Da Ramdon Wedding

By Dr. Hannah

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the people that are here or gonna be here except for me, who is sometimes the narrator and the person that wrote this fic, duh.

Chapter 14

Well, I don't like explaining previous chapters so read them yourself!

Wow, I'm trying to type 2 chappies at once! Hopefully I don't mix up the 2 stories.

Koenma, back to his toddler form, is watching Kurama on that big screen of his. [The hidden cameras are watching yoooooouuuuu...]

Koenma "WHAT!?!? How dare they do that to Kurama! POLICE BRUTALITY!!!"

Gorge "But, they haven't even touched him yet sir..."

Koenma "EXACTLY!! Come on, We must counter sue!!! Hurry Gorge, get a lawyer!!"

Gorge "Umm, they're not suing us..."

Koenma "... You dare question me?"

Gorge "Wha!!! No sir!!!" *hurries away* ... *to call the spirit ogres against Koenma union (S.O.A.K .U)*

Koenma "*muttering* that's right. Only I can torture them!!! Muhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! *evil laugh echoes*"

*Gorge dials faster*


Police dude "So, uh... I guess you have to stay here tonight."

Kurama "Oh. Ok. Can I call my mom?"

Police dude "Sure!" *hands him phone*

Kurama "Gee, you people are much nicer then those guys in the movies!"

Police dude "Yeah, people just seem to think that police are evil. Like. Republicans." [Ummm... no offence to you GOPs]


Yusuke barges into Hiei's room. "HIEIHIEIHIEI!!!!!! KURAMA GOT ARRESTED!!!!!"

Hiei "Hah, I knew Yoko would take over one day."

Yusuke "Hiei, get over here."

Hiei "Hn. No."

Yusuke "Ok, but your sis- *ahem* Yukina might not like this."

Hiei "...coming."


Yusuke "Hiei, did you knock out a nurse?"

Hiei "Hn."

Yusuke "And I'm guessing you took Yukina too."

Hiei "Hn."

Yusuke "Well, Kurama went to look for you and they thought he kidnapped your sister and knocked out that nurse!!"

Hiei "Hn- WHAT?!?!?!?!?"

Yusuke "I said Kurama went to lo-"

Hiei "WE MUST SAVE HIM!!!! Ningen police are more evil than some demons!!!!!!"

Yusuke "... have you watched a lot of T.V lately?"

Hiei "Black box with people inside? Yes."

Yusuke "ME TOO!!! Now... LET'S SAVE KURAMA!!"

They both dash off. Then Hiei has to wait 10 mins for Yusuke to catch up.

Yusuke "*pant* you *gasp* know, we should call *wheeze* Kuwabara."

Hiei "...Hn."

Much later...

Kuwabara "HI GUYS!! ^____^"

Hiei "Quiet baka, we must save the fox from their evil torture."

Kuwabara "Uhhh, why are we at a police station?"

Yusuke "You really are dumb huh? They, themmmm, = Eeeeeevil!!!!!"

Kuwabara "... Uhhhh, righhhhhtttttt. *muttering* Better call mental hospital soon."

Hiei "Well, WERE OFF!!!"

Yusuke "To save the Wizard! LALALALALA!!!"

[And we thought Kuwabara was the dumb one]


Police dude "Well, you really don't have bad record. You don't even have a record! You must be a really good person."

Kurama "Uh, heh, good person..."

Police dude "Ah, just go."

Kurama "Really? Thanks."


Kuwabara "Are you sure this is the way in?"

Hiei "... Shut up baka."

Yusuke "Oh, this door is locked. Ah well."

Hiei "Heh, no problem" *attacks it*


Kuwabara "AHHHHH!!! We're so dead!!" *runs in circles*

Yusuke "You're overreacti-

*Very bright lights and alarm starts ringing*


AHHHHHHHHHH" *Yusuke runs in circles too*

Hiei "Hn, looks like this is where they keep the really bad prisoners."

Kuwabara "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US!!!"

Hiei "Hn" *point to sign*

Sign: Really bad prisoners here. Very loud security. Do not break in or out.

Yusuke "AHHHHHHH!!!! The walls are closing!!!!"

Kuwabara "Hey look! Police doggies! Nice doggie! Nice do- AHHHHH!!! GET IT OFFF!!! OWOWOWOWOW!!"

Hey, does anyone remember that weird episode where they have to get thorough this weird place and only one can go through while the rest are eventually crushed by a falling ceiling? And Hiei goes? Well, I never saw the end of that episode, so here's my version!

You'll see it next chappie.
