I hereby swear under Kami's name that I don't own DBZ, it's characters, yadda, yadda, yadda. . . please don't sue, I have no money, and I'm not making any on this. And this chapter has some heavy mush in it, so if you don't like romance, you're in trouble. And there's some sexual foreplay near the end, so if you're too immature to handle adult situations, vacate the premises immediately!

The words to "That's All I've Got To Say" belong to the band America and Jimmy Webb.

Once again, I'd like to thank my e-friends who've helped me, especially Holly O. for her suggestions, and Serina Tsuki and Jenny C. for their thoughts and support! **************************************************************************** ** Battle of the Heart by NansJns


The room was dimly lit, the bulk of the light focused on just one spot, making the words on the pages of the book clear and readable except where the original ink had faded. The soft rustle of turning pages was the only sound in the room, save for the occasional breathy mutter of someone reading a passage half-aloud. On one page, the reader paused and tapped a forefinger thoughtfully against the old paper. The reader then scrawled a hasty note on a pad of paper he had placed beside the book, and continued reading, a strange smile playing on his lips. More pages turned as the soft muttering continued.

Ox-King stepped outside his home and inhaled deeply of the crisp air, admiring the bright, sunlit sky. His house, built over the ruins of Frying Pan Mountain, wasn't as big as the castle he'd once had, but was certainly bigger than every other house in the village. His village at Frying Pan Valley (with the mountain gone, calling it "Frying Pan Mountain" just didn't seem appropriate anymore) was just starting its usual morning activities, and he watched it all with a benevolently cheerful smile on his great face. Ever since his son-in-law, Goku, returned from the grave, the Ox-King had been in good spirits. His beloved daughter, Chi-Chi, was so much happier now, as were his two grandsons, Gohan and Goten. All felt right with his world again.
"Good morning, Ox-King!" a woman said as she went past him.
"Morning," he replied cheerily to her. As he passed along the way, the villagers all greeted him brightly, and he greeted them in return.
"Good Morning!"
"Good day to you!"
"And to you." He paused as one particularly well-dressed man walked past him with flowers in hand. "Davin! Where are you off to so early?" he called over to him. Davin turned his gray eyes to the Ox-King and smiled. He was the same age as Chi-Chi, with a lean face and frame, wide eyes the color of storm clouds, and near-shoulder length navy blue hair that boasted a small, natural wave.
"I'm going to see Chi-Chi again. I need to get an early start if I want to get there at a reasonable hour, you know that," Davin answered lightly. Ox-King felt his spine stiffen at the younger man's words.
"Davin, listen. . ." Ox-King started.
"I know she's only said 'no' to me in the past, but I'm sure I can win your daughter over eventually. She can't possibly grieve for her husband forever, it's not healthy. I could take good care of her and her sons, if they'd just let me," Davin said, his eyes gazing dreamily far away into the clouds.
"Davin, there's something important that you need to know. . ." Ox- King tried again. He needed to make the younger man understand that his advances would be even less appreciated now than they had been in the past. Davin had been visiting Chi-Chi's house often in the past four years, attempting to woo her as he had when they were kids. He repeatedly brought her gifts and promises, but she turned them all away.
"It'll be all right, Ox-King. I can handle her temper," Davin observed with a small, dismissive wave. He pulled a capsule from his pocket, pressed its button, and tossed it to the ground. "Look, I need to get going. Good day, Ox-King!" he said quickly as an air car appeared from the capsule's smoke and he climbed inside.
"Wait a second--!" Ox-King called after him, but he was already gone. "Huh. He was purposely trying not to listen to me," he muttered.
"He's off to try and court Chi-Chi again, huh?" asked one of the village men as he, too, watched Davin's car disappear across the sky.
"Yes. You'd have thought he'd have figured out that it wouldn't work by now," Ox-King observed. ((Maybe having Goku there to tell him to back off will work.)) he thought, as a small, amused smile flashed across his bearded face.
"That boy's been lovesick over her since they both were twelve. He won't think about anyone else. Even when she was so set on that Goku boy, he refused to give up. Now that her husband is gone, he feels he has a real chance again," the villager said with a small shake of his head. "A real pity, losing her husband to Cell like that. . .especially since she was pregnant at the time."
"Her refusal of his attentions have nothing to do with him, personally, either. . .he's a fine young man, smart, kind. . .but he's just. . .not want she wants," Ox-King said hesitantly. He didn't want to mention the fact that Chi-Chi once told him that there was something about Davin that gave her the creeps at times. Davin wasn't a full-out stalker. He had asked her out several times, courteously, and just as politely accepted her refusals; but she had said there was something about him every now and then that made her ill at ease. She could never quite pinpoint exactly what it was, though. Ox King had noticed there was a sense of unquiet about Davin at times, as well. Not so much a particular look or even a single act, but an indefinable something hovered in the air about him. Ox-King sighed inwardly. No point in being concerned about such matters now. Goku was back to stay, and Davin's hopes to win Chi-Chi were lost again. Not that his chances were ever all that great. Davin had not looked good when Chi-Chi returned from the World's Tournament with Goku at her side, saying they were ready to get married. At the wedding itself, Davin's face held a look that was all at once disheartened, angry, sick, and a little haunted. He had built up all of his dreams around Chi-Chi, and at that moment, those dreams died an emotionally painful death. Ox- King could remember tears of heartbreak brimming in Davin's eyes as Chi-Chi and Goku exchanged their "I do's." When Ox-King came back with the news of Goku's death fighting Cell, the village had taken the tragic news with heavy hearts - all save Davin. He put on a believable facade of sorrow, but Ox-King had looked in his gray eyes and uneasily witnessed the quiet rebirth of hope in the younger man's soul. "She can't mourn her husband forever; it's not healthy," Davin would say, time and again. ((It can't be any healthier to be so consumed by the love of one person that you can't move on after they found happiness with someone else.)) Ox-King thought sadly. ((I hope Goku can convince him to face reality.))

It was mid afternoon by the time Davin spotted Chi-Chi's house in the distance. He drew in some slow breaths as his anxious heart began to flutter nervously. He was always a little nervous before he approached Chi- Chi. She was the most beautiful woman he knew. Her hair was thick, shining with raven tresses and she had dark sparkling eyes, peach-colored skin, and full lips; not to mention, she was smart, strong, and witty - no wonder he'd had his heart set on her since they were both twelve years old. But then came the time that the fire originally created to protect the Ox- King's castle went out of control, and Chi-Chi was sent out to get that magical fan from that crazy old Muten Roshi to put it out. Impulsively, the Ox-King offered her hand in marriage to the monkey-boy, Goku, if he'd find her and aid her in her quest. Davin gritted his teeth quietly at the memory and the nervous fluttering in his chest was replaced by steady thumping again as he mentally stewed over the Ox-King's actions. Handing Chi-Chi, his only daughter. . .to a stranger! Even if he hadn't, though, Davin knew Chi-Chi would've eventually pursued Goku. She had become fixated on him after he helped her in her mission. It began as a naive child's crush, but her infatuation blossomed into full love when she found him again at the World's Tournament when they were both adults. Davin sighed at the memory. All that shouldn't really make a difference _now_, since now she was a young widow with growing children, which included one small boy who needed a father. Davin just couldn't fathom why she didn't seem willing to give him a chance.

Gohan smoothly landed in his yard with his book bag slung casually over his shoulder. The school week had played out to be its usual self, so he was glad to finally be home with his family again, especially with the weekend stretched out in front of them. As he prepared to enter the house, the knowledge that his father would be there filled Gohan with silent joy. Had it really only been three months since his father was dead, thought never to return? Gohan strolled up to the door, but paused for a brief moment to glance over his shoulder as his sharp ears picked up a familiar sound. Peering slightly, he could see the shape of an air car forming in the distance. An air car that he recognized. ((Ah, no, not him again!)) Gohan thought with a frown. ((Doesn't matter. With Dad being back now; he'll have to leave.)) he reasoned, as he went inside.
"I'm home!" Gohan called out to the house as he went to stow his school bag in his room.
"Hi, Gohan!" His little brother, Goten, called back.
"Hey, Son. How was your day?" Goku asked brightly as he and Chi-Chi stepped hand-in-hand into the living room. Gohan smiled, not just in greeting, but in happiness, comforted by the knowledge that his mother and father had been spending most of their time together since his father's return. Nowadays, he seldom saw one parent without the other being within four feet.
"The usual - educational-if-somewhat-boring lectures, time spent with Videl, and trying my best not to show off in P.E. Yours?" Gohan asked his father. Goku's own response was a shrug accompanied by a smile. "A little training, plus spending time with your mother and brother," he said.
"Daddy says I'm doing real good learning how to control the Kame Kame Ha Wave!" Goten said proudly.
"Kame Hame Ha," Goku, Gohan, and Chi-Chi all corrected him.
"But that _is_ good news, Goten," Gohan continued. Goku suddenly cocked his head in curiosity toward the door as the air car he'd been hearing for the past few minutes landed near the house. He listened intently as the car door opened and shut, and the driver walked up to their door. It wasn't a ki he readily recognized, and he had no idea why a stranger would come all the way out here to see them. Chi-Chi was the only one taken by surprise by the knock on the front door.
"Coming!" she called out breezily, and went to answer the door. ((Please, don't let it be _him_. . .)) she prayed inwardly. She swung the door open to find herself looking straight into Davin's storm-cloud eyes. ((Oh, damn. . .)) the thought flittered through her mind, but she managed to keep her face from showing her annoyance. "Davin! Hello," she said, feigning gladness at his arrival.
"Hello, Chi-Chi. Long time no see. These are for you," he said as he offered her the nosegay he had brought, made up of her favorite blossoms - violets. She sighed as she took them. The last time he came over to see her was three months ago, not that long ago. . .
"They're lovely, thank you. Davin, listen. . ." she started to explain.
"Chi-Chi, please hear me out. I'd like to take you to. . ." Davin cut off her explanation, but didn't finish his own sentence as Goku appeared behind Chi-Chi, his dark eyes flickering between half-curious and half-concerned.
"Chi-Chi, who's this?" Goku asked calmly. The man was a few inches shorter than himself, looked to be around his own age, and, from all appearances, was obviously making a move on _his_ mate.
"Goku, this is Davin. He's from my village. He's. . .been trying to court me for the last four years," Chi-Chi admitted gently. Goku looked down at the flowers she was holding in her hands, and then back at Davin. "Davin, you remember my husband, Goku, don't you?" Davin was frozen, somewhere between shocked and utterly lost.
"You're supposed to be dead," Davin said lamely before he could stop himself. It wasn't the most polite way to greet someone, but at that moment, etiquette was the last thing on his befuddled mind. He stared blankly at Goku for a moment; there could be no mistake. Even if he couldn't remember exactly what Goku himself had looked like, little Goten was definitely a miniature carbon copy of the man standing behind Chi-chi.

"Well, I was. . .but I found a way back again," Goku admitted, looking a little embarrassed. He wasn't sure how he could explain to a total stranger that a god had given up his life in order to bring him back from the grave. Judging by the look on his dumbfounded face, Davin was obviously having more than a little trouble wrapping his mind around the idea of Goku being back after seven years.
"I understand that even the Eternal Dragon has limits - one year to bring the dead back, I believe it is," Davin muttered. Goku nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, that's true. But it wasn't Shenlong that brought me back," Goku answered. Instinctually, Goku reached out and protectively wrapped a muscular arm around Chi-Chi's shoulders, drawing her a little closer to him. Davin noted the possessive gesture and inwardly grimaced. How could her husband possibly have come back from the dead after _seven_ years?
"I. . .see. . .well, then, I guess there's no reason for me to. . .uh, stay here any longer, or to ever come back. Goodbye, Chi-Chi. Goku," Davin's voice was low and cool, and the gray in his eyes darkened ever so slightly. He turned on his heel and walked stiffly towards his air car.
"Goodbye, Davin," Chi-Chi called weakly after him, and as he glanced back over his shoulder at her, his face was strangely calm. Without responding to her, he leapt into his car and flew off. Chi-Chi heaved a huge sigh of relief as she watched him go, then closed the door behind her.
"Gone _already_?" Gohan asked airily from the chair in which he was sitting, fighting to keep from smiling too much.
"Usually it takes longer for you to convince him to leave," Goten chimed in.
"You boys don't like that Davin guy, huh?" Goku asked as he and Chi- Chi walked back to their sons.
"Not really. Three years after you died, he showed up on our doorstep, trying to ask Mom out. She wouldn't go. He kept coming back, though, no matter how many times she turned him down," Gohan explained.
"And something about him doesn't feel right," Goten said, voicing something they had all felt at one time or another when dealing with Davin, except for Goku. He hadn't noticed any odd feeling about Davin, but then again, he'd only just met him. Goku looked at his family members thoughtfully. Never had he thought that some other man might try and win Chi-Chi's heart. He had thought that she was his alone, for always. He regretted even more not letting himself get wished back sooner. "What will you do with the flowers he gave you?" Goten asked his mother.
"I'm not sure. I guess I'll put them in some water," Chi-Chi answered distractedly, and went off in search of a vase. As Goku watched her go, his mind began turning over an inspired idea.
Once Gohan completed his homework assignments, he joined his father and little brother for a pre-dinner spar. Chi-Chi eventually called them in to eat, and they happily raced each other to the dinner table. Chi-Chi was feeling better now that Davin had come and gone, for she had been secretly dreading his return for a while now. She was thankful that he had departed without making a scene. The Son family chattered as they ate, discussing whatever they felt like. Once dinner was done, Chi-Chi gathered up the dishes and began washing them.
"Chi-Chi? We don't have any plans for tomorrow night, do we?" Goku asked as he came up to stand behind her. Sighing, Chi-Chi rolled her eyes heavenward as she set another dish aside to dry. No doubt Goku wanted to take the boys camping or some such thing. She was grateful that this time he was asking her first, rather than just taking off, but she didn't want him leaving her so soon. She'd only gotten him back after seven years less than two months ago.
"No, we don't have any plans for tomorrow," she said softly, and almost jumped as Goku's arms wrapped around her waist in a tight hug.
"Good!" he beamed, as he playfully nuzzled her ear. "We're going to the Golden Pheasant for dinner tomorrow. . .just you and me," he announced to her, and she abruptly dropped the plate she was holding back into the soapy water. Goku was going to take her _out_?! To _the Golden Pheasant_?! The Golden Pheasant was one of the most expensive restaurants in Satan City! Chi-Chi glanced over her shoulder at her husband with a big smile across her face.
"Really? Are you serious?" she asked, her delight evident in her voice. Goku nodded, his eyes shining with his sincerity.
"Yes. I've been practically held hostage by the boys since I got back and I want to spend some time alone with you. . .you know, _outside_ the bedroom," he said slyly with a quirky grin, and Chi-Chi giggled at the lascivious look he gave her.
"Well, alright then! Are the reservations already made?" Chi-Chi inquired cheerfully.
"Uh, no. . .I wanted to make sure you didn't already have something planned first," Goku replied, moving away from her. "Where's the phone book. . .?" he pondered aloud as he looked around for the directory. She could hardly believe that Goku wanted to take her out to dinner. He was usually quite content to just eat her home cooking. ((Is it possible that meeting Davin and learning that another man had tried to win me, shook him up this much?)) she suddenly wondered. It was hard to believe that Goku could ever feel insecure about their love, but then again, he had been gone a long time, and it wasn't unreasonable for him to worry that things had changed. Goku's voice drew her away from her musings. He stood by the kitchen table, holding the phone book in one hand and the phone in the other. "Hello, I'd like to make a reservation for two for tomorrow night. 7:00 pm would be just fine. Mm-hm. Son. . .S-O-N. Yes. All right, thank you. Goodbye," he said and hung up. Then he smiled at her. "Okay, we're all set. Seven tomorrow."
"Great! I can hardly wait," she smiled in return, as she walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. "This is such a wonderful idea."
"I'm glad you like it," Goku answered, and returned her kiss on the lips.
"Did I hear something about reservations?" Gohan suddenly popped his head around the doorframe with Goten right below him. Catching their parents in an affectionate exchange made Gohan's face turn red and Goten wrinkle his nose.
"Yes. Your mother and I are going out to dinner tomorrow. _Just us_," Goku stated firmly, watching the disappointment fill their eyes.
"What are we going to do for dinner?" Goten whined.
"You know how to catch and grill the fish from the river, right?" Chi- chi stated, and Gohan and Goten both nodded. "Well, there you have it! And I'll pick up some bread and salad from the village to balance out the meal some."
"Simple, but it'll work," Gohan admitted.
"Hmm, I wonder what I should wear for dinner tomorrow?" Chi-Chi wondered aloud, and left to examine the contents of her wardrobe.

At six o'clock the following evening, Chi-Chi stepped out of the shower and started preparing for her evening out with Goku. She quickly toweled her body and slid on her under garments and pantyhose. She combed out her long, damp hair, then worked a small dollop of styling mousse through it and wound it in curlers. She put on some foundation and powder, bright red lipstick and soft purple eyeshadow. She brushed just a touch of coral blush onto her cheeks, and smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Finally, she carefully stepped into her favorite navy blue dress. The dress had a form-fitting top with three-quarter sleeves, a slightly loose skirt that ended at her knees, and a wide, round collar. She put on a simple, classy, gold-chain necklace, small, dangle-ball earrings, and a gold bracelet, then stepped into her nice deep-blue one inch heel shoes and smiled at her altered appearance. By this time, it was 6:35. She gently removed the curlers and brushed her hair out so the curls fell in smooth, natural waves over her shoulders and down her back. She critically looked at herself one more time in the mirror and was surprised for a moment at how young and beautiful she still looked. In the past, she had felt that she was getting old and losing her youthful looks, but evidently she was wrong. She glided out of the bedroom to the living room, where her sons and husband were sitting and talking. Earlier, Goku had come in and put on his nice gray suit in a matter of moments, and then left the room to let her finish her preparations in peace.
"So, what do you think?" she asked casually, and spun around so they could see all of her. They all stared for a moment, dumbfounded by her new stylish appearance.
"Mom, you look _great_!" Gohan finally managed to blurt out.
"You're _so_ pretty, Momma!" Goten agreed, a wide smile on his little face. Goku slowly stood up and walked to her, not sure how to say what he thought. He took her hands gently as he searched for the right words to say.
"You look. . .absolutely wonderful," he finally said, and she sighed in contentment when all that he wished to say but didn't know how to flowed to her through their shared bond. His thoughts told her that she was the most beautiful woman in the world. "Shall we go?" he grinned, moving beside her and wrapping a guiding arm around her waist.
"Yes, let's!" she answered brightly, and they walked together towards the door. "Gohan, look after your little brother, all right?" she said over her shoulder before they left.
"I will, Mom," Gohan promised.
"Have fun," Goku said.
"We will!" both boys chimed.
"And you have fun, too!" Gohan said, grinning at his dressed-up parents. Goku gave him a quick nod.
"And don't blow anything up!" Goku added with a smirk and a wink
"Aw, nuts!" Goten snapped his fingers in mock disappointment.
"So much for fun," Gohan playfully groused. Chi-Chi and Goku laughed and were out the door. He scooped her up easily into his arms and took to the air, flying them to Satan City at top speed. Chi-Chi was grateful she had thought to put a brush in her purse so that she could touch up her hair when they arrived at their destination.
"You're so beautiful, Sweetheart," Goku said as they streaked across the starry sky.
"Thank you, Goku. But you already complimented me once. I'm not so egotistical that I need several," she observed, feeling herself blush under his gaze.
"I know, I just. . .wanted to say it again. You're always beautiful to me, but tonight. . . you're amazing," Goku affectionately answered, and Chi-Chi snuggled deeper into his arms in sheer happiness. She savored every feeling she had at that moment, the cool breeze dancing in her hair, the warmth of his arms and body, the comfortingly soft waves of love and happiness radiating from him to her, and the ones she sent back in return. This was going to be such a beautiful evening.
They landed down the street from the restaurant and Chi-Chi quickly brushed her hair again. They then strolled, arm-in-arm, into the Golden Pheasant. The Golden Pheasant boasted an upscale decor, complete with lush carpets, fancy crystal chandeliers, wine-colored tablecloths, and candles on the tables. People conversed in hushed tones as they ate, and soft, romantic music originated from another room in the restaurant. Glancing around at their posh surroundings, Chi-Chi wondered how Goku planned to pay for their meals.
"Good evening, do you have a reservation?" the man at the front podium asked genteelly of them.
"Yes, we do. Son, party of two, at seven," Goku responded just as politely. The man quickly scanned his reservation book for a moment and smiled.
"Ah, yes. Alright, please, come with me." He took two menus from their holder on the side of the host's podium and led them into the dining area. He showed them to a small table set for two bordering a wide, open area from which the tables had been pushed back. Situated on one side on a slightly raised dais was a live band, containing a mixed group of musicians, with their instruments and microphones at the ready. As they approached their table and were seated and handed their menus, Goku and Chi- Chi looked at the open area questioningly.
"Why have the tables been moved?" Goku asked.
"On Saturdays, our tables are rearranged to provide sufficient room for our diners to dance," their host answered with a pleasant smile.
"Oh, wow!" Chi-Chi said breathlessly. Live music and dancing!
"Your server will be with you shortly," the host finished and returned to his station at the front of the restaurant to greet more incoming diners. Goku and Chi-Chi made themselves comfortable in their respective seats and started reading over their menus. Chi-Chi looked at the prices and thought of how much Goku typically ate at any given meal, and wondered again, with a little twinge of worry, just how they were going to pay for this. Still, though, this was so nice. She decided to shelve her concerns and concentrate on enjoying her dinner, as she studied the offered selections carefully.
"This is quite a place, isn't it, Chi-Chi?" Goku observed over his own menu.
"I'll say. I can't remember the last time I was in such a fancy place," Chi-Chi answered. Goku and Chi-Chi went back to glancing at their menus as some people got up and danced to a slow ballad. A perky, young waitress suddenly strolled up to them with pad and pen in hand.
"Good evening. Can I can get you some drinks or appetizers?" she inquired cheerfully.
"I'll have a glass of plum wine," Chi-Chi said.
"I'll just have a glass of water," Goku said after her. "And as for appetizers, the variety platter will do." Chi-Chi shook her head and quietly chuckled to herself. Of course, her husband would order the one appetizer that contained something of everything, but at least he only ordered one. . .for now. The waitress quickly scribbled down their selections and then gave a brief nod of her head.
"Okay, I'll have those brought up shortly. Would you care to order your entrees now?" she asked next.
"I'm not ready," Goku shook his head, still scrutinizing his menu.
"I'm not, either," Chi-Chi added.
"All right, I'll be back in a bit with your drinks and appetizers," the waitress said, and walked off. The band began playing a new song, which was soft, haunting, and sweet.
"That band is pretty good," Chi-Chi commented, as she made a mental selection for her main course.
"Yeah," Goku agreed. He knew he needed to keep his meal order small, but so much of the menu sounded so tasty. After a short while, the waitress came back with their drinks and the appetizers, and they placed their dinner orders.
"I'll have the Fettuccini Alfredo with chicken breast," Chi-Chi told the waitress.
"I'll have that, too - as well as the t-bone steak, with Caesar salad, baked potato with all the toppings, steamed vegetables, and. . .some of that French onion soup," Goku said. The waitress stared at him for a moment. "Um, I really do mean it, miss." he added. Shrugging her shoulders, she wrote it all down and looked at him curiously again.
"Will. . .that be all?" she ventured cautiously.
"For now," Goku grinned back at her. She went off, shaking her head and staring at her pad as if she was still certain what she'd written on it was a mistake.
"_That_ was amazingly restrained, Goku! But, how are we going to pay for all of this?" Chi-Chi chuckled as she watched the bewildered waitress leave.
"Oh, I. . .convinced Mr. Satan to loan us some money," Goku answered with a quick wink. Mr. Satan was very generous when properly motivated (as Krillin's wife had discovered to her financial benefit).
"Oooh," Chi-Chi answered, and began giggling hysterically. It took a few seconds for her to calm down. "Say, Goku. . .why did you want to eat out tonight?" she asked gently after she'd finally recovered her breath.
"Well, I. . .I wanted a little time alone with you, and. . .I don't know; I guess I wanted to make you happy to be with me," he fumbled uncomfortably through his words. Chi-Chi blinked in apparent surprise and smiled at her husband.
"I'm always happy to be with you, Goku. Even when I'm mad at you!" she whispered, and he smiled with a warm light in his eyes for her. Their dinners arrived and they ate sedately for once, with Goku being especially careful to use all of the right utensils and to eat slowly and politely. Chi-Chi watched, quietly impressed by his conscientious dining etiquette.
"Is that really enough for you?" she asked teasingly as he polished off the pasta and set the plate aside with his empty soup bowl and salad dish. He placed the plate containing the steak and potato in front of him and looked up at her as he started to slice into the meat.
"Wellll. . .not really. I thought maybe I could order something else once I'm done with this," he said sheepishly, while popping a bite of meat into his mouth. Chi-Chi shrugged.
"That could work," she said as she continued to enjoy her own dinner. Goku suddenly paused in mid-chew and carefully set down his knife and fork.
"I need to go to the men's room, I'll be right back," he murmured his excuse to her, and left. Chi-Chi watched him walk away and expelled a small, but very happy, love-sigh.
On his way back to their table, Goku paused and listened as the band finished up their latest song. Before they could begin another tune, he approached the dais.
"Excuse me, but do you take requests?" he asked quietly. The leader of the band, a young man with red hair and a round face, looked down at him with a friendly smile.
"Maybe. Depends on the request," he answered.
"Ah, well, I don't have a specific song in mind. . .um, just a love song. . ." Goku quickly glanced over to where Chi-Chi was sitting with her back to the band. The bandleader followed Goku's line of sight to the lovely, dark-haired lady in the navy blue dress.
"Ah, I see. No problem. I think we might have the perfect song for you," he said agreeably. Goku looked relieved.
"All right, thanks!" Goku said gratefully, and he went back to his table as the band struck up a new tune. The melody was sweet and light, as one of the musicians began to sing:

"I've had time to write a book

About the way you act and look, But I haven't got a paragraph. Words are always getting in my way. Anyway, I love you. That's all I have to tell you. That's all I've got to say."

Goku stared at them for a moment. That song described him so well, it was downright scary! Chi-Chi also looked over at the band. Couples got up from their tables and started dancing to the romantic tune.

"And now, I'd like to make a speech

About the love that touches each, But stumbling, I would make you laugh."

"May I have this dance?" Goku gallantly offered his hand to Chi-Chi, who looked at him in surprise for a second before placing her hand in his. He led her to the dance floor and put his arms around her waist, and she put her hands around his neck.

"I feel as though my tongue were made of clay. Anyway, I love you. That's all I have to tell you..."

They danced close to each other, swaying to the music more than actually dancing. Quietly, by Chi-Chi's ear, Goku began to sing along as best he could:

"I'm not a man of poetry. Music isn't one with me. It runs from me. It runs from me. And I tried to write a symphony . . ."

"Once, when I was searching. . ." one of the women in the band suddenly began to sing in counterpoint to the man.

"But I lost the melody. . ."
"Somewhere out of reach. . ." "Alas I only finished half. . ."
"Far away. . ." "And finish I suppose I never may. . ."
"In a place I could not find. . ." "Anyway, I love you. . ."
"Or heart obey. . ." "That's all I have to tell you, That's all I've got to say. . ."

"Now I know the way. . ." Chi-Chi was singing softly along with the woman's part.

"That's all I've got to say. . ."
"Now I know the way. . ."

"That's all. . .I've. . . got. . . to say," they all finished together.

The last of the music vibrated in the air for a few seconds more and then faded away. Forgetting the rest of the crowd for a moment, Goku and Chi- chi leaned in to kiss for a second or two, and then headed back to their table.
"That was so romantic," Chi-Chi sighed. She almost felt like a newlywed again, suffused in the warm ambience of their surroundings.
"Yeah, it was. Those guys know their stuff," Goku nodded. This night was going better than he had hoped. They went back to enjoy the remainder of their dinner, and a short while later, the waitress returned.
"How is everything? Can I get you anything else?" she asked, and Goku's mouth quirked into a small smile. Chi-Chi suppressed her rising laughter, as he ordered yet another complete meal.

After Goku had eaten his fill and they paid the bill, they left the restaurant and noticed a movie theater across the way. One of the posters advertising a new film looked interesting, so they caught the next showing. Goku purchased a monster tub of popcorn, but as so full from dinner he could only put away about half its contents. When the movie let out, they decided it was time to go home. It was very late as they flew across the cool, star-speckled sky toward home. Goku carried Chi-Chi in his strong arms with one arm around her shoulders, one under her knees, her hands clasped around his neck, and her purse dangling from one elbow. Chi-Chi sighed sleepily and happily as she watched the stars and clouds falling far behind them, like all of the heartaches of the past seven years. She was so happy to have Goku back and to feel his closeness again.
"Goku, this was such a wonderful evening," she said gently. "I'm so glad you thought of it."
"Me, too," Goku nodded. "We should do this more often. Although. . ." he paused.
"Although what?" Chi-Chi arched an eyebrow at him. He grinned at her.
"Well, for one thing, I really prefer your recipes for onion soup and garlic chicken to the ones that were served to us at the Golden Pheasant."

"Well, thank you! And for the other. . .?"

"Heh," Goku's overt grin suddenly changed into an unchaste one, his dark eyes flashing his intentions. "This evening isn't quite over yet!" he purred, and the hand supporting her legs began to slide upwards and under her skirt. Chi-Chi squealed in surprise.
"Goku! Stop that! We're in the middle of the air!" she giggled as he slowed down, and purposely altering how he was holding her so she was "standing" and facing towards him. His right hand went higher up her skirt and stroked her inner thigh through her pantyhose as his other hand held her waist tightly against his body.
"So?" he asked playfully. "We're high enough up no one on the ground can easily see us, _and_ we're still low enough to avoid any airplanes or air cars - besides, it's nearly one o'clock in the morning! It's dark and not many people are going to be up anyway!" he chuckled softly, and began kissing her face and neck as his hand continued to tease her through her pantyhose. Chi-Chi moaned hotly at the feel and kissed him back. Then she pulled away for a moment.
"In our nice clothes?" she protested weakly. Her question made Goku hesitate, but only for a moment.
"They'll be okay. You're not too sleepy, are you?" he cut off her next possible objection and began teasing her again, making her gasp and press into him.
"N-no, I-I'm okay. . .mm, Goku. . ." she moaned. Aroused by her reactions, he began pushing her skirt up over her hips, but her hand on his stopped his progress. "No, not here," she shook her head. "I-It's too risky for me. We'll finish when we get home, okay?" She looked at him with pleading eyes and he sighed, nodding in resignation. He removed his hand from under her skirt and lifted her legs again.
"Let's hurry, then," he said, and they grinned at each other as he rocketed off once more towards home. Chi-Chi shivered with anticipation. She looked up at her husband's handsome face and felt her smile grow dreamy.
"I love you, Goku," she told him. He looked down at her and smiled his sweetest, most honest smile.
"I love you, too, Chi--" Before Goku could finish his statement, there was a flash-snap in existence and everything around them froze. Everything, that is, except Chi-Chi. She looked around in shock at the stopped, frozen world around her; trees were held in a bent position from the wind that now hung like a solid force around her, birds were held in the sky like carved ornaments, and Goku was frozen in mid flight, his eyes still warm with love; his mouth caught forming her name.
"Wh-wha-what happened?! Goku?!" Frightened, Chi-Chi tightened her grip around his neck as panic began to overtake her. She nearly screamed when she realized she felt neither breath nor pulse from him. She squeezed her eyes shut and drew in several slow breaths to calm down her rampant heartbeat. "I-I must have fallen asleep in his arms. . .yeah, that's it. . .I'm having a strange dream. When I open my eyes, I'll be awake. . ." she repeated quietly to herself.. She opened her eyes slowly and listened as a faint hum started up in front of her and Goku. She held still with her face turned towards Goku, listening to the humming sound, and watched as a brilliant light cast her shadow across Goku's body and into some of the world beyond. She turned her head to look and blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light; it was coming from. . .a floating triangle in the sky? It was around the size of a tall man and filled with a strange yellow-white light; and something or someone was emerging out of its center. Chi-Chi clung tightly to Goku all the more, even though she knew it was pointless. She shivered in fright, not knowing what to do next. She watched as a man stepped out of the triangle like it was some kind of doorway - a man she knew.
"D-DAVIN?!" Chi-Chi cried out before she could stop herself. She could scarcely believe it, but it was him! He was dressed in a light blue satin shirt, dress slacks with a belt that had a strange jewel buckle, and a loose cloak around his shoulders. He looked a little tired, but pleased, and the color in his normally gray eyes shone a cold, metallic silver.
"It worked! I froze time!" he wondered aloud to himself as he looked around at what he had done. He then looked directly at Chi-Chi. For a moment, he looked in admiration at how lovely she looked, but then his look turned into one of confusion. "That's odd, you should be frozen, too. Ah, well, doesn't matter now," he shrugged.
"Doesn't matter--?! Davin, you did this? How?! Why?! Undo this.this instant!" Chi-Chi all but bellowed her demand. Davin's blissful expression faltered and he frowned a bit.
"I should've known you'd put up your usual fuss. You always were a bit stubborn," Davin sighed, and snapped his fingers. Chi-Chi opened her mouth to angrily protest, but her retort died off and became a surprised gasp as her hands were forcibly pried off of Goku's neck by an unseen source. Her arms then flew up over her head, her wrists shackled together and locked into place, followed immediately by her ankles being invisibly hobbled, fastened onto each other.
"What the hell?!" Chi-Chi snarled, cursing as she struggled against the invisible restraints. Davin snapped his fingers again and she disappeared from Goku's arms. Davin bowed his arms slightly in anticipation of some weight, and she reappeared in his arms. "You son of a. . .!! Put me back right now!!" Chi-Chi screamed in fury as she writhed and struggled in his grip, her purse swinging madly around her arm.
"Stop that!" Davin snapped in annoyance. "It'd be most unfortunate if I dropped you from this height!" Unnerved by his warning, Chi-Chi stopped moving and glanced nervously at the ground far below them. There was no doubt in her mind that she wouldn't survive such a fall. "There, that's better," he sighed quietly. He turned in mid-air and headed back toward the glowing triangle.
"Davin, please. . .what are you doing? Where are you taking me?" Chi- Chi asked with a quiet and reasonable tone in her voice, hoping that it might get her the answers she wanted.
"I'll explain everything when we get there. Don't worry, you'll love it there. I've worked on it for years. It's perfect!" Davin said confidently. Chi-Chi stared at his face, frightened by the expression she saw there. Desperately, she looked back to her Goku, who still couldn't move. His arms were bent as if she were still in them; his mouth frozen in the midst of saying her name.
"Goku. . .GOKU!" Chi-Chi screamed, straining with every fiber of her being in one last attempt to reach him. A tear broke free from her right eye and started to fly outward, but stopped in midair. Frowning for a moment, Davin glanced back in disdain at the man who had married _his_ Chi- Chi and had fathered (what rightfully should have been) _his_ children, then looked forward again. He carried her through the triangle, which promptly vanished behind them. A few seconds later, a second flash-snap restored the present flow of time. **************************************************************************** ** Okay, it's a bit of a cliffhanger - what can I say? The next chapter will be out soon!

BTW I left out a line in "All I've Got to Tell You" during the duet - that point where the male singer has a double line is supposed to have a line in the middle from the female - "Now that I'm a woman. . .". The song is taken from the movie "The Last Unicorn" and is sung by the unicorn (the female singer), after she's turned into a human by her magician companion, and Prince Lir, who's fallen in love with her. The song felt perfect for Goku (and Vegeta, for that matter), but that one line didn't quite fit - so I cut it.