Sweet Deception

A/N: Hey. This is my new story! Hope everyone likes it!

Disclaimer: So Joss, my tempers wearing thin. I tried asking, begging, screaming, bribing, and even kidnapping for Spike. But nooo, that doesn't please Mr. Whedon! well thats it... I'm going to have to use my ultimate power. *pulls out necklace* You are getting sleepy....very sleepy.... when you wake up i will own Spike. Haha, I warned you! Until then, don't own squat.

Rating: Pg13 but will be R later.

Summary: Buffy Summers and Spike Giles have been enemies since Junior High. Entering senior year at high school, their parents start dating. What happens when they have to join forces to split them up? Quality time can kill and rivalry is the sweetest seduction. B/S



-*Sunnydale Junior High*-
- 4 years ago-

" Eilzabeth! Wait up!" Willow called as she ran through the herds of kids that surrounded the halls. Elizabeth giggled as she watched her best friend wiggle through a bunch of boys before making her way to the waiting brunette.

"Hey Wills. Whats up?" Elizabeth asked cheerily, sticking a lollipop in her mouth.

"Nothing much. Xander got his hand stuck in the candy machine." The spunky red-head informed, laughing with her friend.


"Yup." Willow sighed, popping the 'p'.

" Ooh! We have art next." The brunette said as they entered said artroom.

Elizabeth took her seat next to Willow and Cordelia at the very back of the room at their usual table.

As the kids were gathering their art supplies, the teacher called them to a halt.

"Children, take your seats. I have an announcement to make." Ms. Calendar cooed through the busy room. All the kids took their seats and stared intently infront of the room. " It seems we have a new student here. William Giles."

Ms. Calendar side-stepped the room, and sure enough there was a little boy hiding shyly in the vacated spot. " William, why don't you tell us a little about yourself?"

"Um.. I-I moved here from England a few weeks ago. My da' got a job at the local museum and my mum's a nurse. I like to read....and write poetry." The boy said.

A few snickers and giggles could be heard about the room as they watched the brunnette little boy.

Elizabeth rested her eyes on the boy and gave him a warming smile before her friends saw. The boy smiled back for a minute before resting his gaze back on his scuffed up sneakers.

He had ruffy dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes that were practically covered by his wide frammed glasses. The boy was dressed in brown pants, obviously far too big for him, and a tan shirt. The baggy clothing gave a good indication of how scrawny the boy really was.

" I thought they banned geeks this year!" A classmate called out, erupting laughter from everyone. Except Elizabeth. When her friends looked at her, she immediately began to let out a fake laugh as well.

"Riley!" Ms. Calendar warned in a stern voice. The brunnette boy's smile faded and looked down at his desk embarrassed. The teacher put on a smile, turning back to William. "William, why don't you have a seat next to Billy?"

Billy raised his hand and William sauntered over to him.

"What a nerd!" Cordelia whispered to her table.

" Did you see his clothes?!" Harmony shreaked.

" Ew." Cordelia shuddered. "Lizzy, did you see him smile at you? How lame." She giggled.

Elizabeth twirled with her pig-tails before speaking.

"Yeah, I saw. Total dork." Elizabeth forced out a laugh, turning back to her artwork to hide her pained frown.


Elizabeth plopped her cafeteria hamburger down on the table before taking a seat.

"Hey Elizabeth." Riley greeted with a smile.

"Hey." She greeted her friend. She glanced around at the normal faces of her lunch table.

Herself, Willow, Cordelia, Harmony, Anya, Xander, Riley, Parker, and Oz. A.ka.- the popular crowd.

" I have William in my advanced math class. He's pretty smart." Willow said.

"Who?" Cordelia asked, puzzled.

"William, the new kid." Willow said. Cordelia rolled her eyes.

" Oh. I don't have time to catergorize them by names. There's too many geeks in this school anyhow." She grumbled, taking a bite of her salad.

" Yeah, in gym class he wouldn't even play football! Something about it not being 'real football.' Like dude, you're in America now." Riley laughed, exchanging a high five with Parker.

As if on cue, William appeared in front of the table holding his lunch tray. Elizabeth looked up and a shock of fear flashed through her eyes.

'No, no, no! Go away. They'll make fun of you!' Elizabeth tried to send a message to him.

"Speaking of....." Harmony drew out with a fony smile.

" H-h-hi." William said shyly.

Elizabeth shut her eyes and put her head on the table. 'Fool.'

" B-b-bye." Cordelia mocked.

" Umm... I believe the losers sit over there." Parker said as the whole table burst out in a fit of giggles.

"Lizzy, is he like stalking you or something? Do you know him?" Anya asked.

" Umm...I-uh..." Elizabeth glanced up at the hurt looking boy, then back down at her hamburger. "No, I never seen this nerd before in my life."

She couldn't bring herself to look into his heart broken eyes, so she kept her gaze on the disgusting tray infront of her.

William dropped his tray on the spot, and in an instant ran out of the cafeteria doors.

"Good one, Lizzy!" Harmony said. Elizabeth stood up immediately.

"Where you goin'?" Willow asked, concerned.

" I'm not hungry anymore." She said before rushing out of the cafeteria as well.



A/N2: Okay, I know- shortness! Sorry, but its just the prologue and I had to get everyone aware of this situation. This scene is somewhat crutcial to the storyline. I had to make everyone get a feel for the characters and as Elizabeth's 'reputation'. As for the names, don't worry, next chapter it will all change. And I will explain how that came to be later on.

Next chapter- Flash forward to present day high school. Enter 'Spike' and 'Buffy.' And it all begins.....

Keep reading!....

The next chapter should be up since this was so short!

Please Review!!