Disclaimer: It's still Saban's sandbox, I just play here because it's fun. The title "Here With Me" comes from the song by Dido, and I don't own that either.

Reviews and constructive criticism are greatly appreciated!

Here With Me Part Eight

2003-2006 by Amie Martin


-- Epilogue: Aimee --

-- One week later --

Leaning back against the hood of my car, I surveyed the entrance to Adele's Surf Spot. Ashley had invited me to join her and the other Rangers here for smoothies and pizza, something that did sound appealing. "Besides," she'd said, "you look like you should go out and have some fun for a change."

I knew she was right, but I still stood here, waiting. Ever since Volkadir's first attack the week before, I couldn't get a full night's rest. I kept thinking about what his next move might be, waiting for the attack to come… and wondering if what he said about Tommy was true. There wasn't any evidence about anything, and for the past week, that thought bothered me more than everything else.

"Part of me thought you might not show up today."

Startled, I turned to see Jason beside me, helmet propped on one hip. I'd been so out of it, I hadn't noticed his motorcycle pulling up next to my car. Turning back towards the Surf Spot, I said, "Let me guess – Ashley invited you."

"She said you looked like you could use a vacation." Jason gave me a quick once-over. "And from the circles under your eyes, I'm inclined to agree with her."

I shrugged. "Haven't been sleeping well. It happens."

Jason joined me, leaning against the hood. "You're still worried about what Volkadir said about Tommy."

"Of course I'm worried. I can't go this far only to find him…" I refused to say the word "dead," because I would know if Tommy died. It was something I knew I'd feel in my soul. "I just want proof of what happened. I've had enough of wondering and second-guessing myself."

"If he's out there, we'll find him." Jason sounded more confident than I felt. He reached out and rubbed my shoulder. "It's going to be okay, AJ. It's just going to take a little more time, that's all."

"But all I do is wait." I shook my head. "I've been waiting three years to find Tommy, hoping someone will tell me something I can use. Now I have to sit around here too, waiting for Volkadir to try to take over the world again."

He sighed, his hand not leaving my shoulder. "It's called being a Ranger, AJ, about being part of something bigger than yourself. I can't say it gets easier, but you do get used to it."

There was an almost wistful smile on Jason's face, like he cherished those days when he was in my shoes. "You miss it, don't you? Being a Ranger?"

"Sometimes. But it was different then… I was fighting alongside all of my friends." He glanced over at me. "It doesn't make it any easier to see you out there, risking your neck."

"You'll get used to it." I gazed back at the Surf Spot, remembering when it was the Youth Center and I'd meet up with my brother and his friends… his fellow Rangers. "All of you were Rangers, weren't you." I didn't phrase it as a question.

"Yeah, all six of us were."

"Even him?"

Jason faltered, turning to stare at me. From the look in his eyes, I knew he knew who I was talking about. My ex – the guy who left me here. "Not while you were dating him, but yeah, he was a Ranger too, for a long time."

I fell silent, staring down at the ground. There was so much going on here, things in my own past as well as in Jason's, and it was changing how I saw the world. A week ago I had a mission but no direction, a destination without a map of how to get there. I spent my time drifting from place to place, echoing Tommy's footsteps – but I was doing more than that now. I was a Ranger, with all the responsibilities that came with it. When Ashley asked if I'd help, I hadn't expected it to feel like this. Plus, everyone I'd known all those years ago shared the same legacy…

"Hey, are you okay?" Jason's voice was quiet, his hand sliding up and down my back.

"Yeah." I straightened and turned to face him. "Just thinking, that's all."

"Gotcha." Jason tilted his head to the side. "You ready to go inside?"

For the first time in a long time, an almost-content feeling came over me. Something about all of this felt right, and all I had to do was see it through until the end. "I'm ready."

I was ready for anything.

-- End Part One --

Author's Notes: When I first started this story, I intended for it to be episodic – this story being like the first episode of a television series. Here With Me is finished, but I am working on the next story already, and I promise – no really, I promise – to not let there be such a delay. I know there's a lot of questions left in here ("Where's Tommy?" being the big one) and the next parts will try to answer them. While this story may be ending, the overall plot is just beginning, and I hope you'll stick around for the next parts as well.

Thanks for reading this far, I really appreciate it. Let me know what you think!