Okay, tell you the truth...I was never in the girl guides. And for those who are annoyed because I stopped right before the last chapter, I don't mind if you send me letter bombs (heck, at least I'll get some mail for once)

Piper swore to herself as she ran to the kitchen, racing for the bowl of half-made potion. She dropped the blood stained tooth in the thick goo like mixture, then leapt back as flame coloured smoke exploded upwards. The mixture boiled, seething as it belched out clouds of ash.

There was a violent crash, and the whole house shuddered on its foundations.

"What the..." Piper left the simmering potion and moved nervously towards the sound, straining to see through the smoke. An energy ball exploded from her left, glancing off her shoulder with a painful sting. Piper gasped in pain, then dropped to the floor as another ball of crackling light rocketed towards her face. It missed her head by an inch, destroying a large section of wall behind her. Bits of plaster showered down as she looked up in panic. It was Wildray. The stump of his arm had healed over, and had begun to regrow. He growled at her menacingly, sharp teeth bared.

"You'll beg for your life soon, witc-" he was cut off by a loud yell. Leo collided with the demon, sending them both crashing to the floor. Piper scrambled up and grabbed one of the vials in her pocket. She threw it wildly.

The demon rolled out of the way, and the delicate glass shattered on the wood floor. Wildray leapt to his feet, grinning wickedly. Piper tried to blow him up, but he just seemed to absorb it. "Run!" croaked Leo from the floor, ashen faced.

Piper hesitated. A hammer punch hit her in the stomach, and she flew back into the wall, head cracking against brick. Wildray laughed.

"I may only have one hand, but I can still beat you into pulp!" He towered over her, claws extended. Piper collapsed to the floor, vision swimming as she fought to remain conscious. A small ball of flame hit the smirking demon on the shoulder, and he whirled around with a surprised snarl.

Cole had braced himself against the wall, face tight with pain. Phoebe was standing upright, though her knees were quivering. An athame hung from her limp hand. The demon faced them, livid. Groggily, Piper grabbed the last vial and threw it at his back. With a horrible shriek he burst into flame, dissolving into a pile of glowing embers that floated gently to the floor. Phoebe dropped the athame and collapsed, coughs wracking her thin frame. Cole slid down to the floor, eyelids drooping.

Piper stood up shakily, wincing as her head throbbed. Her back felt badly bruised, and her left arm hung uselessly by her side. "Leo?" she said in a croaky voice, limping towards her husband.

He was dead white, breath shallow in his chest. He looked at her, eyes clouded. "Pi...Piper..."

"Oh no you don't mister." said Piper fiercely, turning to the potion. It was now a deep royal blue, frost gleaming around the edge of the saucepan. Grabbing a cup, she filled it and jammed it to Leo's lips.

He could barely swallow it, drops of liquid dripping down his chin. Piper watched in awe as the pimples that covered his skin shrunk and disappeared, and colour bloomed in his cheeks. His breathing deepened, and his eyes shone bright. "Whoa" said Cole from the doorway. He was trying to help phoebe, though there was little he could do.

Her face was beginning to go blue, the inside of her mouth dark with blood. It was impossible to know that the red cloth clenched in her hand had once been white. Piper got her some potion, and another was given to Cole. The healing was startlingly swift. Phoebe gasped; her lungs, mouth and nose suddenly clear. Cole looked at his skin, relieved that it had lost its' sallow tinge. Piper took another cup for Paige.

Her sister was still, face pale. Her hand was cool to the touch, and her breathing was almost non existent. Leo knelt beside her, hand glowing. His face was grim.

"She's nearly gone." Piper looked at the cup, then at her comatose sister. "How do we give it to her?" she asked, face creasing in concern. She swayed, feeling suddenly dizzy. Phoebe grabbed her sister when her knees buckled.

"Ow" said Piper vaguely, wondering why the world was spinning. An image floated through her memory.

An enraged wyvern spurting thick yellow smoke in her face, the heavy fog flowing down her nose and throat…

"Uh-oh" she muttered to herself.

"What's Wrong? Piper?" Phoebe insisted.

"Wyvern smoked me." she said wearily, wishing the world would stop spinning.

A foul tasting liquid ran down her throat and she sputtered, all dizziness gone. She glared at Leo, who was holding the now empty cup.

"That was uncalled for." she said haughtily.

Cole disappeared, then came back carrying the saucepan. He tipped the dregs into the cup as Leo looked anxiously at Paige.



"Smear some on her lips."

Piper did so, spreading it like thick blue lipstick. For a second, it seemed as though nothing was happening. Then, the blue began to sink into her skin, fading away. A twitch ran down Paige's right arm, and her eyelids flickered. Piper quickly put on more. This too disappeared.

Paige's eyes snapped open. She looked around wildly, eyes dazed. Leo and Piper helped her sit up.

Paige looked a bit paler than usual, even after she had downed the disgusting liquid. Phoebe and Cole helped her up gingerly.

Piper sighed gratefully as Leo healed her back, wincing slightly as small pieces of plaster popped from her skin.

Inside the kitchen, the embers smoldered. A small, snake like creature sniffed it curiously, before dissolved into a puff of yellow smoke. The wisp drifted gently out the window, leaving only the faintest whiff of sulfur.

Is 'finis' just a fancy word for finish, or is it just people leaving the 'H' off…