Well this is my first Star Trek fanfiction, my third story. This takes place after "Unexpected", but with an altrinate universe twist: what if the enterprise had gotten to that alien ship too late and Trip had to keep that alien baby?

Well, enjoy and review!


The enterprise gently coasted along as they came apaun a large cloud of debris.

"T'Pol what is this. Where is the Xyrillian ship?" asked Captain Archer.

"It appears to have been destroyed, Captain, that cloud of debris is all that remains." She answered.

Trip felt his heart fall. He felt sorry that Ah'len was dead, but he was worried as to what he would do about the child growing on his side.

"Trip, see me in my ready room."

Trip followed the captain into the small office. He sat on the couch across from the captain.

"I would assume that you have made plans for the worst Trip."  Said Jon.

"Well of course I have, Jon, but I guess I was hoping that I wouldn't have to use them." He said.

"You should go see doctor Phlox and see if you need to do anything drastic."

"Yea, sure" Trip said getting up from the couch.

"Oh, and Trip, I sure am looking forward to the pitter patter of little feet."

"Shut up!"

All Trip could hear as he walked to the turbo lift was the muffled laughing of his friend.

When he got to the sick bay the doctor was already waiting for him.

"The captain told me that the ship had been destroyed when you left. He seemed quite amused at the time."

"I'm sure." Trip said sarcastically.

Doctor Phlox gave him a full body scan again and determined that the baby would be able to live outside of Trip in about four months.

"I'll want to talk to you in about another month, and don't do anything very straining until I can remove the baby." Doctor Phlox said as he was getting ready to leave. "Oh, and I was wondering if you wanted to know the baby's gender?"

Trip had to admit that he was curious.


"Well I can't be sure exactly, because of Xyrillian technology, but I think that you're going to have a daughter."

Trip smiled, nodded and left the room. Every second it seemed less and less like a dream and more real. He, a man, was going to have an alien daughter. He would have to start thinking of names! When he got to his quarters there was a chime from his com in the wall.

"Trip, this is Jon. Just so you know I'll have to tell the other officers about your condition, or things could get real confusing."

"Yea, I know, cap. I'll try and be discrete."

"And, Doctor Phlox told just told me that you aren't allowed to work in engineering until the child is born."

"Yea, I know, Jon. The Doc already told me, you don't have to get all protective on me all of a sudden."

"Alright, alright, just be careful, this is supposed to be a happy time. Jon out."

Trip turned off is com with an angry motion. Why the hell did everyone have to start treating him like he was made of glass all of a sudden?! It was so frustrating. Trip yanked off his large shirt to reveal the lump on his side that was his daughter. She started to squirm a little.

"Hey, babe, it's alright, daddy's here." He said sweetly before sitting at his computer.

"Alright, we gotta find a name for you, its only four months before I get to see you. I gotta make all kind of arrangements; maybe I could have Jon give some supplies to make your crib." He said talking to himself.


A/N: well, I thought that was pretty funny, maybe a little corny at the end.

Tell me what you think! What would you change to make it better. Flame me if you want but that would be rude and I hate rude people (I just saw hannable last night so that last bit was a little irresistible. ^-^)