So, a lot of this was written with me thinking that I hadn't written Chapter 11 yet. Apparently though, I had, and had even posted it up.

Well, now I bring you, as the last part of this story, the alternate version that I had been working on to how Thranduil learned of what happened to Legolas.

Granted, I never get to the reveal point, but it's still an interesting read because I had Legolas react in a completely different way than I had in the story originally.

So, have fun reading this altered version!

Savior and Destroyer

Chapter 11: All Is Not As It Should Be

Note: Before reading this chapter, reading the short story "The Breaking Point" that was written a while back, and takes place DURING this story, would be most helpful. If you haven't read that story, you may not understand what is truly wrong with Legolas.

"So you were taken prisoner in the mountains?" Elrond asked, looking at his human son with a good measure of disbelief.

Aragorn nodded, "You told me that no one had survived those mountains in the recent years. Now we know why."

"But, ion nin… what were you doing there to begin with?"

The human sighed, looking to the still sleeping figure of Legolas in the nearby bed. It had been almost a week, and still the prince had yet to wake. His injuries were healing, but the sleep that the Elf was in had been far deeper then expected.


For a moment, the young man said nothing. He turned grey eyes in Elrond's direction and shook his head slightly. "It was a mistake." Aragorn spoke softly. "We were chasing a deer, and had not thought that we traveled too far from the path. But without warning, we were attacked. And taken prisoner."

Sighing, the Elven Lord stood, pacing the room for a moment before coming to stop just in front of the fireplace. "You should have been warned to stay away from even the base of those mountains." Elrond replied softly. "I am at fault for not…"

"But I knew those mountains were dangerous." Aragorn interjected quickly. "Ada, it is not your fault by any means. Legolas and I were careless and…"

"Do… not blame me… too, Estel…" came a soft voice from next to the human.

Grey eyes met blue as Legolas' own gaze came into view. The prince was smiling ever so softly, but looked incredibly weak and exhausted.

Within moments, Elrond was at the bedside, checking Legolas' vitals. Aragorn took one of Legolas' hands in his own, smiling in return.

"Welcome back." He whispered.

One thin eyebrow arched upward, "I did not realize… that I… had left…"

"Quiet." Elrond spoke up, admonishing the young Elf. "You are badly wounded, Legolas. You need to conserve as much energy as you can."

Nodding ever so slightly, the prince closed his eyes. "Forgive me… for… for…" but before Legolas could finish the sentence, he feel into exhausted dreams once more.

Aragorn sighed, his gaze finding that of the Elven Lord. "He will recover, won't he?"

"In time." Elrond replied, placing a calming hand on the young man's shoulder. "Patience, Estel… we can do no more for him than we already have."

"Then, El thought that Ro was going to walk through the door, but it turned out to be Glorfindel instead and…"

A soft laugh from the doorway alerted both Mirkwood Elf and young human to the appearance of their visitor. Lord Elrond walked into the room with a smile.

"Entertaining the prince with stories of your brother's antics?" he asked, shaking his head. "I have good news, Legolas." The Elf Lord spoke.

Sitting in the room's bed, was the archer. His arm was still bandaged, but the color had returned to his fair cheeks. Even the marks of the noose on his neck were almost faded.

"Please tell me that news is that I can get out of bed."

Elrond smiled once more, "Not quite. No doubt Estel has already told you of Vani's recovery?"

Legolas nodded, "He has." The prince glanced to the young human who sat in a chair beside the bed. "And that the twins have gone with Glorfindel to aid in setting things right in her village."

"Vani will be the new head of the town." Elrond added. "With a little help from us, she should be able to do away with the likes of Tileng and his men."

"To restore proper order." Aragorn put in with his own smile. "As it should be."

The Elven Lord sighed every so slightly, "But Mirial is still missing and…"

"I doubt she will return, ada." The man spoke. "Not with a contingent of Elves in the vicinity. The village is under your protection, she dare not stand against the might of the Eldar."

"True." Elrond nodded, "But scouts have been sent to find her nevertheless."

At the mention of Mirial's name, Legolas had grown very silent. Both Elf Lord and human watched the prince carefully before the blond Elf raised his eyes.


Aragorn smiled, "Reflecting?"

"No." Legolas admitted. "More like vowing vengeance should our paths ever cross again."

At this, the man raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Here I thought you would never swear the death of any save Orc and Goblin kind."

"Yes well, Mirial is the exception." The Elf put in, running one hand over his unnaturally short hair.

To his relief, the twins had helped him cut it to where it looked like he only had hair down to the bottom of his ears. But it was still a rather unpleasant reminder of the last couple of weeks.

"Then this piece of news should make you feel a bit better." Elrond spoke up, breaking both archer and man out of their own thoughts. "Lord Thranduil is expected to arrive in Imladris tonight."

Legolas' blue eyes went wide and his face immediately drained of all color. "Oh no…"

"And my son, how does he fare?"

Elrond smiled, "Quite well, I assure you." The Elven Lord looked to the blond Elf who walked beside him.

Thranduil, Legolas' father and King of Mirkwood, heaved a sigh of relief at that. "When I got your message, I feared the worst. You had told me he was lost in the mountains. Do you realize the sorts of horrible predicaments my mind came up with?"

"Probably some quite close to those of my own imagination." Elrond said, his smile remaining. "Come now, Thranduil. He is found and safe, albeit a bit worse for wear but nothing that will not heal with time."

The Elvenking raised an eyebrow, "How much time?"

"Time enough for me to enjoy the rest of my holiday here, ada." Came Legolas' voice from the end of the corridor.

For a moment, Thranduil's expression was unreadable. Father and son stood but feet apart, watching one another carefully.

Suddenly, a smile broke out on the Elvenking's face and he reached out his arms to hug the prince. Legolas smiled as well, wrapping his good arm around his father.

"It is good to see you well, ion nin." Thranduil whispered softly.

"And you, ada." The prince returned before pulling back slightly.

Thranduil's smile remained. "Lord Elrond tells me that you are mending well."

Nodding, the archer glanced over his shoulder. "Estel, I am far from dead. You can come out now."

Trying to stifle his own laughter, Elrond watched as the young man moved into the Elvenking's line of sight. "Forgive me, your Highness. I meant no disrespect and…"

"You are both alive and well." Thranduil spoke, those his tone was far colder than it had been when speaking with the prince. "And you saved my son's life above that. There is no need of apology."

Sighing in relief, Aragorn smiled. "I thought for a moment he would kill me." The man whispered, the words garnering a laugh from Legolas.

"You? I was more worried about…"

"Yes well, continue to worry, Legolas." Thranduil added, "Your holiday is up in a couple of days and, kindly, Lord Elrond has asked me to remain here until that time. You will have myself and the house guard as escort back home."

Legolas blinked, "Wait… house guard?"

"And here I thought you would be bed ridden." Came another voice.

Smiling, Legolas rushed forward and grabbed the Elf whom had appeared from around the corner. "Legede!"

The elder Elf, his hair pure white, smiled. "Aye… your father had me worried sick, as did you."

"Father did?"

Legede nodded, "I thought he would worry himself to death when…"

A slight cough from Thranduil however, drew attention toward him. "Perhaps discussing my condition as to my son's safety is best done at a later time?"

Smiling, Legede nodded. "Of course, hir nin."

However, the Elvenking could not suppress his own smile.

Legolas was safe, and in a few days he would be well.

All was as it should be…

"Forgive me, ada." Legolas whispered when he and his father were alone.

The prince stood near the balcony, looking out over the view of Rivendell. It was a view that he loved, for it always calmed his heart.

"For what, Legolas?" the Elvenking asked.

Thranduil himself was near the fireplace, watching the flames flicker and dance in the darkness.

Night had fallen long ago.

However, in the middle of his sleep, Legolas had awoken from a terrible nightmare. Elves rarely saw such horrible visions in their sleep, but the prince had and it had taken the realization that he was alive and well, and that his father was close at hand, to calm him once more.

Having not wanted to wake Aragorn, whom the prince thought could always use the extra sleep, he had sought out Legede in hopes of alleviating his fear.

Yet it was his father whom he found, awake and up at such an ungodly hour of the night.

"I am keeping you from your rest and…"

Thranduil stood, crossing over the wooden floor to rest a hand on his son's shoulder. "What is it that troubles you, ion nin? Even in your joy, I can see the pain in your eyes."

The prince folded his arms across his chest, hugging himself, as if to ward off some chill… or the evil feelings in his heart. "I doubt I will ever be able to tell you all that blackens my heart, ada." Legolas whispered, a sentence that caused Thranduil's grip on the prince's shoulder to tighten slightly. "Please, ada… Do not ask me to reveal everything. I… I just…" the prince shook his head, one hand moving up slightly to pull at the short strands of golden hair. "Look at me…" he whispered brokenly. "Everything I am is gone…"

Quickly, the Elvenking turned Legolas to face him, tilting the prince's chin up with a gentle hand. "All I see, ion nin… is my son. My son who is standing before me, alive and healing. I see joy, Legolas, not despair."

"LOOK AT ME!" The prince suddenly shouted, stepping back and jerking his chin from Thranduil's grasp. "I was half dead last week! There are marks on my skin that… that I do not think will ever heal… I have no pride and…"

"Legolas, you have lost nothing." Thranduil returned, broken hearted at his son's pain.

Blue eyes flashed dangerously. Legolas' grip on his own arms tightened until his knuckles were white with the strain. His teeth clamped down together, in an effort to keep from screaming out the rage he felt deep inside.

But it was those eyes… dangerous and cold… almost animalistic in their pain.

"I have no pride." The prince stated boldly. "My hair… my name… my body… my…" Legolas' eyes closed shut tightly, tears threatening to spill over onto his cheeks. "My dignity is gone! I am no prince! I am not who I once was!" his eyes snapped open and Legolas glared openly at Thranduil, "Why can no one understand this?! Why does everyone act like things are fine?! I WILL NEVER BE FINE!"

Shivering with anger, Legolas pressed himself back against the wall, trying to keep his feet under him.

"Never… I can never go back to who I was before…"

Thranduil reached out to try and comfort his son, but Legolas' knees gave out and he slipped to the ground, kneeling on the floor. He shook his head, hugging himself even tighter than before.

"Just stop it, ada… Please… Just… Just leave me alone…" the prince begged, his short hair just long enough to cover his pained expression as he curled in on himself.

Not knowing what to do, Thranduil stepped back. "If… if that is what you desire, Legolas." He spoke, straightening himself and heading toward the door. "But you know… I will be down the hall… should you need me, ion nin."

When the prince said nothing, Thranduil had no choice but to leave the room. Shutting the door softly behind him, the Elvenking was met with a worried gaze from the doorway just across the hall.

"Hir Thranduil… is… I mean… I know this is a rather pathetic question but… is Legolas alright?" Aragorn asked, having been woken by the prince's shouting.

The Elvenking shook his head, watching the young man carefully for a long moment. "Could I trouble you for some company, Estel?" Thranduil asked. "There are a few things I would like to ask you."

Swallowing the small lump of fear in his throat, Aragorn nodded.


Chapter 12: What Was Stolen

It was only natural for Thranduil to have questions regarding his son's disappearance, especially when seeing the extent of his injuries.

Aragorn knew of every single scratch that the prince had endured, seeing how he had been the one to heal many of them himself.

But there had been one scratch… one that he knew he would never be able to heal.

The only problem now was… should he even tell the Elvenking about it?

As the young human sat in a rather comfortable armchair, he looked more uncomfortable than ever before.

Thranduil had seated himself across from the man, and was watching him expectantly with a blue gaze that, it was clear, the prince had inherited.

Long moments passed and nothing was said, only making Aragorn all the more uncomfortable under the Elvenking's scrutiny.

But suddenly, Thranduil spoke. His voice was calm, not at all cold as it had been before, but questioning… and yet demanding all the same.

"What happened?"

Two simple words… words that nearly made Aragorn cringe. "What has Lord Elrond told you?" the young man replied back, wanting to keep from repeating anything he could.

Thranduil's gaze narrowed slightly. "That you and my son had been captured in the mountains. He explained the situation surrounding that village, and that his sons had been searching for both of you for more than two weeks."

Sighing, Aragorn looked away for a moment, "Did he… did he tell you anything about me?" the young man asked.

"Only that you had adopted the duties of a Ranger, and were planning to join them soon." Sitting back in his chair, Thranduil smiled slightly. "I think it fitting for you actually."

This reaction caused Estel's gaze to lock on that of the Elvenking.

"Yes, I was complimenting you, Estel." The Elf spoke. "Contrary to what you may think of me, you are still considered an Elf Friend. More than that, the friend of my son. Though I hardly approve of the trouble you seem to drag Legolas into time and time again."

For a moment, Aragorn simply did not know what to say. Thranduil had NEVER complimented him. It had to be a trick, didn't it?

"Estel, I ask you this because Legolas will confide in you where he will shut me out." Thranduil spoke softly, his gaze curious and yet a bit sad. "What has happened to him?"

Knowing that the only way to placate the Elvenking was to actually tell him some of the story, Aragorn nodded. "Legolas and I were hunting. We saw some deer and chased them from the cover of the woods and the valley to the foot of the mountains. We had not thought that they would elude us for much longer so… we gave chase." The young man sighed slightly, "We had about given up and decided to return… when we were set upon by armed guards from the mountain village. I had told Legolas it was dangerous and that we should turn back but…" Estel shook his head, "He did not wish to return empty handed. When those guards found us, they claimed we were trespassing and took us by force."


It was at this point that I figured out… I'd already WRITTEN Chapter 11 and resolved this whole thing.

So the above was all for your enjoyment, so see a different way that I had been thinking to deal with the situation.

As I look back, I like how I did it originally… because this way of dealing with it seemed too much a mirror of a similar situation from "Hiro Hyn Hidth Ab'Wanath". So, I left the original version I had done on FF dot Net and just posted this up after the "next story preview" in hopes that someone might think it a more interesting way to deal with the situation.

Once again, thanks for reading everyone!

I'll see you in the sequel!!!