Not a monkeyThese things get tiresom, why not look at the first chapter and get it over with? The diclaimer is there, I know it is.

Force of hand

Walking down the stairs Motoko entered the dining area, she had spent the last few hours meditating. Looking up to Keitaros seat she smiled, looking back infront of her she took her seat across from Naru. She had replaced Keitaro in the seat across from her ever since the incident a few months ago, sighing she stole a glance over at Keitaro and after allowing herself a smile, then she noticed her.

She was dressed in a black dress with a white vest, her hair was about mid legnth and her facial features were fairly sharp, almost sly. She was sitting on the other side of Keitaro and had a very protective look on her face. Motoko couldn't stop looking at her, or keep from wondering why she was sitting so close to Keitaro. Mostly it was jealousy that someone that was new to the Hinata dorm was so close to Keitaro already and he obviously didn't mind while she herself couldn't get within a meter of him before someone stopped her.

The girl suddenly looked over to Motoko and practically glared daggers at her and all Motoko could do was look away and unconsiously rub her stomach.

"So Kanako, how was your trip with Grandma?" Keitaro suddenly asked the young girl beside him.

"Boring really, I would have much rather spent all that time with you." Replied the young girl who leaned over and hugged Keitaro lovingly.

Motoko felt her jealousy rise to new heights but was reluctant to act on them. Looking back over at the young girl she tried to make out the one part of her that she couldn't see, the one piece of the puzzle of how she could get so close. Was she the promised girl?

"Oni-chan, you and I will be sharing the same room right?" the girl named Kanako asked innocently.

"Um, well we don't really have any real rooms left here now do we? I guess that it's okay if you don't wanna share a room with any of the other girls here." Keitaro replied.

Motoko was getting very irritated by now, this mystery girl gets the right to sleep in Keitaros room with him just because she calls him her big brother. Motoko looked up at the girl and all she could see was red, getting ready to stand up someone quickly pulled her back down to the ground.

"You shouldn't be jealouse of them. But then again you should, because you will never share the bond that they have with each other, Keitaro, and his younger sister Kanako. But just to warn you, she fights like a deamon possessed by the fires of the earth. I found that out the hard way." Tsuruko spoke from the side of Motoko.

"Wait a second, Sister? You mean to tell me that you have a sister?" she directed this towards Keitaro who started to stumble over his thoughts.

"Adopted sister, We're not really related, unless he wants to be." Kanako spoke up for him and ended by practically crawling into his lap.

"Now Kanako, quit joking around." Keitaro lifted her off his lap and ruffled her hair.

Motoko watched through the rest of the meal as the two Urashimas played around and had fun, she also noticed that Su was extreamly jealouse of the two for all the fun they were having and not inviting her to play. Smiling slightly at the amusment she found in the little squabble between the two, Motoko couldn't help but stare at Keitaro and think of how well he plays with others.


"You wanted to speak with me?" Keitaro said as he entered his room along with Kanako and Haruka.

"Yes, you see, I have a proposition for you." Tsuruko smiled at the young man across from her. "You see, the Aoyama blood line is about to end, me and my sister are the only two left that cary that name and when we loose our names, or pass on, there will be noone to take over the Shinmeiryu school, and that will be the end of our legacy."

"So, you want Keitaro to marry Motoko?" Haruka asked the other woman.

"Well if he married her and had kids our line would live on. But the Aoyama name would still die. There is only one way our name could live on, and I think it would make most everyone happy." Tsuruko said with a gleam in her eye.

"My brother would never do such a thing. If he ever got a girl pregnant he wouldn't leave her to raise the kid by herself." Kanako screamed out as Tsuruko then calmly added. "I remember when I was little, how Onii-chan would stick up for me and take care of me. He put his own wants aside to play with me and make me feel loved. Even at night when I would have nightmares nobody else was there for me like Onii-chan, he is the single most kind, loving person on the planet."

Tsuruko frowned at the outburst. "Motoko would be exiled from the school and her name removed from all of our records if she were to willingly get pregnant without marrying the person who made her so." Tsuruko leveled her gaze on Keitaro slightly. "However there is an exception for this rule, you see our clan has been trying to marry into your clan for some time. More out of respect for the Urashima technique than for your political influence, so we were able to pull enough strings to accommodate for every thing possible. I'm certain that even if you got my little sister pregnant she wouldn't suffer the fate our honor would push onto her, just because it's a child of an Urashima. But I still have to say the other option is much better." Tsuruko smiled as she reached into her Gi.


Keitaro sat in the loby, Tsuruko had presented him with a really strange offer, his first intentions were to decline, but after some pressure he decided to think about it. True it was a tempting offer, just about any guy would jump at that chance, however Keitaro was a man who tended to wait things through and fallow his heart, which was beating for only one person at the moment.

Sighing Keitaro spoke the name of his love, "Naru."

"Yes" Naru asked from behind him.

Turning around Keitaro looked at her and smiled. "Nothing, just thinking about something Tsuruko said."

"Some more of that accounting she calles "Training" I thought I would blow a fuse until Kitsune told me about it." Naru said while laughing slightly. "I should have known better, you wouldn't do something like that unless it's with someone you really care about." Naru said with a smile.

"Yeah, someone I really care about." Keitaro said before remembering the incident in the bath barrel with Motoko a few months ago. "Naru, theres something I've been meaning to speak with you about, but I never knew how to aproach it. But I know that you need to learn about this sooner or later."

"Huh? What is it Keitaro, you can tell me." Naru said sensing his discomfort.

"Promise not to be angry?" Keitaro said, fear evident in his voice.

"Keitaro, what is it?" Naru sensing his fear and becoming more protective of her love, "It's okay, please tell me."

"Naru, a few months ago, I did something that I shouldn't have… Something bad." Keitaro spoke up almost on the verge of tears.


Motoko was walking out from the Bathroom, she had been finding that she needed to throw up more and more often nowadays, she was beginning to think that she was sick. But then she found herself having these strange cravings for large amounts of food. "Perhaps it's the food, or the amount that I've been eating." Motoko mumbled to herself while leaning against the wall.

Hearing her stomach growl for food again Motoko reached up and put her arm over it. "Will you make up your mind already?" she muttered to it only to hear someone clear their throat behind her, turning around she found Naru standing behind her. "Uh, Hi, Naru-sem-"

"I heard about what happened." Naru spoke up looking like she was about to murder the swordmaster.

"What do you me-" Motoko began to ask only for Naru to slam her fist against the wall.

"You know what I mean, don't you dare pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about. First in his room, than taking advantage of his kind heart in the bath." Naru started to apraoch him.

"Naru-sempai, I, I, I…" Motoko began to stutter only to be slapped hard by Naru.

"Don't give me that. I don't want any excuses. There are none for what you have done." Naru said, rage in her eyes as tears streaked down her face. "I don't want to hear any of your excuses." Naru yelled right before getting ready to throw a punch at Motoko.

Taking a step back time slowed down for Motoko as Naru lunged foreward to punch the swordmaster only to stumble and fall against her where she then began to cry into the chest of Motoko.

"Why, why did you do it? Why do you have to keep on hurting Keitaro?" Naru sobbed into Motokos chest.

Hesitating the young swordmaster wrapped her arms around her friend and sighed "I'm sorry Naru. I know that I shouldn't have done those things, but I couldn't control myself, I just had to know, at least once what it was like to be with him in that way. I just felt the need for it so badly, theres no excuse for my actions. Please, forgive me." Motoko also began to cry on her friends shoulder only to be pushed away.

"No Motoko." Naru said while pushing the swordmaster away from her. "I cannot forgive you this time. You've hurt Keitaro too much for that, taken something from him that can never be returned. You should be ashamed." With that Naru got up and turned her back to Motoko. "Stay away from him, I don't want him to be hurt any more than he has." With that Naru began walking back the direction she had come from.

Motoko leaned her back against the wall and watched the retreating form of Naru. "I am ashamed of myself Naru, more than you will ever know." Feeling her stomach growl again she put her arm over it. "What is wrong with you? I am not going to become bulemic because of you am I?" another growl was her only answer, sighing Motoko stood up and made her way to the kitchen to find some left overs swearing to herself that she will control herself as best as she can so that she doesn't throw up again.


Dinner was rather uneventful, by now the news of what happened between the kanrinin and the swordswoman had spread to everyone. It had caused mixed emotions among the residents of the dorm and everyone ate in silence. Keitaro was obviously nervouse about how everyone was going to react to the news of what happened and often spilled more food than he got into his mouth. Everyone was there except for two people, Tsuruko and Motoko.

They had not been seen in a while, not since Tsuruko had confronted Motoko in the kitchen where the swordmaster then proceeded to calmly drag her little sister away from the fridge, out of Hinata-sou, and down the stone steps while Motoko flailed and complained most of the way.

Naru sat next to Keitaro often giving him a tender yet concerned look as he ate, sometimes loosing herself in the moment and just watching him eat. She was usually jarred out of these moment by a one of those strange phenomina that seem to only happen around Keitaro, then after a few bites of food she went right back into her lost stare at the young Kanrinin.

Shinobu and Su were cleaning up the dishes by the time Tsuruko returned with Motoko standing not far behind her. Keitaro was on his way to the mens bath to clean up before studying with Naru and then going to bed. Tsuruko of course cleared her throat as he tried to pass her.

"Mr Kanrinin, may I have a word with you?" Tsuruko said in a non-chalant yet seductive way.

"Um, what about Mrs Tsuruko?" Keitaro asked his voice wracked with how nervouse he was about talking with the swordmaster.

"Now, now, I just want to talk with you. In private." Tsuruko said while leaning over Keitaros shoulder and before he could utter a word of complaint Tsuruko had drug him out of the room and out of earshot.


"Alright, what do you want me to fix so badly enough to drag me from bath, books, and bed?" Keitaro asked while sighing.

"Nothing much." Tsuruko said in a calm voice as she took a step towards the manager and pulled the parchment she had earlier handed him to consider out of his pocket and opened it up while forcing it in close to his face. "Except your signature on this form saying that you will be my dear sisters husband." Tsuruko said suddenly looking rather fierce.

"But, I don't understand. I thought that we had agreed that I could choose to, or not to sign it at my own will. Besides me and Naru…" Keitaro sputtered out only for Tsuruko to take a step back and look through her Gi and Hakama for a pen while muttering to herself.

"That's funny, I could have sworn I put one in here, hmm maybe it fell down here, oh, you were saying something?" Keitaro instantly fell over.

"I was saying that you said I could choose to or not to sign that piece of paper." Keitaro responded.

"Oh, well things have changed." Tsuruko said and effortlessly reached into her gi and pulled out a pen. "Huh? That's not what I wanted." Tsuruko put the pen back into her Gi and began reaching for something else. "Remember the situation where my immoto-san forced herself on you?" Tsuruko said while adopting a happy look that she found what she was looking for.

"Yeah, how could I forget." Keitaro said looking at the ground again.

"Well, I've had my suspisions about this for a while so when I heard the news I took her out to see a doctor, these were the results." Tsuruko handed Keitaro some papers she had pulled from her Gi and he read through them carefully, his face growing paler and paler.

"You mean that I, that we. I can't leave Motoko like this, but Naru." Keitaro said while adopting a pale yet unbeleiving face.

"Believe it, besides Motoko forcing herself on you could be viewed as her marking her territory, but either way if what I've heard about you is true your honor and nobility will not let you walk away from this, even if it means giving up and loosing your one true love. Now, your signature please?" Tsuruko spoke up while offering him the parchment she had in her hand and an empty hand. "Huh? I swear I had one just a minute ago." Tsuruko said while going back to looking for a pen in her Gi.

Sighing Keitaro reached into his pants and pulled out a small box, opening it up he pulled out a pen of his own and while Tsuruko was still searching her clothes for a pen he quickly signed the piece of paper and his life away.

"Aha, found it." Turuko spoke alound while holding up a pen only to have the already signed piece of paper handed back to her causing her to blink

"There, I'll marry your sister, it's like you said, I can't walk away from something like this and not regret it for the rest of my life, even more so than I will regret leaving Naru behind. I will truly miss her with all my heart." Keitaro spoke as he trudged towards the stairs. "But I can't let Motoko raise my kid, especially without a father."

long time between chapters, hope it was well worth it. Gots a Su/Keitaro in the works and I'm debating aobut doing a Haruka/Keitaro in the near future. If you want, let me know and remember, unlike some other authors on I don't like to put out crap even if it takes forever to get the right flow of things.