. "His actions here will be taken in account when the judge decides on his punishment. He saved quite some lives today, more even considering the casualties Treize's original future would have brought. That will count for something."

With that, the man walked off, leaving Duo behind with mixed emotions. Heero knelt down beside him, but he didn't know what to say. In the end, he settled for just holding his friend.

"We ran into Saria and some other kids on our way over." It was Wufei who said this. "They have been taken back to their orphanage. Saria is in a car over there." He nudged his head in the direction of the door farthest away.

Duo glanced in the indicated direction and nodded. "Thanks" He said, before heading that way.


Duo returned the bugs that had been planted on him and he was lead away to give his testimony of what had happened. After that he was brought back to the orphanage, along with the others. Of course, once there, people were dying to hear their stories, but he wanted nothing of it. All he wanted was to go to sleep and let it pass. Guided by Heero, who simply glared at everyone who was even thinking about asking questions, he returned to his room. Once there, he flopped down on his bed and closed his eyes.


"Hm?" Duo glanced at his roommate, who was standing beside his bed. He pushed himself up.

Heero paused a moment, as if embarrased, before he looked down and spoke. "Remember when we were in that club with new years eve and that girl kissed me and you said you wanted to do that, did you mean it?"

Duo blinked. That was one thing he hadn't expected to come. He had been sure Heero hadn't heard when he didn't bring it up and he had almost forgotten about it himself. Now that they were alone, after everything that had happened and him bringing it up like that brought Duo in embarrassment and he lowered his eyes as well. "I uh. . . I-I– " but Heero gently touched his chin and forced him to look him straight in the eyes so he could read them. That was far easier than waiting for an answer.

Duo just stared back, not knowing what to do or say. Suddenly Heero smiled satisfied and drew closer to Duo. Having seen in his roommates eyes what was next he closed his eyes and waited for Heero's soft lips to touch his. Once that happened, his emotions seemed to take over his body as he responded to the kiss by kissing back. His mind no longer had control over his actions, but everything his emotions told him felt good. Because this was Heero. This was it.


Small epilogue (you know those scenes you sometimes see in comedies when the credits are already in view like in the show 'Friends'? (don't own, don't sue) This is that kind of epilogue)


The door to the Maxwell and Yuy residence opened and two pair of eyes glanced inside. They glanced at Maxwell's bed where two boys were sleeping, cuddled against each other in a tight embrace, both with naked chests. For a moment the eyes just stared at the boys but then the blue ones met the black ones and they pulled back.

"Shouldn't we wake them?" The blue-eyed boy asked.

The other one smirked. "I got a better idea, Plan M." From out of nowhere he pulled a camera in view and without making a noise he glanced inside again, this time with the camera. A soft click was heard while a flash appeared, but the two sleeping boys didn't wake up. However, Yuy, the one with his head towards the door, did stir a bit.

Wufei snickered at Quatre. "If THIS doesn't convince them. . ."

"At least there's no Dorothy Catalonia in the way to stop our plan at count zero this time..."

The End

Ugh! Finally finished! I'm almost ashamed to put this up as over the past years my writing has improved a lot, but yet I'm proud that I finished it. A good deal of Zechs in this last and final chapter! More than I intended, Solo even had to pay for it, but I couldn't help myself. He's just so hot!

And yes, I now know Wufei's sword is Chinese and not a Japanese Katana, but I didn't realise that until after I wrote it in the previous story. I really didn't feel like going back to correct it.

If I have forgotten anything important in this story please let me know. No continuation this time! Please review to tell me what you thought of all of it.
