by Galen Hardesty


"Gee, Daria, that kind of stinks. Everyone else gets to write about being any animal they want, but you have to be a little baby songbird." Jodie sympathized as they exited Mr. O'Neill's classroom.

"Yeah, nothing to do but sit in the nest all day, eat regurgitated caterpillars, and learn birdsongs. Not much scope for that unique Morgendorffer style there." Jane agreed.

A corner of Daria's mouth turned up. "Oh, ye of little faith. Y'know, I was afraid I was going to really hate this assignment, but now I see it as… a challenge."

Mr. O'Neill stepped out the door. " Daria, I just wanted to say that I certainly don't want to stifle your creativity, but I just knew you'd pick something like a great white shark or a giant squid, or a bubonic plague bacillus. I could tell you didn't think much of the basic idea, but I want you to give it a fair try. The extra restriction is just to help you lighten up a bit." He put on a cheery smile and made a little 'go team' gesture with his fist. "I know you can write a happy story if you put your mind to it!"

"I understand, Mr. O'Neill. Don't worry, I can handle it." Daria turned and walked off down the hall, along with Jane and Jodie. Mr. O'Neill smiled after them.

Out of earshot, Daria muttered, "Of course you want to stifle my creativity. Or worse, to pervert it to writing drivel for your amusement. Well, it won't work. You should have settled for the giant squid, Timothy me lad. I'm sore afraid my wee warbler might prove too mickle for ye." An evil smirk appeared on her face, and soon spread to Jane's.

"Um, Daria, you're kind of mumbling to yourself again," she observed.

Daria chuckled silently. "Darn. And I almost had you thinking I was sane," she replied.

Jodie grinned. "You really think you can write one of your trademark awful stories about a baby bird?"

"Of course. A baby bird's life is naturally awful. What would be hard would be to write one of those happy-happy, touchie-feelie kiddie stories like O'Neill wants." Daria smiled and tapped her forehead. "The story is already written, up here. I pretty much had the outline before he finished the sentence, but I may want to do some fine tuning on it. I think I can use it in a project I have in the works." She grinned. "This one may be a three-bagger. A hat trick, you might say."

Jodie said "Huh?"

"Timothy, Quinn, and, I hope, Mrs. Manson."