Race, leaning against his pillow, looked at the boys walking into the lodging house after a long day of work.

Approaching him was a seventeen year old boy with dirty-blond hair, which was practically brown, hazel eyes, and outfit that said his name all over it; There was a red bandana tied into a tight knot around his neck, he had a light gray shirt on, with a black striped vest over it, hanging by his back was a black cowboy hat, which the boy had hardly ever taken off; But the first thing Race seemed to notice, was the bluish-gray of his pants.

Finding himself staring Race quickly switched his gaze to the deck of cards that lay in front of him.

Race jumped as he heard the boy begin to speak to him, "Hey Race, feelin' any better?"

Sitting up, Race found himself smiling, "Ya mean besides da fact dat it feels like someone's stabbin' me in da side with a knife every time Ise cough or laugh?"

The seventeen year old laughed, "I'm sorry Race."

Race eyed him down, then focused his gaze once more to the deck of cards, "For what? You didn' do nothin' Cowboy."

Cowboy stopped laughing and smiled, "Yeah, yer right, Ise ain't sorry. No need ta be."

Race scrolled, "Don' I feel loved?"

Cowboy let out another laugh, "Ise bet ya ain't feelin' so loved right now are ya? Bein' sick and everyt'ing."

Race began to cough uncontrollably falling back into his pillow. His eyes began to tear from the pain.

"Woe, you al'ight dere Race?" Cowboy said placing his hand on Race's shoulder.

Weakly Race smiled, "I'll live," he grabbed onto his side as he coughed again, "Don' worry 'bout me Jack."

Jack let out a sigh, "Yer gonna kill yerself Racey, maybe you should get some sleep."

Race began to rub his eyes, "'ve tried dat Jack. It hurts to much to sleep. Ise ain't gonna get no sleep for a while Ise bet ya five bucks."

"Naw, Ise bet yer gonna get betta real quick Race." Jack said, shaking his head.

Race started to cough once more, grabbing onto his sides as too stop them from hurting, "Ise feels like Ise gonna die."

Jack laughed, "Don' say dat Racey, youse ain't gonna die!"

Race smiled, despite the pain he was injuring, "How would youse know Cowboy, youse me guardian angle or somet'in?"

"Naw, but if youse keep tell'in yourself youse gonna die, youse'll start ta believe it, and maybe youse will die!" Jack said, still laughing.

Race glared at Jack, "What? Youse find it funny dat I'm in a great deal pain or somet'in?"

Jack reacted to Race's glare by tapping him lightly on the left cheek, "Naw, it's just youse is so cute when yer grabbin' onto yer side in pain." Jack grabbed onto his side and began to act like he was in pain, or in other words he was making fun of Race.

Jack ended up with a pillow thrown at his head.

Race dived under his sheets and cried out, "Go away Jack, Ise needs sleep."

"Whatever you say Ma'am." Jack walked away with a salute.

"Jack!" Race said pushing the covers from atop of him.

The seventeen-year-old boy turned on his heel, "What? Need a kiss good- night?"

Race let a big smile grow onto his face as Jack walked closer.

Jack lent in as if to kiss Race. Race; however, grabbed his pillow from Jack's hand and hit him over the head, "No Ise need me pillow to sleep, or 'ave youse forgotten Ise gots a 'ead ach too?"

Race smiled and laid down on his bed.

"Race, your such an ass sometimes!" Jack yelled as he walked to his bunk.

"Only sometimes?" Race yelled back from his sleeping position.

* * *

A/N: No major slash stuff yet, but you can tell their interested I each other. :p I don't know where this story came from. All I know is I was home sick and I had to write a story. So may as well make one of the Newsies sick with what ever I had right?

*RaceMuse*- did you have to make me sick, and have to miss the races?

*IteyMuse*- ::sings:: Cry me a river! Cry ME a river!

*RaceMuse*- Can someone make him shut up?

*SkitteryMuse*- Why? He ain't hurting no one.

Shut up! All of you! (I love my new Muses)

*BlinkMuse*- Ise didn't say nuttin'

I never said you said anything!


Alright, The next chapter... I need some ideas... Please Review and tell!

Love lots, Chip