Story: Who's Is It?

Author: J.E.A.R.K.Potter (Jackie)

Rating: R

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own it. Who does? J.K. Rowling!!


Chapter 9

The End --- Till the Sequel


A few hours passed. Harry had just woken up when Ron came back

into the room. He had pumpkin juice in his hand.

"Hey, mate! Finally up?" Ron asked.

Harry rubbed his temples, then leaned over to get his glasses on.

"What the bloody hell happened?" he asked in a groggy voice.

"Well, you got completely drunk, sang about booze, sang about

Hermione giving you hand jobs, oh, and you told me you might be James's


"I--- I what?"


Hermione and Harry flew for a while more, until they reached The

Three Broomsticks. They walked in there, only to find a bar tender to be

the only one there.

"Two butterbeers, please," Harry said as he and Hermione got into

a booth.

"Yes, sir," said the bar tender, and got the drinks for the two.

"Feeling better?" Harry asked.

"Being out of my house makes me feel a lot better, but in a way,

no. What if I'm---"

"Mione, I'm sure you're not pregnant," Harry said.

"Two more butterbeers, please!" Hermione shouted. "But what if I


Harry sighed. He didn't know what to say exactly to that.

A few hours passed. The two talked, and talked, and actually never

shut up. Finally, they got up to leave, but only made it outside when

Hermione got an idea.

"Why don't we fly to something like a... Hotel? I need some

muggle liquor now, like Vodka or something. They ALWAYS have stuff like


"All right, Mione," he said.

So again, they took off. They ended up somewhere in a muggle town

in a hotel. Luckily, they had enough muggle money on them to pay for it.

"YES! VODKA!!!!!!!" Hermione screamed as she opened the mini-bar.

"Good thing I had a fake muggle ID with me, eh?"

(((So, the two ended up getting really drunk off of lots of Vodka and

Rum... You know EXACTLY what happens between the two!!)))

----End of Flashback----

"Oh my Merlin! I could be James's father! Where's Mione?! I need

to tell her!" Harry said.

"Fill me in, will you?"

"Let's just say, Hermione and I had sex. I guess some how, after

we dressed, Fred and George found out and had been there most of the

time... Mione did a memory charm on the two, and I'm guessing that it

had short-term effect on the two of us. Must have backfired and fired,

too, because Fred and George have no idea, really. You know how everyone

just thinks by nature I'm the dad. Now, where's Mione?"

"I'm right here, Harry," Hermione, said. She had just walked into

the room.

Harry jumped up, and ran to hug "Where's James?"

"Right thurr, Dada!!" James said, crawling into the room with a

cookie in his hand.

"Oh, Harry! You're not going to believe this! Voldemort and Malfoy


"Oh my Merlin," bother men said, and fainted.

"Cookie?" James cocked his head.

"Wonder what this is about..." Hermione said.


(A/N-- So now you know whom the father is!! Well, if you don't then here:

IT'S HARRY!! :D --J--)