Disclaimer: Is Kai nice? Is Kenny stupid? Is Max depressed? Didn't think so, when that happens, I'll finally own Beyblade, until then.I'll keep dreaming!
For now, Cain and Russet had made a temporary truce, and were over in a corner of Cain's house discussing things quietly. The morphers and Bladebreakers had made themselves comfy in Cain's living room, and had settled down to eat their pizza. The room was a dark blue and had black leather sofas and armchairs surrounding an open fireplace. The carpet was a soft milky white, and there was a small rug by the fire where a German shepherd was currently sitting.
Max and Tyson weren't talking because they were to busy stuffing their faces with pizza, Ray and Shina were talking about how concerned about Kai they were, and their past, and things like that, Ayla and Kia were cheerily talking about some unknown thing and were laughing every 2 seconds. The atmosphere was very relaxed.
Once they had all finished their pizzas, and had gathered around the fireplace, Russet started up the story once more.
"I had heard the screaming, but chose to bloke it out, soon as every student went through the same thing. The thing that caught my interest though, was that the screams turned from one of a young boy, to several of men'' voices. Of course I was confused.
"As I walked casually down to where I heard the sounds coming from, I saw Cain here walking hesitantly towards the same destination as me. I didn't know him at the time, and decided to keep to the shadows.
"He had opened the door and gasped at the sight. I wondered what in hell could have made such a person as he to gasp like that. I crept forwards and looked inside myself, without revealing my position to the other boy.
"Like Cain had said, it was all a bloody mess, guards every where, and the boy in the middle. His eyes were blood red and to me, he looked like a demon. I ran away, back down to my room, and waited shivering on my bed." As Russet finished his part, Cain looked up and continued.
"Well well well. What do we have here? 2 of the new students. Only 1 was meant to be here, and the other was supposed to be starting his 'training'" Voltaire sneered. Kai's red eyes were turned a sudden ice blue as he glared at his 'grandfather'
"Humph" he snorted. As he turned away from the disgusting sight of his relative, Kai saw to men approach Cain and knock him out before he had a chance to protest.
"Well, I see that you're stronger than all our students here Kai. Care for a place at my side? Together grandson, we shall rule the world."
"By the time we get to rule the world, you'll be dead from old age, anyway, unlike the rest of this sad little place you have the guts to call an abbey, I will not bow down and become your puppet, I know the sort of things you do Voltaire." Kai practically spat out the name.
"Fine then young Kai, I will force you to see what we are capable of, I will show you that I am no old man, and that you are a weak little boy." With a malicious grin on his face he spun his cloak (AN: what a stupid description) and left the room with a stunned looking boy.
~*~End flashback~*~
"When I woke up," Cain continued "I was gagged, with my hands tied to my sides and my legs bound together. I was in a room with a guard either side of me. I was facing a window in the middle of a wall. Looking into the other room, I could see Russet, though I didn't know him, in the shadows of the wall, where no one noticed him. Kai was standing, severely beaten up in the middle of the room.
"The speakers turned on, and a voice came through.
"'Well, Kai. Here is my revenge. 3 weeks into my program and you have improved, but the final test is here. You love your friend don't you Kai.' Kai kept his gaze on the ground. I didn't know what they had done to him in the 3 weeks."
"Whoa whoa whoa. Don't tell me you slept for 3 weeks. You can't of. And Kai wouldn't just keep his eyes on the ground. What's up with you Cain?" Tyson bellowed. He had a look of pure confusion. (AN: I can't believe that Tyson actually pointed that out!)
"Sit down Tyson, If you wait he might explain it." Max tried to reason with his friend.
"Max is right, If you sit down, I will explain it." Cain sighed exasperatedly. "OK Tyson. 1. I don't know how long I slept, they had drugged me, remember? 2. Kai had something done to him, and 3. Nothing is up with me, it's you and your big mouth.
"As I was saying, Voltaire had started to speak again. 'Now Kai, in the other room, Cain can see what you're doing right now. Go on, take a look.' Kai did as he was told and looked up straight at me. I suppressed a shudder. He had bruises all over his face, and his eyes, which were once lively and red, were a dull grey, they looked dead. I think he looked at me without seeing me.
"'OK Kai your friend is depending on you now. You can save him, but first you must defeat all these people.' Kai looked around him. There were at least 50 people there. His eyes turned back to me, but now acknowledging that I was there. Seeing the pitiful state I was in, brought fire once more to his eyes. If I wasn't tied down, I would have leapt for joy.
"It was 1 of the guards to make a first move, he jumped in front of Kai, only to receive a kick in the side of the head. He stumbled back dazed, while 3 other guards flew at the boy. He let out a yelp as 1 grazed his side with a knife. Ignoring the fresh wound, he took the attacker by the wrist and flipped him over. He landed on his back, paralysed. Kai took the knife of the man and shredded many other guards with it.
"The whole time, it was his eyes that mesmerised me. His features were betraying him, he looked like he was actually enjoying himself. He tuned and attacked someone. As he turned, 2 other guards grabbed his arms and stood him between them.
"'Kai, I though you were better then this.' Voltaire mocked over the speakers. 'Now you will die pitifully, like your mother and father' Kai started to growl. His eyes grew wild, and the guards suddenly jumped back. It wasn't the growling or the eyes that had scared them, but the black lizard tail that was swishing back and forth between Kai's legs. In addition to this, 2 new black horns decorated Kai's blooded mass of hair.
"Stepping forward, he fell to his knees in agony. 2 lumps formed on his back, slowly growing larger. He screamed in pain as the lumps tore his skin apart and the blood flowed freely from the flaps of flesh. The bones that had sliced threw his body opened out to reveal glistening wings. The skin flaps a see threw black, while his the fingers that held the skin together was a pitch-black colour.
"Kai was panting with the effort. He was a demon. I sat there shocked. It was the scariest thing in all my life. A full sized demon now stood just a glass window away. His claws grew and I shrank more and more into my chair. To say that every one was petrified would be an understatement. The guards opened their mouths to scream, but nothing came out." Cain had gone a pale white as he remembered. The rest of the group took sympathy and turned to Russet instead, as Cain had managed to go off into his little world.
"I has covered my eyes. It seemed that the demon had gone on a killing spree. He ripped everything in sight to shreds. He tore then apart as though they were nothing, and to him, they weren't. His moves were strong and fluid, and he didn't miss a beat, like a dance, he kept in step.
"When I finally opened my eyes, Kai was sitting in the middle of the gore. He was hugging his knees to his chest. And his tail was flicking back and forth agitatedly. I realised that he was crying. I sat transfixed. The black demon slowly got up and walked to the glass wall. He smashed his fist threw it and slashed the ropes off of Cain.
"His gaze found my hiding place and he proceeded to stand in front of me. 'Are you OK?' He asked me. I was too stunned to answer, and instead I just shivered. He sighed and picked me up, slinging me over his shoulder. His body was hot. Not as in beautiful, but to touch, it was warm. (AN: This could be yaoi, you decide) The heat made me fall off to sleep, and the last thing I saw was that he had picked Cain up too."
"What I don't understand is that you guys were scared, but you could morph, and doesn't that mean he saved you, what's so bad about Kai and Cain?" Max asked as Tyson bobbed his head in agreement. They looked a right pair, Tyson was leaning over Max's shoulder, and both looked really confused.
"We have to clear some things up first. OK?" Russet told them.
Ray had unconsciously started to morph, and his tail swished from side to side and his ears flicked, he wanted to hear more, but he understood his friend's problem. Taking lead, he told the others to all go to bed, as Cain had found them each a sleeping bag and quilts and pillows and all that. For the night, they all settled down to sleep, with Tyson's snoring of course.
YAY!!!! Another chappie done! Cookies and plushies for all hu review. Hope that was okay for ya. I wasn't to sure if it was to fantasy or whatever, so I came up with this anyways. R&R children, you no the button! See ya next time
Disclaimer: Is Kai nice? Is Kenny stupid? Is Max depressed? Didn't think so, when that happens, I'll finally own Beyblade, until then.I'll keep dreaming!
For now, Cain and Russet had made a temporary truce, and were over in a corner of Cain's house discussing things quietly. The morphers and Bladebreakers had made themselves comfy in Cain's living room, and had settled down to eat their pizza. The room was a dark blue and had black leather sofas and armchairs surrounding an open fireplace. The carpet was a soft milky white, and there was a small rug by the fire where a German shepherd was currently sitting.
Max and Tyson weren't talking because they were to busy stuffing their faces with pizza, Ray and Shina were talking about how concerned about Kai they were, and their past, and things like that, Ayla and Kia were cheerily talking about some unknown thing and were laughing every 2 seconds. The atmosphere was very relaxed.
Once they had all finished their pizzas, and had gathered around the fireplace, Russet started up the story once more.
"I had heard the screaming, but chose to bloke it out, soon as every student went through the same thing. The thing that caught my interest though, was that the screams turned from one of a young boy, to several of men'' voices. Of course I was confused.
"As I walked casually down to where I heard the sounds coming from, I saw Cain here walking hesitantly towards the same destination as me. I didn't know him at the time, and decided to keep to the shadows.
"He had opened the door and gasped at the sight. I wondered what in hell could have made such a person as he to gasp like that. I crept forwards and looked inside myself, without revealing my position to the other boy.
"Like Cain had said, it was all a bloody mess, guards every where, and the boy in the middle. His eyes were blood red and to me, he looked like a demon. I ran away, back down to my room, and waited shivering on my bed." As Russet finished his part, Cain looked up and continued.
"Well well well. What do we have here? 2 of the new students. Only 1 was meant to be here, and the other was supposed to be starting his 'training'" Voltaire sneered. Kai's red eyes were turned a sudden ice blue as he glared at his 'grandfather'
"Humph" he snorted. As he turned away from the disgusting sight of his relative, Kai saw to men approach Cain and knock him out before he had a chance to protest.
"Well, I see that you're stronger than all our students here Kai. Care for a place at my side? Together grandson, we shall rule the world."
"By the time we get to rule the world, you'll be dead from old age, anyway, unlike the rest of this sad little place you have the guts to call an abbey, I will not bow down and become your puppet, I know the sort of things you do Voltaire." Kai practically spat out the name.
"Fine then young Kai, I will force you to see what we are capable of, I will show you that I am no old man, and that you are a weak little boy." With a malicious grin on his face he spun his cloak (AN: what a stupid description) and left the room with a stunned looking boy.
~*~End flashback~*~
"When I woke up," Cain continued "I was gagged, with my hands tied to my sides and my legs bound together. I was in a room with a guard either side of me. I was facing a window in the middle of a wall. Looking into the other room, I could see Russet, though I didn't know him, in the shadows of the wall, where no one noticed him. Kai was standing, severely beaten up in the middle of the room.
"The speakers turned on, and a voice came through.
"'Well, Kai. Here is my revenge. 3 weeks into my program and you have improved, but the final test is here. You love your friend don't you Kai.' Kai kept his gaze on the ground. I didn't know what they had done to him in the 3 weeks."
"Whoa whoa whoa. Don't tell me you slept for 3 weeks. You can't of. And Kai wouldn't just keep his eyes on the ground. What's up with you Cain?" Tyson bellowed. He had a look of pure confusion. (AN: I can't believe that Tyson actually pointed that out!)
"Sit down Tyson, If you wait he might explain it." Max tried to reason with his friend.
"Max is right, If you sit down, I will explain it." Cain sighed exasperatedly. "OK Tyson. 1. I don't know how long I slept, they had drugged me, remember? 2. Kai had something done to him, and 3. Nothing is up with me, it's you and your big mouth.
"As I was saying, Voltaire had started to speak again. 'Now Kai, in the other room, Cain can see what you're doing right now. Go on, take a look.' Kai did as he was told and looked up straight at me. I suppressed a shudder. He had bruises all over his face, and his eyes, which were once lively and red, were a dull grey, they looked dead. I think he looked at me without seeing me.
"'OK Kai your friend is depending on you now. You can save him, but first you must defeat all these people.' Kai looked around him. There were at least 50 people there. His eyes turned back to me, but now acknowledging that I was there. Seeing the pitiful state I was in, brought fire once more to his eyes. If I wasn't tied down, I would have leapt for joy.
"It was 1 of the guards to make a first move, he jumped in front of Kai, only to receive a kick in the side of the head. He stumbled back dazed, while 3 other guards flew at the boy. He let out a yelp as 1 grazed his side with a knife. Ignoring the fresh wound, he took the attacker by the wrist and flipped him over. He landed on his back, paralysed. Kai took the knife of the man and shredded many other guards with it.
"The whole time, it was his eyes that mesmerised me. His features were betraying him, he looked like he was actually enjoying himself. He tuned and attacked someone. As he turned, 2 other guards grabbed his arms and stood him between them.
"'Kai, I though you were better then this.' Voltaire mocked over the speakers. 'Now you will die pitifully, like your mother and father' Kai started to growl. His eyes grew wild, and the guards suddenly jumped back. It wasn't the growling or the eyes that had scared them, but the black lizard tail that was swishing back and forth between Kai's legs. In addition to this, 2 new black horns decorated Kai's blooded mass of hair.
"Stepping forward, he fell to his knees in agony. 2 lumps formed on his back, slowly growing larger. He screamed in pain as the lumps tore his skin apart and the blood flowed freely from the flaps of flesh. The bones that had sliced threw his body opened out to reveal glistening wings. The skin flaps a see threw black, while his the fingers that held the skin together was a pitch-black colour.
"Kai was panting with the effort. He was a demon. I sat there shocked. It was the scariest thing in all my life. A full sized demon now stood just a glass window away. His claws grew and I shrank more and more into my chair. To say that every one was petrified would be an understatement. The guards opened their mouths to scream, but nothing came out." Cain had gone a pale white as he remembered. The rest of the group took sympathy and turned to Russet instead, as Cain had managed to go off into his little world.
"I has covered my eyes. It seemed that the demon had gone on a killing spree. He ripped everything in sight to shreds. He tore then apart as though they were nothing, and to him, they weren't. His moves were strong and fluid, and he didn't miss a beat, like a dance, he kept in step.
"When I finally opened my eyes, Kai was sitting in the middle of the gore. He was hugging his knees to his chest. And his tail was flicking back and forth agitatedly. I realised that he was crying. I sat transfixed. The black demon slowly got up and walked to the glass wall. He smashed his fist threw it and slashed the ropes off of Cain.
"His gaze found my hiding place and he proceeded to stand in front of me. 'Are you OK?' He asked me. I was too stunned to answer, and instead I just shivered. He sighed and picked me up, slinging me over his shoulder. His body was hot. Not as in beautiful, but to touch, it was warm. (AN: This could be yaoi, you decide) The heat made me fall off to sleep, and the last thing I saw was that he had picked Cain up too."
"What I don't understand is that you guys were scared, but you could morph, and doesn't that mean he saved you, what's so bad about Kai and Cain?" Max asked as Tyson bobbed his head in agreement. They looked a right pair, Tyson was leaning over Max's shoulder, and both looked really confused.
"We have to clear some things up first. OK?" Russet told them.
Ray had unconsciously started to morph, and his tail swished from side to side and his ears flicked, he wanted to hear more, but he understood his friend's problem. Taking lead, he told the others to all go to bed, as Cain had found them each a sleeping bag and quilts and pillows and all that. For the night, they all settled down to sleep, with Tyson's snoring of course.
YAY!!!! Another chappie done! Cookies and plushies for all hu review. Hope that was okay for ya. I wasn't to sure if it was to fantasy or whatever, so I came up with this anyways. R&R children, you no the button! See ya next time