Sammy wound up at camp green lake for nothing really, she just bleached a couple of dogs on her street, and the owners of the dogs pressed charges, and she wound up at CGL (camp green lake). She was indeed guilty for the crime she was convicted, she told it straight to the judge. Her parents were ashamed of her, and she thought they were mad at her most of the time, you should've seen the tantrum her mother threw. She had taken all of Sammy's fathers C.D.s of their racks and thrown them on the floor. She over turned the coffee table, the dinner table, and the computer table. Sammy's older brother Bartholomew was laughing hysterically in his room, occasionally screaming, "MY SISTERS GOING TO JAIL!!! MY SISTERS GOING TO JAIL!!!" and he was 19. Then Mother would go in there and put duck tape over his mouth. But Sammy wasn't really going to jail; she was going to camp green lake. She loved swimming, and she thought this was a perfect way to be punished, swimming, playing, and lounging about. She was wrong. Because there is no Lake, she would not be swimming, playing, or lounging about. She would be digging holes. But she didn't know that yet.

Going to camp green lake was a long hot trip, though she slept most of the way, and only woke to the occasional shaking of the security guard, telling her how much time there was left to get to CGL. Sammy was wearing a white spaghetti strap shirt, with blue jean pants. She always wore pants, no matter what the weather. In the summer, I usually got around 115 degrees were she lived, so she was really used to wearing pants during scorching weather. She thought that going to camp green lake would be fun, and she would get a tan in the sun on the lake. Well, she was half right. On the bus with her was a boy who told her his name was Stanley Yelnats. He was kind of big, and Sammy thought, that if he knew how, he could beat up probably anyone.
When they got to CGL it was at least 115 degrees outside, but it felt good compared to how cold the bus was. There was only one building all around, and she hoped it had a water fountain. She, Stanley and the guard walked in, to be greeted by a man with a cowboy hat on, chewing sunflower seeds.

"Ah! There yeh are. Been waiting-" the man stopped dead as his gaze fell on Sammy. "By George you're a girl!!!!!!"

Sammy raised a brow, "well duh, I'm not a antelope." She flicked one of her blonde braids over her shoulder, twirling the other in her finger. The man glanced at Stanley, Quickly taking him into his office, and ushered him out with a bundle of clothes.

"Well we're gonna see the warden about this," said the man. He marched over to the coat rack, grabbing one of coats on the pegs, and shrugging it on.

"Why do you need that heavy coat?" asked Sammy, staring at him in disbelief.

"Well here, this is the cold part of the year," said the man. He grabbed Sammy by the elbow, and led her back outside into the heat. He took her to a truck with a big tank in the back. Sammy kind of hoped it was gasoline, because it would be fun to watch it blow up. The two of them got into the truck, leaving the bus guard standing outside.

"Um, there are some drinks in the refrigerator, you can grab one for you and the driver," the man was acting anxious to get to the wardens house, and as he started the car he told Sammy some important info she would need later on. "My name is Mr. Sir, and you are to call me by that name every time you talk to me. We are going to see the warden, and you must be havin' respect for her, or else you'll be in big trouble on your first day here, we don't want that now do we?"

"No Mr. Sir, we don't," Sammy had a hard time answering the question, because she thought Mr. Sir's name was so funny.

As they roared through the dirt terrain, Sammy looked out the window, and she saw a bunch of kids digging. That's right, digging. She saw some of their faces, and it turned out they were all boys, and when they saw the truck, they seemed hopeful, and some of them stopped digging just incase the truck stopped. As they neared the cabin, the only other building for miles and miles, Sammy saw there was a hammock between the two oak trees. They stopped a little ways away from the cabin, and they got out, Mr. Sir yelled at the hammock.

"Hey Lou!!!" Mr. Sir yelled, the person in the hammock was obviously asleep, because the person fell out of it.

"W-wha-what is it?" the person was very groggy, and as the person walked into the sun, Sammy could see it was a women. Ah, she thought, that's comforting; the person in charge is a girl. Wonderful.

"We seem to have a problem," Mr. Sir let go of Sammy's arm, and shoved her forward, she stumble forward a few steps, almost losing her balance, when she regained her balance, the straightened up, brushing back both braids. The warden just yawned, though she looked mad afterward.

"How is this a problem, we might only have boys at our camp, but that doesn't mean we can't have girls here too," the warden scratched her head, though not in a confuse way, and yawned again. "Take her back to camp, and treat her like any one else."

"But ma'am!" Mr. Sir started to protest

" Excuse me?" asked the Warden, in a stern cold voice. " You will take Sammy back to camp, and you will treat her like any one else. Do I make myself clear?"

Mr. Sir grunted angrily.

" Excuse me?" asked the Warden again.

" Yes ma'am." Murmured Mr. Sir, and he took Sammy by the elbow, drove her back to camp, and took Sammy to a small cabin and handed her two pairs of orange jump suits.

" Wear one for working, and one for relaxation. Every three days, your work clothes are to be washed and become you relaxation clothes, you old relaxation clothes become you work clothes. Got that?" Mr. Sir was obviously peeved that the warden hadn't done anything about the fact that Sammy was a girl. He had said the instructions really quickly, possibly so Sammy wouldn't have gotten it.

"Yes Mr. Sir," Sammy was used to people talking really fast, often having to translate the mumbled words apart. Mr. Sir Grunted angrily again, shoving the clothes into Sammy, causing her to stumble back a few paces.

Man, she thought, I really have no balance. I would really die if I went rock climbing or something that has to do with balance. He left the cabin, closing the door behind him. Sammy unfolded the clothes, finding a pair of gloves, white tee shirt, and an orange hat also in the bundle. She snorted at the hat, and decided that she would never, ever, ever, ever wear it, she would were her black hat. She started to get dressed, and fell down 3 times before she got the first pant leg on. As she left the cabin, she saw Mr. Sir standing by the door, waiting to tell her where to go.

"See that tent over there?" He asked, pointing to a tent way out in the distance.

"Yes Mr. Sir," Sammy said, following his finger to the tent.

"That's were you'll be staying, Mr. Pendanski will be you councilor," Mr. Sir left it at that, he finished he sentence and walked away. Sammy started to run to the tent, because she wanted to get there as soon as possible. As she opened the flap to the tent, she saw boys sitting on cots. The conversations stopped as she entered, and each eye fell upon her.