Title: Love's Blood

Author: Kali T'hara

Genre: Action/Adventure/Romance

Rating: R

Summary: Can a simple vampire change Jack and Will's life forever? Set after the movie…J/OC, W/OC…J/W?

Disclaimer: Disney owns 'em…damn that mouse…I own Kira, but I wouldn't mind owning Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom…grrrrr…

CH 24…

"Sooner, or later, the thirst always wins." –Blade

Will followed Jack back to the cabin where they had left Kira earlier. He allowed a small, nonchalant grin to form across his lips. They were about to tell Kira some spectacular news. He couldn't wait to tell her. He knew that this was what she'd want, and he was ready to face a new life with her and Jack. He knew things would be a bit strange at first, but he'd grow accustom to their way of life soon enough.

Jack opened his cabin's door and walked over the threshold, "Kira," he said into the dark room, "Kira?" he asked again.

"You in here?" Will asked now. He walked past Jack, further into the room, "Where'd she go?" he asked.

"I dunno, mate," Jack answered, "I didn't see her pass by outside," he said with a wave of his hand.

"Neither did I," Will agreed with a frown.

"Well, she's on the ship," Jack assumed, "It's not like she grew wings and flew away," he said with a slight laugh.

Will rolled his eyes, "I always look forward to your daily sarcasm,"

Jack ignored the comment, "I'd say check the brig first, mate," Jack instructed, "She spends a lot of time down there,"


Kira stood in the shadows. The one remaining prisoner was fast asleep, huddled in the corner of the cell. The Black Pearl was known as the greatest pirate threat in the Caribbean; however, it had recently obtained a new horror tale to go along with its already menacing persona. Rumors flew across the seas of the Pearl having a real vampire aboard, and that no prisoner ever survived. With that in mind, Kira was surprised that this prisoner even allowed himself to fall asleep.

She leaned against the Pearl's inner walls. She could smell his blood as if it had already been spilt. The scent was intoxicating. She took a step forward; her stomach ached for it, the hunger was taking over her body.

She took a deep breath; she was desperately trying to control herself. She began to pace outside the cell, clenching, and unclenching her fists. She was ready to explode.

The prisoner began to stir. If she wanted to do this quietly, she had better do it now. She unlocked the cell door with unnatural silence and stepped inside. She knelt down on one knee on the floor next to him. As if the man had magically sensed her presence, his eyes shot open.

Kira's hand flew to his mouth in an effort to keep him quiet. He began to thrash about and punch at her widely. She really didn't feel like breaking his arms. His eyes were filled with terror. He knew this was to be his last living moment.

Kira felt herself changing. Her pulse quickened, and her breathing rate increased. Her vision was impeccable in the dark brig. Her white irises, no doubt, brought further fear into her prey's mind.

She let the prisoner go, as she stood up from the floor. She gritted her teeth, allowing her fangs to show. He plastered himself to the wall in a sad attempt to get away. He looked so helpless…so tasty. She couldn't take it any longer.

Kira let herself go.

She moved with inhuman speed. With one hand, she grabbed him by the neck and pushed him up against the wall. She squeezed her hand tighter around his throat, causing him to choke and cough.

"Please…please…" the man sputtered.

This only caused Kira to choke him tighter, amusing herself as she watched his face turn red, and eyes roll back.

In a blink on an eye, she brought his neck to her mouth and bit through to his jugular. The blood flowed.

The man screamed in pain as his body frantically thrashed and bucked about. But Kira didn't mind; she didn't even bother breaking his neck. She was enjoying the torture of allowing him to live through this. She was savoring the taste – every drop of blood. It streamed down her mouth and into her stomach.

Kira took her arms off the prisoner. His lifeless body slumped to the floor. She backed away from the body and turned away. She leaned her forearms against the cell's iron crossbars and let her neck hang. She was breathing heavily, and she was soaked in sweat. Bright red blood dripped down her chin. She wiped it carelessly with the back of her hand, smearing it further across her jaw.

She was coming back out of it. Her body was shaking – whether from mental pain, or rage, she wasn't sure. She wanted to scream right then and there. Scream at the prisoner, scream at herself, scream at everyone. She wanted to control herself, she didn't wan to be so unpredictable anymore – especially around Jack and Will. She knew it pained them to see her act like such a monster. And she also knew that they both still possessed a certain level of fear around her. That was the one thing that she didn't want.

She was so incredibly furious right now. She then realized that was the cause of her trembling. She didn't want to – she wanted to make herself stop. Maybe screaming would help?

And she did. She let an agony soaked, blood thirsty cry out of her mouth as she slammed her fists into iron lattice of the cell's door. She felt no pain – that wasn't an emotion to her anymore. She let her fists remain in the deep indentations she created, as she allowed a tear to fall.


In the corner of the dark brig, near the entrance way, two figures stood in the silence. Neither moved, neither uttered a word. Both stood and observed as Kira's sanity slowly began its downward spiral.

Will placed a hand on Jack's shoulder, and asked an unspoken question. Jack merely shrugged helplessly. He was hoping that Will's idea would work. Could their affection and support alone bring the woman they loved back? Could they save her? But what was the first step? How do they begin anything after what they had just witnessed? Do they go to her? Do they leave her alone with her rage? They hadn't a clue. They remained in the shadows, immobile, trying to come up with an answer – a solution – to Kira's situation.

Nothing came.