KA: I just wanted to say sorry for not updating for a while. After finals were over (Thank Kami), my family dragged me over the US saying it was a relaxing "vacation". Yeah right! This is what I say to my vacation!!! *Whips out a sign that says 'vacation' and lights it on fire* BURN!!! BURN!!!!

Kurama: Sorry for the inconvenience. She's also lazy.

KA: I AM NOT LAZY *sets Kurama on fire*

Kurama: AIEEE!!!! *Runs away while on fire* PUT IT OUT!!!

KA: Not until you say I'm not lazy!!

Kurama: *screams can be heard from far away along with a shout that sounded like 'crazy lazy bitch'*

KA: He can just STAY on fire for all I care!! *hears him turn on the hose* NO!! YOU CAN'T USE THAT!!! THAT'S CHEATING!!!! *Runs away trying to stop Kurama*

Kagome: Just forget about her and read the story. Oh yea, KA doesn't own anything. If she did, Kuwabara would dress up like a clown and jump off the Statue of Liberty while singing Barney songs.


Chapter Six: Runaway!!!

~*~*~ Kagome sighed heavily. She had just put Shippou down to sleep in Souta's room, where he had been currently staying, and had returned to her own room for a little rest before leaving tonight.

'Why does everything have to be so complicated??' She mused, digging through her closet for appropriate clothing for a training journey.

She finally found a pile of clothes way back in the back of her closet. 'Perfect!' Se congratulated herself. Throwing them into the waiting suitcase, she quickly ran downstairs to gather a few last items.

On the last stair, Kagome paused as she heard a quiet voice. "Mama! Where are you going, Mama?" Shippou stood at the top of the stairs looking down on her with tears in his eyes, "Do you hate me? Are you leaving me Mama?" Shippou hiccupped, causing the first set of tears to slide down his face.

"Aww, Shippou honey, I could never hate you!!" Kagome tried to console her son. The effort was in vain, though, as Shippou hiccupped more causing more tears to run down his fragile face. "But you're leaving me, mommy. You're leaving me!!"

Seeing nothing else to do, she placed her hand on Shippou's forehead. Her eyes flashed for a second before dimming, leaving a sleeping Shippou in her arms. "Forgive me, my son."

She climbed back up the stairs, setting him down in his bed and tucking in the covers before heading back downstairs. On a second thought she headed back to her room, grabbed a stuffed kitsune plushie from her closet, attached a note saying merely 'Gomen', then tucked it in with Shippou. At the door she paused, looking back at her sleeping son and brother. "Forgive me." Echoed throughout the room even after her figure and shadow disappeared completely from the room.

~*~*~ At Yusuke's House ~*~*~

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Fingers rained down upon a table in steady rhythm.

It echoed loudly in the demon's ears, making all turn towards the source.

"What?" Came Kuwabara's voice, clearly confused at why the attention was centered on him.

"STOP THAT INFERNAL NOISE!!!" Yusuke let loose on him. Kuwabara shrunk back, removing his hand from the surface of the table. Kurama looked thankfully at Yusuke. His nerves were already frayed enough, as it was, no need for more shredding.

The Reikai Tentei (A.N. Is that right??) had left Koenma's office and then decided to stay over at Yusuke's house. His house was closest, and everyone just wanted a place to drop. Well, maybe except Hiei, but he came anyway. Why? Your guess is as good as mine.

Yusuke's mom had long since fell asleep in her room, clearly drunk. Beer bottles were scattered all over the floor, but everyone were already use to it, so no one cared.

"I'm going to sleep." Yusuke suddenly declared.

"Me too." Kuwabara said, turning his sleeping mat away from Yusuke's then settling down. Snores were heard from his mat just seconds after he climbed into it.

"Oaf." Yusuke muttered before climbing into his own mat. Another minute late he also contributed to the snores emitting from Kuwabara.

That just left Kurama and Hiei awake.

Seeing as Hiei was in no mood for conversation, Kurama started to debate with himself.

~We should go find Kagome~ Youko snickered softly.

-For what may I ask?- Shuiichi asked, not liking the sound of that snicker AT ALL.

~You may~ Youko politely returned.

All of a sudden, images soared through Kurama's head. Images of Youko and Kagome doing. let's just say. NAUGHTY things.

Hiei stared at Kurama from his corner. He had just wanted to talk to him, mentally of course, about what he thought about this 'Kagome'. When he tapped into Kurama's mind, he saw the images Youko sent to Shuiichi. Needless to say he was completely surprised. 'That must be why the fox smells of arousal.'

Snorting, Hiei jumped to the window and prepared to leave and stay in a tree the rest of the night. Smirking, he looked at Kurama one last time and stated emotionlessly, "You should keep the fox on a shorter reign." Then he jumped through the window.

Surprised, Kurama stared after him. 'What did he mean by- oh. Oh.' Kurama thought, just realizing what Hiei meant. He quickly looked away from the window now sporting a beautiful deep red blush. Climbing into his own sleeping mat, Kurama quickly fell asleep himself.

~*~*~ With Kagome (Our Runaway) ~*~*~

She sprinted down the streets, one destination in mind.

'Godmother won't mind if I visit.'

She continued down the street, unaware of a dark form watching her.


"To her godmother'ssssssss, yesssssss. And at her godmother'sssssss houssssse we wait." The dark figure turned and told his partner, another creature resting on the top of a telephone pole.

The two creatures took flight, heading in the same direction Kagome as running.

~*~*~ Kagome's House ~*~*~


A piercing wail sounded throughout the entire house. Brutally forced awake, Sango ran to comfort the youngster.

Shippou stood at the top of the stairs again, tears freely dripping and a steady wail coming from his open lips. Sango scooped him up immediately, patting his back and whispering comforting words. Once he quieted, she set him back down and squatted until she was at his eye level.

"What happened Shippou? Did something happen to Kagome?" She asked slowly and calmly, trying not to upset the young kitsune again.

"Mama's gone. She said last night she didn't hate me, but she still left me!! Mama left me!!" The kit was lost to another round of tears and wails.

Sango stared at a distant wall, her eyes worried. 'Kagome, where could you have gone? Where could you be?'

~*~*~ Next:

Godmother's house becomes very busy...

~*~*~ Well, here's the current voting:

San/Kur and Kag/Hiei: 98

Kag/Kur and San/Hiei: 96


I decided that Kuwabara will be with Yukina and Yusuke will be with Keiko (of course). Besides, I'm not even sure if Ritsuko will make another appearance.

But there is something else I want to ask you guys! Should I send someone down to be with Inu or take him back up to be with someone? If so, the choices for Inu would probably be:

OC (Not yet introduced) Ritsuko (If she comes again) A living Kikyo Shizuru Botan

Anyway, review!! I would also love constructive criticism too!!

Oh and to Terra Secora, I'm sorry but I'm not gonna make this a Kag/Inu. He chose Kikyo in the beginning, so in my mind that kinda makes it impossible to erase that fact in both Inu's and Kag's minds enough for a relationship to work. I'm sorry!!


Kag: It's where you belong.

Inu: What???? BITCH!!! *tries to attack kagome*

Kag: SIT BOY!! *Inuyasha falls into a 30 ft hole*

KA: Whilest they are fighting, go ahead and say it.

Shippou: What are ya gonna give me?

KA: Chocolate, so just DO IT *eyes start to flame and fire comes out of her mouth*

Shippou: *Backs away* Press the pretty purple-ish blue-sh button below to review!! NOW GIMME MY CHOCOLATE!!!!