HIYA EVERYBODY! I haven't seen you in a LONG time! So... hehe... sorry? PLEASE DON'T HURT ME! I NEED TO LIVE IF YOU WANT THIS FINISHED! *cough* well that was fun. Or not. HERE IS THE CHAPPIE! *WOOT WOOT!*

The thundering footsteps stopped; right outside the door. Harry felt Usagi get up from his embrace, she walked to the slightly ajar door and opened it all the way. The big, fat, whale-looking face of Dudley shown through.

"So the losers decided to camp out did they? I think mother will be happy to hear this. Good night cousins, sleep well." With one last fat smirk he thundered back up the stairs.

Usagi stood glaring at the door. She hated living there. She always wanted to beat Dudley up, or even get in one good punch in, but she was too small, much too small. If she tried anything Dudley could have her face smashed in of even have her unconscious in a matter of seconds without a second thought. Just 'BAM' and it was lights out Usagi.

"Usagi? Who was the large boy? He was scary!" Little Pal spoke to her in a series of yips and quiet barks.

"And fat! He was huge! Just like the whales things we saw at the zoo! Those things are all fat and no brains I swear! He was like them right Usa?" Java jumped up and down with excitement.

Usagi let out a gentle, tinkling laugh. "Yes Java, just like the whale. That was Dudley, remember? He was the boy who banged on all of the cages. The loud one with Harry and me."

"'Harry and I' Usagi, not 'Harry and me'."

Usagi waved her hand impatiently after sending a quick glance and a smile towards the boy. "Yes, yes. Harry and I. But anyways... Harry?" Her expression went from happy to questioning and slightly scared. "Dudley didn't see Java and Pal did he? I hope not!"

Harry looked serious as well. "No, I don't think so. He would have either said something or screamed like a girl, much like you actually, if he had." He threw aside his serious look for one of playfulness, a light smirk on his face.

Usagi looked at him in horror until she picked up her pillow and chucked it at his head.

Harry laughed at her face until there was a pillow on his head with a girl holding it down, smothering him.

"You take that back Harry James Potter! I don not, I repeat, do NOT, in any shape or form, resemble Dudley Dursley! You take that back right now!"

Harry was still laughing, but he was starting to find it hard, lack of oxygen and all. Muffled words came through the pillow, mixed with the laughter.

Usagi was confused. "What?"

Harry pushed the pillow away from his face. "I said 'Alright I take it back, but you have to admit it's true!' You are a girl though and Dudley is a boy, I hope, but that should still mean that he should scream like a boy... hm."

Usagi looked at him and shook her head. "Well now we know that the fox kits are safe so we should be okay. As long as the Dursleys don't find them."

"But what about Dudley? He is going to tell Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon."

Usagi picked up Java, leaving Pal to climb into Harry's lap.

"Oh that stupid prick! I wish... I wish... I wish his hair would turn orange!"

Harry laughed. "I don't think that will do much Usa. I would rather have him unable to talk for a week or two, that would make a better choice."

"No. Orange hair is WAY better."

Harry shook his head. "But why would him having orange hair stop him from telling?"

"Um... because?"

Sighing Harry looked over at the bunny. "Alright Usa. Whatever you say."

Dudley woke up the next day feeling strange, but as soon as he remembered that previous night he smirked. "Well my cousins, it would seem that I have the power to get you in trouble." He spoke out loud, but nothing happened. Confused he shrugged and walked to his parents' room.

His mother and father were sitting up in bed watching the morning news. "Traffics horrid today Petunia, I have to leave earlier then normal if I wish to arrive on time. Maybe right after breakfast-"

He stopped short and looked at his son wide eyed. "Dudley? Wh-why is your hair..."


Petunia has walked out of the bathroom and caught sight of her son's head. A bright pink head with orange hair... wait! ORANGE!?

Dudley looked at his parents, confusion and apprehension showing on his face. "Mummy? Dad? Why are you staring at me?" Then when he realised nothing came out he started muted screaming.

Petunia's cry was heard throughout the neighbour hood. "MY BABY! WHAT'S WRONG!?"

Harry woke to the horrible screams of his Aunt. Sitting up and stretching he realised he was still in Usagi's room. "Usa! Wake up! Aunt Petunia is coming! Hurry!"

Still holding Pal he raced out of her closet and into his own.

Usagi heard Harry run to the next closet and she sat up hearing Aunt Petunia screech. "What a god-awful noise. I think that they need to have her voice box checked and some strings loosened."

Java readily agreed.

Usagi was about to finish her thought when her cupboard was forced open.

"Girl! We are leaving! I am locking you and the boy in your rooms! Stay there and make no noise or else. When we come back from the hospital there better not be anything missing or wrong with our house! And if we find out that you did something to Dudley, you will be punished harshly!"

Then the door was slammed again and the ugly purple face disappeared.

The outside door slammed as well, cutting off her aunt's shrieks. "Well fine then! Don't say goodbye! Not that you would have anyways!" Usagi looked around and did a sound check to ensure that her relatives really were gone.

Crouching on the ground, she pulled a hair pin out of her hair and stuck it in the lock. "Java, do you think that you tell Pal to make Harry back away from the door? I don't want it to hit him." She finished with her lock and heard Java telling Pal the instructions.

The girl and fox walked into the silent hallway and towards Harry's door, the whole two steps away. Crouching again she worked on the boy's door. After that too slid open she saw a comical scene. It would have seemed that Harry didn't understand Pal's yips and barks, so it took the calm little fox all he had to get the much larger boy away from the door. Lying on Harry's bed was Harry himself with little Pal on top of him.

Usagi smiled. "Well Harry, it would seem that the little fox kit, about a sixth your size, was able to pin you down. What's that got to say about your strength?"

"Shut up" was her only response.

They spent the whole day in the house, watching the television and playing on Dudley's computer, in which Harry managed to blow up three more aliens then Usagi, but of course it was nowhere close to the score that Dudley had, but it was understandable. The large boy spent over half a day either on a computer or watching the television. The thing that Harry was most happy about though was the fact that Usagi was acting like herself. Whenever the Dursley's were there, she was meek, calm and very quiet. She was totally and completely afraid of them, and with good reason. The Dursley's would beat her up if she acted anything like she did around Harry. She was too afraid to do that. But Harry was happy to see that she was open around him, even if it was only when they were the only two there.

The kits had fun as well, by the time the Dursley's got home, the four of them were sleeping in the (relocked) cupboards asleep, Pal hidden in Harry's room on the only shelf cuddled under an old shirt and Java in Usagi's arms, on the far side of the bed by the pillow hidden under part of her sheet. To say the least, the day was one of the best they could remember.

YA! Sorry it took so long people! I had it all ready and beta'd, but I kinda forgot about it and only just remembered it. Hehe *_*; well, REVIEW!

