Disclaimer: Don't own, so don't sue.

Operation: Lizzie's Yearbook: Part One

"You rock. Don't ever change. Only I really mean it."

* * *

The last day of school. Yearbooks were out. And today was the day that I was determined to do something about my enormous, uncontrollable crush on Lizzie. Now, I think I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I was planning to walk up to her and say, "Lizzie, I like you," and then kiss her. Wrong. I am not a man of action. Actually, being that I'm about to graduate the 8th grade, I'm not sure I'm really a man. Even though my Bar Mitzvah technically makes me a man, I sure don't feel that way. I'm a coward, afraid to take action and show Lizzie how I feel. Or even tell her how I feel. And since I'm such a coward, I would never be able to walk up to her and spill all. And certainly not kiss her. Besides, she wouldn't want me to lay one on her in public. There would be nothing more embarrassing for Lizzie than being seen receiving a kiss from her best guy friend forever. Which is why I came up with a plan. I wouldn't tell her to her face how I felt. Instead, I would write it in her yearbook. So I did. And even though I told her not to, she read it. And the worst part is, she read it before I finished writing it. All I got out was "You rock. Don't ever change. Only I really mean it." And I think she got it. I mean, she kissed me and all. Not a real kiss. Not the kiss I was hoping for. But she kissed me on the cheek, and that kiss will be on film forever.

But I still wanted to finish my message. And I had to do it while I still had the courage to do so. Which meant today. I was absolutely certain that if I didn't get her yearbook back by the end of the day that I would never build up the nerve to write it. Ever. And I could not risk that.

So I set to work. Operation: Get Lizzie's Yearbook Back is underway.

* * *

Most of the rest of the day was filled with my pathetic attempts to get my hands on Lizzie's yearbook.

Like at lunch.

"Hey, Lizzie. Can I see your yearbook?"

"Why?" she asked, looking at me strangely. "You already wrote in it."

"I know," I stuttered. "It's just…." Think, think, think! I need an excuse, and fast! "Veruca wrote something in my yearbook and I can't read it. I wanted to see if I could read it in yours."

"Gordo, how do you even know if she wrote the same thing?"

"I guess I'll find out," I said, quickly slipping the shiny-covered book out of her hands. I started slowly inching down the bench away from her.

"Gordo…where are you going?" she asked slowly.

"I'm…ahhhh….nowhere." I stood up and began sneaking towards the boy's bathroom, where I could complete my message in peace.

"Gordo, give me back my book!"

"Why?" I asked, still moving towards the bathroom.

"Because I want it back. Gordo!" She flew towards me, and I turned and ran. "Gordo! If you want to know what she wrote then just ask her! This is so stupid! Give me my book!"

I kept running though. I'm sorry, Lizzie! I can't give your book back! Not until I write everything I want to write!

"Gordo!" she cried frustratedly.

And then she caught me. She lunged towards me and we both hurtled towards the ground. Lizzie, as light and slender as she is, landed heavily on my back. All air escaped my lungs and Lizzie's yearbook tumbled to a halt a few yards away. Lizzie scrambled off my back and snatched up the book.

"What's wrong with you, anyway?" she asked, standing over me.

I could only look up at her and wheeze and gasp. After a few minutes I managed, "Uhhh!" Please don't let her be mad at me!

"Whatever," she said, giving me a half-smile and shaking her head. "Come on, let's go." She offered me her hand and I took it. As soon as she had helped me brush off my clothes (which I am ashamed to say that I greatly enjoyed), we started back for the cafeteria.

As soon as we got there, everyone was clearing out, lunch was over.

"Oh great, Gordo. You made me miss the rest of lunch."

"Right, 'cause I'm so sure you wanted to finish your last cafeteria lunch."

Lizzie laughed. "I guess you're right. As always." She smiled at me, and I focused all my mind on not giving myself away.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I joked.

"Like you don't know that you're the smarted person, like, ever."

I think I blushed then. How embarrassing.

"And I am so lucky to have the smartest person ever as my bestest bestest friend. Especially since I'm starting high school in three months."

I laughed. "Come on. Only three more classes until we're free to go for the summer."

"Yay!" She squealed. She took my hand and pulled me towards our classroom. "Come on! Come on! The faster we get there, the faster we can leave!"

I had to laugh at her logic, but inside I was cursing myself for failing. Although there was her hand wrapped around mine to take my mind off my failure.

* * *

I tried a few more times to get at her yearbook. Once I tried reaching over to sneak it out from under her purse but the whole thing tipped over, sending lip glosses and hair ties scattering everywhere.

"Gordo, what are you doing?"

"I was, ah, looking to borrow a pencil."

"Why? We don't have anything to write."

"Well, yeah, but I was going to write myself a note on my hand… to… have fun this summer."

"In pencil?"

"Did I say that?"

"Yes. You said you were looking to-"

" I meant pen," I interrupted, reaching for a sparkly turquoise gel pen.

"Here, let me," she said. She pulled my hand towards her and took the pen. Uncapping it she wrote, in large, straight, even, glittery letters, "Have a great summer, Gordo! [heart] Lizzie."

I took a picture when I got home and tried to avoid washing my left hand at all costs.

* * *

Later I realized that my situation was getting desperate. It was 7 o'clock and I was already beginning to get anxious. There was one last hope for me, however: Lizzie had told me that she had always wanted to see a sunrise, and hardly ever had since she had always been only semi-conscious so early in the morning. So tomorrow, the first Saturday of summer, I was to report to the McGuire's house at 4:30 am, sharp. We would be hiking together, just me and Lizzie, to the top of the ridge that gave Hillridge its name.

How does this help me? I'll tell you. In order to wake up that early, Lizzie had pledged to go to bed at 8 pm at the latest. If she held true to her promise (and since it was important to her, I was sure she would), then I could just sneak in her window, grab the book, finish my message, and then put the book back. Then I would just traipse back to my house and wait up till 4 am, biting my fingernails to shreds and wondering what Lizzie would think when she read the rest of my message. I just can't wait.

* * *

8:30 pm.

I've been sitting outside Lizzie's bedroom for about a half hour. Honestly, that girl can and will do anything and everything to keep from falling asleep. She's singing along with her radio now. Her voice is sweet and hypnotizing, and I don't know how long she'll keep singing. In one way, I never want her to stop. In another, I want her to hurry up and go to sleep so I can get her yearbook!

12:45 pm.

Oh. My. Gosh. I fell asleep outside the McGuire's house. I've been out here for over four hours! What'll my parents say if they find me missing? What if a neighbor saw me? Whatever. I can't back down now. Lizzie's asleep now, so all I have to do is sneak in and find her yearbook.

I snuck into her room via the window and crept around until I found her backpack. I pulled out the shiny, hard-covered book and flipped to the page where I had written the beginning of my confession of love to my best friend.

I clicked on my flashlight and printed the rest of my rehearsed message as neatly as I could.

Just as I was re-reading the message to be sure it was perfect, I thought I heard footsteps in the hallway outside Lizzie's room, so I snapped the book shut and jammed it back into Lizzie's bag. I had been trying to figure out before if I should leave it somewhere for her to find. Like under her pillow or something. Well, too late for that now.

I laid myself flat on the floor, pressing myself down into the carpet behind Lizzie's bed, just in case someone decided to poke their head in and check on Sleeping Lizzie.

After close to ten minutes of lying there, I decided they were gone and I stood up to return to the window.

Then I accidentally looked at Lizzie and froze. The moonlight was spilling in the window and was bathing her in a silver glow. She looked perfect, angelic, amazing…like the woman I loved.

"Lizzie, you're beautiful," I whispered to a silent room.

I shook myself out of my trance and raced out the window.

I arrived back in my room at approximately 1:15 am.

Ohhhhh, I am in so much trouble if anyone finds out.