Disclaimer : I don't own the Mighty Ducks because Disney and the NHL do. However I do own Ryan, Coach Foster and any characters that were not mentioned in the films.

A/N : The ducks are in college and share the same dorm suite - as I've said before this may not happen in real life but this isn't real life now is it!

Chapter 1


I followed the rest of the team as we almost bombarded into our suite. We had just finished practice and needed a good relaxing sit down before we even begun thinking about what we were going to get up to that night. I squeezed myself into the seat between Julie and Ken and immediately began discussing the practice with the others. Connie had disappeared into her room to get ready for her date with 'Ryan'. We had all been surprised when Connie dumped me for the first time never mind the second time. We had broken up previously when we first started at Eden hall but shortly after got back together, then she dumped me a second time after we started college. These days we very rarely talked to each other, sure we talked to be civil and all but as for socializing well she was far too busy with Ryan for that.

"Was it me or was Coach Foster harder on me today"? Julie asked. She had been worked hardest out of us all today and God knows why because she very rarely let the puck by her and always worked harder than the rest of us been as she worked on her skating and goal tending.

"Yeah, I think he was in a bad mood or something because he kept telling me I wasn't handling the puck right or some crap like that". Charlie told her to make sure she didn't think she was being singled out or anything.

We all settled down and began watching the programme Averman had put on. I don't think any of us really cared about what the subject matter was, all we cared about was that we weren't having to do anything but watch the screen.

"Bye guy's". Connie walked out heading for her date with the amazing Ryan.

"Was that my sweater"? Julie asked after she'd gone.

"How should we know". Portman laughed.

"It was, that was my sweater she had on". Julie continued.

"Does it matter, I thought you two shared everything"? Charlie was looking amused at Julie's astounded face.

"We do, but recently she's worn all my sweaters as well as her own, all she ever wears is my sweaters". Julie began dropping the subject.

"Yeah, I've noticed she wears nothing but sleeved shirts and sweaters". Adam pointed out. "She got a tattoo or something"? He asked Julie.

"I don't think so because she'd have shown it me if she had". Julie shook her head.

"Maybe she's trying to hide something". Adam continued.

"Maybe she's trying to hide hickies or something". Julie giggled.

"Please God stop Sherlock Holmes and Watson. Have you ever thought she just likes wearing sweaters". Charlie laughed.

"Have you ever thought that there may be a reason for her wearing sweaters all the time". Adam argued.

"Can we please stop talking about Connie and the bloody sweaters"! Ken shouted over them. I was rather grateful that he did been as Connie was still rather a sore point in my life.

Everyone knew I still had feelings for her, Hell I think even Connie realized that but they all respected the fact and seemed to leave any subject to do with Connie, myself or Ryan alone, that was until they thought I couldn't hear.

During the night, I found it difficult to sleep, what with one thing and another on my mind and yes it was mainly Connie stuff, I clambered out of bed and headed to the refrigerator. I was just opening the door when I heard one of the other doors shut quietly. Expecting to turn around and see Julie who quite often got up for midnight feast whenever she heard anyone of us get up. I think she's' got radar senses or something that tells her when one of us has got up. Not that I wasn't grateful for that fact as she helped me 'channel my anger' as she called it when Connie broke up with me after coming to college.

"What do you want to eat Jules"? I asked looking at the fridges contents.

"I'll have the chocolate cookies". Connie's voice startled me.

"Connie"? I stood up and turned around.

"Sorry to disappoint you". Connie smiled weakly.

"You didn't disappoint me, I was just expecting it to be Jules". I replied handing her the cookies.

"I think she's turned the sensor off tonight".

"Well she deserves a night of every so often". I laughed gently, trying to break the obvious tension between us.

"Yeah". Connie laughed gently too.

"So, did you enjoy your date with Ryan"? I asked watching the minute smile on her face fade. "C'mon Con, one of us had to mention him sometime didn't we. Look I'm not mad at you for finding someone else, I am mad at him however because he's lucky enough to have you".

"You were always one in a million Guy Germaine". She reached out and hugged me then picked up one last cookie and headed back to her room, leaving me to dwell on my own thoughts.

"And you were always the only one for me Connie Moreau". I whispered before going back to bed.

Strangely enough from that moment on, myself and Connie began getting on just like we had done before dating ever crossed our minds. Joking around and being the friends we always should have been.

One evening, I was the only one in, most of the ducks had either gone home for the weekend or they were out on dates or something to that effect. I could vaguely hear music murmuring from the other side of Connie and Julies door and surmised it was Connie been as Julie was out with Charlie, Russ and Adam.

"Guy, thank God you're here". Connie burst through the door startling me.

"What, what's wrong"? I asked immediately thinking there was something serious wrong.

"Do I look ok"? She asked turning to show off the short strapless top she was wearing and the small black jacket she had resting on her shoulders.

"Yeah you look terrific, why"? I asked.

"Ryan's taking me to a posh restaurant to celebrate our 3 month anniversary". Connie beamed.

"Then yeah, you look perfect". I replied trying my utmost best to sound excited for her but deep inside my heart was screaming with pain, knowing it should be me that was with her not that idiotic wouldn't care if it was Connie or some other girl who was with him tonight, Ryan.

"Thank-you, I'd best be off, I don't want to have to keep Ryan waiting". She almost sung.

"Have a good time". I shouted after her, but whether or not she heard it was another thing. Sitting still on the sofa for a few minutes, wondering what to do with myself, I decided to go for a skate around town and clear my head. Within seconds I was skating out of the door and down the street thinking of nothing other than the radiant, gorgeous Connie Moreau.

Well what do you think? I will warn you know, following chapters may have abuse in them BE WARNED!!! Please R&R!!!!!