DISCLAIMER: Ranma 1/2 belongs to Rumiko Takahashi & Viz Video. I My Me! Strawberry Eggs belongs to Pioneer. All other characters belong to me and I own this work of fan fiction. This story is meant for purely entertainment purposes.

This work was inspired by a fic called, "A New Life and New Job," by the author Yun Yun. Keep up the good work! It is authors like you that help bring more people into the world of fan fiction.

TIMELINE: Ranma 1/2 is after the failed wedding, while I My Me! Strawbery Eggs is centered around the events in the 1st quarter.

WARNING: Characters may seem OOC at times, but that is just life. None of the standard matchups will apply to this fic. When I have some idea of who I will match Ranma up with, I will be conducting some polls.


* Thoughts and Actions *

{ Author's Notes }

[ Timeframe and Locations ]

Telephone Conversations

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Ranma He She! Strawberry Eggs

Kuonji Zeos ([email protected])

Ranma 1/2 / I My Me! Strawberry Eggs Crossover

Chapter One - Unfinished Business

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[Saotome Home]

The week passed very quickly as Ranma finished taking care of everything that would allow him to move on with his life. "I can't believe how quickly the week seems to have gone by. I was able to pass all of the exams without any problems, but that was expected. I'm registered with a student teaching program and they have accepted my mastery of martial arts sufficient enough to be qualified as a student physical fitness kyoshi." * Of course the fact that I have high scores on all of the tests that I took last week doesn't hurt either. * "I have a new name and life right around the corner."

Nodoka saw Ranma sitting on the roof thinking about the events that have occured so far. * I'm glad that this was finally able to happen, Ranma really does need to move with his life. Or is that her life now that she will be living as Ranko? *

Ranma awoke from his thoughts when he felt his mom looking at him. * How do I describe what I am feeling? It seems that she will understand, but how do I present it? I know she wants to help, but what should I do? * "Hi mom, how are things going?"

Nodoka smiled and replied, "They seem to be going pretty well, how about you?"

"I'm not really sure."

"Oh! Why is that?"

"I'm looking forward to my new life, it's just that I'm not too sure about myself. It is as if I don't know who I really am. I just don't really know how to describe it."

"Don't worry about it, I know you will find the answer, it just may take some time Ranko."

Ranma smiled as he heard his mother call him by his new name. "I going to get ready and then I suppose I will have to head back to the dojo."

"If I might make a suggestion?"

"Certainly mother."

"Since you know what the reaction is going to be, why don't you make it someplace public and then you can let everyone know. Perhap even at Furinkan High School?"

"It seems fitting to end my problems from where they originated."

"I'll make the calls right away."

"Soon it ends... tommorrow I take back my life!"

[Later on that Day]

Nodoka sat down in the living room as she thought about who she should call first.

"I think I'll call Ukyou first, after all she is Ranko's friend." * At least that is the way Ranko thinks of her. *

[Ucchan's Okonomiyaki]

* Ring Ring Ring *

Hello this is Ukyou, may I ask who is calling?

This is Nodoka, Ranma's mother.

Ukyou was surprised that Ranma's mother would call her after the events of the failed wedding. She knew she had to break the both of them up or else Ranma would never have been happy.

* However, I think my actions were kind of extreme. All I had to do was STOP it, I didn't have to DESTROY it. *

Hello Mrs. Saotome, may I ask what this is about?

My son has something important to announce that he plans on saying at Furinkan High tommorow, he asked if I could contact all of the people he knew so they would be sure to attend.

What is he going to announce?

You will have to show up tommorrow and find out.

I'll make sure that I will make it he is after all my Ranchan.

That reminds me, I also have to inform you that Ranma truly only considers you as a friend. That standing was put in jeopardy when you attacked him at the wedding.

I am aware of that now and I hope that he will forgive me for my rude actions.

You know how Ranma is, I'm sure he will forgive you.

That's a relief.

Just remember what I have said.

I will.

[Saotome Home]

Nodoka hung the phone up and thought to herself that seemed to go rather smoothly.

* I hope everyone else will react the same way. *

{ As if that would ever happen! -_- }

* I suppose the next group of people that I should call would be the amazons. I wonder how well this will proceed. From what Ranko has told me they seem to have given a significant amount of his problems. *


* Ring Ring Ring *

Cologne answered the phone and was ready to take another order when she was surprised by who was on the other line.

Hello Nekohanten, how may I take your order?

Hello this Nodoka Saotome, am I talking to Elder Cologne?

Yes you are, may I ask what this is about?

Certainly, this is about my child Ranma.

Ah, What can I do for you?

I am sure you are aware that Ranma has been getting extremely irritated of what has been happening while he has been in Nerima?

I have noticed this, your point being?

You are also aware of the events that took place at Jusendo?

How could I not? I was there when it happened.

Good then you are aware of what my son is capable of?

What are you implying?

That my son has grown tired of your games and wonders whether you would prefer him as an ally or as an enemy?

I see... Of course I would prefer him as an ally. What would it take for this to occur?

Drop all claims you have against and let him join you as an ally. He respects you Elder, all you have to do is respect him.

I have been thinking the same thing these past few days. He poses a great danger if he were to go against us. After the Saffron Incident, I have had to rethink some of my earlier thoughts concerning him. In fact I notified the council about what has occured and I recieved something recently from them, that I would like to present to him. Do you have any idea when I might be able to do that?

Ranma plans to make an announcement to everyone involved tommorrow at Furinkan High, is that acceptable?

Yes, that will work out fine.

Please pass the word to both Mousse and Shampoo, but remember you are responsible for their actions.

I will be sure to let them know.

Until tommorrow?

Until tommorrow.

[Saotome Home]

* It seems the amazons are going to be less troublesome than Ranko had expected. Everyone seems to be recognizing their mistakes, maybe things will not be so bad after all. *

{ Me thinks she does not know the Kuno's well. -_- }

* The last place left to call is the Tendo Dojo. *

"Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like their reactions."

Ranko walks into the room and sees her mom deep in thought.

"Hi mom, how are things going."

"Things are going a lot better than expected."

"How is that?"

"Ukyou apologized for her actions at the wedding and now finally seems to recognize that you will only see her as a friend."

"That is good news."

"There is more, Cologne seems to respect you now and wishes to present you something from her and the rest of the elders of her Amazon tribe."

"It seems things are finally starting to turn out for the better."

"The only place left to call is the Tendo Dojo."

Ranko feels a chill run down his spine.

"Why does that sound like trouble?"

"Ranko, I know things have not gone well while you were at the Tendo Dojo, but they still need to know your decision."

"I understand mother."

[ Tendo Dojo ]

* Ring Ring Ring *

Kasumi answered the phone as she had just finished completing the work she had planned for the day.

Hello this is Kasumi, may I ask who is calling?

Hello Kasumi, this is Nodoka.

Hello Auntie, may I ask why you are calling?

Ranma has finally made a decision. The announcement is going to take place tommorrow at Furinkan High School. Would you be so kind as to tell everyone so that they will be there tommorrow?

I would be glad to.

Till Tommorrow?

See you tommorrow Auntie.

[ Saotome Home. ]

"It is done."

"Tommorrow... have things really gone bye so quickly?"

"They have Ranko, indeed they have."

[ The Next Day @ Furinkan High]

A crowd is waiting for Ranma to arrive at Furinkan High.

Ranko looks at the school and see that everyone has arrived. She jumps to the rooftop of Furinkan while cloaked in the Umisenken. She waits for a few moments while the tension builds and then leaps off the top of Furinkan, cancelling the Umisenken as she falls.

Ranko lands a few moments later and then makes her anouncement.

"Hello everyone, by now I am sure you are all wondering why I have called you here today. The reason is simple. I have grown tired of living in Nerima, if I continue to live here, I fear I will never find peace. So as of right now, I am cancelling all engagements. The sham that was called a wedding failed so miserable that it brought many things to my attention. I will not be treated as a trophy or prize anymore."

Nodoka walks up next to Ranma and then speaks before anyone else has a chance.

"I support Ranma fully in his decision. I should also note that since this last monday Ranma is no longer considered a Saotome and neither am I. My family is adding Ranma on to our registry and the courts have anulled my marriage to Genma based on the facts that I have given concerning him."

"Elder Cologne I will meet you at the Nekohanten concering the business that you spoke to my mother about.

"I will see you their Ranma."

"Thank you all for your time, as you can see I have other business to attend to."

Ranko left the school ground before anyone had a chance to voice their opinion and bounced from rooftop to rooftop until she was at the Nekohanten.

[ Nekohanten ]

"It is good to see you again Elder Cologne."

"I am glad that you came Ranma."

"Please elder if you could call me Ranko while I am in this form I would greatly appreciate it."

"That would not be a problem Ranko, but may I ask you why?"

"I would be glad to tell you now that we are now friends and allies. I have made plans to leave Nerima. I am planning on being an assistant physical fitness intructor. The school that I will be working at currently only hires female teachers. I am also going to be going to a junior college in the same are so that I can eventually become a full-fledged instructor."

"I see so your job requires you to be female. Are you planning to do this the entire time you are there?"

"Yes that is my intention. I still haven't figured out what I am going to do should I come in contact with warm water."

"Well Ranko since it seems that we are now working together. I wish to show you the true purpose of Jusenkyo."

"The true purpose?"

"Yes, as I am sure you realized it is an actual training ground. What you probably have not realized is that there is no real cure to a jusenkyo curse."

"Why is that?"

"Jusenkyo is an advanced training ground for people who want to truly master the use of ki. When you truly master the use of your bodies ki, it is possible to change at will. Jusenkyo no longer is curse, it turns into a blessing."

"I have already realized the part about it being a blessing, although it took me a while to realize that."

"I have noticed that you no longer seemed to be bothered by the fact you turn into a girl."

"I think it is a great gift to be able to experience both sides of life."

"I am glad to have met you Ranko and I know exactly what you are talking about, for you see I have also been subjected to jusenkyo."

"You have?"

"Yes, it took me several years before I could control my curse and it truly opened my eyes up to the world. I would like to give you something Ranko, but before I do I must have your assurance that you will not pass this on to anyone else without my permission."

"You have my word."

"This is a scroll that shows you how to gain control of jusenkyo. You have all the power necessary to pull it off. You just need to know what to do with what you already have. You are a true prodigy, please take this scroll and good luck in your new life."

"Thank you Elder Cologne, I truly appreciate this. We will meet again."

"I know we will Ranko, I know we will."

Ranko having finished her business with Cologne walks out of the Nekohanten, she then puts on her pack then leaps on top of a roof and heads toward the train station so she can begin her life anew.

To be continued.

Authors Notes: Finally done with chapter one! Thank you everybody that has already given me a review. I really appreciate the feedback. This is my first story so all of your comments and criticisms are extremely appreciated. Flames are fun to read, but generally useless and I would prefer if you gave me constructive criticism.

Comments and suggestions are welcome please email me at [email protected].