A/N: Thank you guys so much for reviewing! I never imagined I'd get such a quick response! I feel so loved! I'm also sorry it took so long to update...but school sucks. What can I say? Review and tell me what you think of this chapter. Let me know what you think should happen or what shouldn't. I love reviews, even if it is just to tell me that this is a worthless piece of sh!t.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters 'cept for the teachers. I wish I DID own Sesshoumaru though...mmm...**drools insanely** Enough of that! On with the story!

The bell rang. Quickly, she rolled down her sleeve, gathered her books and began walking to her next class. Although she wasn't very religious, she thanked whatever gods she could think of that Souta and Kohaku weren't in her class. This classroom was full of computers, and a quick glance at her schedule told her that this was her keyboarding class. It seemed to her that this class was full of juniors and seniors. She cringed. She'd heard what seniors did to freshmen, and she didn't even want to know what they'd do to a freshman as young as she was.

"Ah, you must be Rin," a young woman said sweetly. "I'm Miss Tsukino."

"Hello," Rin answered quietly. "Where will I sit?"

"Hmm...how about right beside Sesshoumaru? Sesshoumaru, raise your hand," the teacher said. A long-haired young man raised his hand without looking up from his screen. Rin took her new seat and observed her surroundings. The class looked half-decent, and she expected very few problems from them.

"Okay, everyone, I'm needed in the office for a moment. Try to control yourselves until I get back," the teacher said as she walked out of the room. Surprisingly, the class remained relatively quiet. Noticing that there were speakers attached to each computer, she logged onto a site where she could watch her favorite videos. Deciding that she was in a Metallica mood, she turned the volume down to where only she could hear it, and played one of her favorite songs.

It had gorgeous instrumentals and the lyrics gave her the chills. She couldn't help softly singing along:

"So close no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we are

And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way

Life is ours, we live it our way

All these words I don't just say

And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you

Every day for us something new

Open mind for a different view

And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do

Never cared for what they know

But I know

So close no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we are

And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do

Never cared for what they know

But I know

Never opened myself this way

Life is ours, we live it our way

All these words I don't just say

Trust I seek and I find in you

Every day for us something new

Open mind for a different view

And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they say

Never cared for games they play

Never cared for what they do

Never cared for what they know

And I know..."

Near the end of the song, she only just began to realize that the boy, Sesshoumaru had been staring at her. Not just that; he had been singing along!

"So close no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we are

No...nothing else matters."

Just as the final words faded away, Rin turned around in her seat and looked him in the eye. He didn't look away; he only stared harder. She didn't like it. She didn't like it one bit. "Do you mind?" she asked.

"No, not at all." He smirked at her then. Rin was just about to tell him something rather nasty when the teacher walked in.

"Okay, I want you all to do something fairly easy. "Type a one hundred word essay on who you are." The class groaned. "I know it's a bit cliche, but this is a great way for me to get to know you all. Plus, you'll all get to exercise your typing skills. Now this essay may be more than a hundred words, but no less. Now, get to work."

For Rin, this was a problem. She didn't know who she was.

A/N: So whaddya think? This chappy is a little longer than the last, but only cuz of the song, which is called "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica. REVIEW! REVIEW!! REVIEW!!!