Title: Love's Blood Author: Kali T'hara Genre: Action/Adventure/Romance/Violence Rating: PG-13 - R Summery: Set after the movie.Jack finds a woman.but she not what she seems.and her friendship with Will jeopardizes his relationship with Elizabeth (boo-hoo).how will things turn out? J/OC, W/E (beginning) maybe some of W/OC too. Vampire fic! (yeah!) Disclaimer: Disney owns 'em.damn that mouse.I own Kira, but I wouldn't mind owning Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom.grrrrr.

The warm Caribbean breeze danced across Captain Jack Sparrow's tan face. His decorated hair swayed gently against his cheeks. The Black Pearl was his again. Everything he had always wanted - a ship and the open sea - was at his fingertips. Yet something was nagging at him from the back of his mind. It felt like he was still missing something, but he wasn't sure at all what that something was. Jack sighed out loud to himself. Whatever it was, it would come back to him eventually.he hoped.

His first mate, walked up to him where he stood at the bow of the ship. He put a hand on his shoulder, "What's wrong Jack?" the man asked his captain.

Jack sighed again as he turned to look at the man, "Wish I could tell ya, Will," He looked at the man before him. Will's hair had gotten a bit longer and his goatee was less groomed than it used to be. He looked, more than ever, like a pirate; and to Jack, more like his father. He had the same eyes that held the same concern for a friend in need.

"Well, why don't you just tell me? I'm your friend Jack. I'm sure I could help you out somewhat," he urged Jack to tell him his troubles, but the captain only shook his head.

"It's not that I don't wanna tell ya, mate. I know I can trust ya." he continued while waving his hands around absently, "I just haven't figured is out meself yet," Jack explained.

Will nodded to him, gave a small, understanding smile, and walked away back to the crew. Elizabeth met him half way. She looked nothing like the old Elizabeth Swann. No more fancy dresses, or done up hair. She appeared to be nothing more than a female pirate.and that was what she was. Her long brown hair was held up in a messy bun and her tunic and pants were dirty with sweat from half a year on a ship. Only a few months after she and Will wed, they found their selves on a ship to Tortuga searching for Captain Jack Sparrow and the famous Black Pearl. For some reason they couldn't keep their minds away from the adventures they had partaken with Jack and his crew. It was in Will's blood, he knew that and so did Elizabeth. And somehow she found that fascinating. Since finding the Black Pearl again, they had become part of the crew and hadn't step foot in Port Royal since the day they left.

The Black Pearl made its usual rounds throughout the numerous ports surrounding the Caribbean Sea. But to Jack, the days went by slower and slower. He soon realized that being out to sea was no longer keeping him content. Considering that he was a pirate, this could be a problem. He wanted to talk about it, he really did. But the problem was that he didn't know what was wrong with him in the first place. He knew that Will was becoming concerned for his friend. Soon the entire crew was keeping an extra eye on their captain.

"Maybe I just need a break," Jack said suddenly to Will one afternoon.

Will, a bit surprised at this sudden decision, looked at him with slight confusion, "I thought you were at home on the sea?" he asked the older pirate.

"I am, mate. But every now and then I jus' need some solid earth beneath my boots," Jack explained with a wave of his hand. He turned on his heal towards Will, beads swaying into his cheek, "Tortuga?"

Will smiled, "Aye, Tortuga,"

Jack nodded once, "Alright, mate," he clapped his hands together, "Now where's me rum?"