A/N: I'm back with the next chapter! Thanks to all you reviewers-dogpoker23, The elven princess, and Abigail Odolf. The elven princess-sorry it wasn't long enough. I was just trying to get the basic idea down. I'll try my best to make the chapters longer. Abigail Odolf-what happened was the coffin she was in was in the Forbidden Forest and so she walked from the Forbidden Forest up to Hogwarts. By the way, this takes place in the OOP time but I'm not going to focus around the events cuz those are based around Harry. Anywayz here we go.


Amoloi felt like she was going to puke. She was all clammy and she was drenched in sweat. Draco walked in and came over to her.

"So your finally up?" he asked.

"Yes. And I feel like crap."

"Do you want me to help you make you feel better?"

"No thank you. I just need to rest."

"Well, okay. But if you need anything you can come to me."


She looked into his eyes and the anger once again awakened inside her. She pulled away her gaze and lay back down. She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. She felt his lips press lightly against hers. She used what strength she had not to make a reaction like hit him.

"I'll be waiting for you, Amoloi." He whispered to her.

She heard his footsteps walk out of the Hospital Wing. She sat back up with the shock of him kissing her. 10 minutes later Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked in.

"How are you doing?" Ron asked.

"Terrible." Amoloi replied.

"What's wrong?" Hermione said concerned.

"I feel sick. And it feels worse than ever before."

"Are you allergic to anything?" Harry asked.

"Not that I have found out."

"Well, you should get some rest."


Amoloi lay back down and fell asleep. She had a terrible nightmare.

A/N: Sorry it's not much longer but my Internet is hooked to my phone and I have the Internet on while I'm typing this, so sorry. And if anyone has any suggestions, they are very welcome.