The Right Guy

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters except for Shelly.

Note: This fic is rated PG-13 for sexual references (trust me, they aren't that bad) and no doubt some swearing.

Chapter 1: Love and Devotion.

"You owe me ten bucks," Leo said smugly, blocking Raphael's view of the television.

"Yeah? What for?" Raphael questioned with an untrusting and impatient tone.

"Venus is breaking up with Mike. I just overheard a bit of their conversation outside. I told you they'd last longer than three days. Now pay up. You lost the bet," Leo demanded. Raphael rolled his eyes at Leo's nagging tone before getting up from the couch to fetch ten dollars out of his room.

Donatello sighed and shook his head while continuing to work at his computer. He could sense the upcoming debate. He stared out of his bedroom door, watching as Leo frustratingly counted Raphael's pile of coins which supposedly added up to ten dollars, much to Raph's amusement. Donatello contemplated whether or not he should close his bedroom door to avoid being distracted from his work. He used to have his computer in the main living area, but that proved to be a horrible decision when Mike and the others bothered him constantly. Don was more than happy when Leo finally suggested one day to move the computer into his room. It took a while to move the desk, computer, work sheets, electrical equipment and outlets, but in Donatello's eyes, it was worth it. Now when he didn't want to be bothered, he would close his bedroom door, but he usually kept it open so he felt he was included in family conflicts and conversations. Today he decided to leave the train carriage door open.

After successfully counting ten dollars out of one-cent pieces, Leo and Raph sat back down on the couch and continued to watch the basketball game being shown on the television screen. Raphael turned the volume down, not really interested in the sport any more, and looked at Leo instead. "I'm guessing that you're happy that Mike and Venus have broken up," Raphael started. 'Here we go,' Donatello thought from his computer desk, clearly overhearing the conversation outside.

Leonardo didn't look at Raph. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, you know. You're a guy, and Venus is a girl. The only girl I might add," Raphael hinted. Leo looked at him defensively.

"Yeah? Well you're a guy as well," Leo rebutted. Raphael smirked at Leonardo's response.

"Oh come on. Admit it. You're happy that Venus is single again," Raphael continued to push. Leo held a sly smile on his face.

"I'll only admit it when you do," Leonardo said sneakily. Raph tried to keep his face unresponsive, but that still wasn't enough to fool Leo. "I know you like her," Leo added. Raphael's cheeks began to heat up and slightly blush.

"Yeah? How the hell would you know?" Raphael replied strongly, taking a slightly angry yet embarrassed tone.

"Well you do take her to that laser game building a lot, not to mention all of the sparring sessions. You've trained harder than ever since she's arrived," Leonardo implied. The turtle looked at Raphael's face and smiled to himself, knowing that Raph didn't like his true feelings to be known.

"Yeah, well what's with the whole 'I-want-to-learn-about-chi' act? Huh? And then there's the times when you side with her when there's an argument, and you always allow her to sit beside you when you're in the Hummer," Raphael responded, then smirked with satisfaction when Leo started to blush. Establishing that they both liked the same girl, Raphael continued. "At least with sparring, I get a bit more physical contact," Raphael boasted, quickly turning the conversation somewhat into a competition.

Leonardo rolled his eyes. "I don't really care how much contact I have with her. Just having Venus as company is good enough for me," Leo said in a quieter tone. Raphael looked at him quizzically.

"So, you mean to say that you're not interested in… you know," Raphael questioned, becoming surprisingly more interested in Leo's opinions about the matter.

"I'm saving myself for marriage," Leonardo answered proudly. Raphael stared at him blankly, and when he realised that Leo was being serious, Raphael burst into a laughing fit.

"Can I just ask why?" Raphael queried after he had calmed down a bit.

"I want her to love me for who I am, not what I can give her. It's the honorable thing to do," Leonardo answered sternly. Raphael still couldn't believe what he had just been told.

"You need to get with the times. Everybody's doing it," Raphael generalised, wanting to know a better reason as to why Leonardo had chosen this lifestyle.

"Not 'everybody' is doing it. There are a lot of people out there with the same beliefs as me. I just want it to be special," Leonardo explained further.

"But it can still be special outside of marriage. It can also be fun. You know, f, u, n. You should learn that word," Raphael patronised.

Leonardo rolled his eyes. "That's not what I meant. I want something to look forward to. I just think that sex is the furthest you can go in a relationship. A lot of people do it too early, and then in order to keep the relationship going they have to keep finding other ways to please their partner, whether that be through gifts or romantic outings. I believe that sex is the best thing you can give to another person, and I want to make sure that that person is the right one for me. Some people don't respect their bodies and treat it as though it is nothing, therefore repeatedly putting themselves through unemotional relationships, or may even become unfaithful to their partner as there is nothing strong keeping the couple together," Leo debated, putting forward a number of good points to defend his decision.

Raphael just stared at him blankly. "F, U, N," he repeated. Leonardo frowned.

"That's going your major argument, isn't it?" Leonardo sighed.

"Sure is," Raphael replied.

"How would you know anyway?" Leonardo asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

"Casey's told me about a few of his experiences," Raphael informed Leo.

"Okay, firstly, I didn't want to hear that… or picture that. Secondly, one of those experiences ended up with Shadow," Leonardo continued to debate.

"Well maybe Casey isn't a good example," Raphael said. "But you're going on as if it's the end of the world!" Raphael shook his head, firm on his decision. "You got it all wrong Leo. I believe that you should do it when it feels right and when you're in love. But I also believe that you can do it without any emotional attachment, and it's a good form of exercise. It's proven to be quite healthy," Raphael explained his views.

Don nodded at Raph's last point. It was proven by scientists to be a good form of exercise. Intrigued by the usually hushed topic, Donatello continued to listen to the conversation, impressed that for once they were actually discussing something, not just yelling at each other.

"But how do you know if you're truly love them or not, if you know that you are going to be offered sex in the relationship?" Leonardo questioned, leaving Raphael to actually think.

"But you've gotta try before you buy," Raphael pointed out.

"So if you find the perfect woman, and can get along with her great in conversation and can tell her anything, but then find out she's bad in bed, you mean to tell me that you're going to dump her? You know, sex isn't everything, and if you marry for sex, then you're gonna have a horrible life when you're fifty. I really value companionship. You know, sometimes ignorance is bliss. I like the fact that my future wife won't have anyone to compare me to, or know that someone out there isn't better. Hey Don! What do you think about all this?" Leo called across the room. Donatello froze, realising that they knew he was listening.

"I don't want to get involved," came a reply from Donatello's train carriage.

"If you don't want to get involved, then how come you have your door open?" Raphael called out. Donatello sighed, remembering how well his family knew him.

"I don't think either of you have a clue on what you're talking about," Donatello commented from his room.

"What!?" Leo exclaimed.

"Excuse me?!" Raph responded.

"Well, Leo has raised some really good points about true love, companionship and commitment, but you're forgetting that Venus is the only female of our species, so it's not as though you are going to be tempted by someone else. Also, we're mutant turtles. How on earth are you going to get officially married? With that said, if Venus wants to do it before marriage, then I think that you should reconsider, as you probably won't get another chance," Donatello analysed. Raphael nodded his head and smirked at Leonardo.

"But with you Raph, I think that Venus is the type to want commitment. She's well aware that she's the only female, and she also knows that we would naturally look at her in a physical way. With four guys to chose from, if you show that you just want one thing from her, then you are most likely going to drive her away, and that's probably one of the many reasons why she's breaking up with Mike right at this very moment. She knows that she's the clan's future and that she's going to end up having children one day, so she is searching for the right partner but she also doesn't want to sleep around and cause tension between us," Donatello explained.

Leonardo and Raphael thought of what Donatello said, realising that they hadn't put themselves in her shoes. "You can really sympathise with people, you know that Don," Leonardo stated honestly.

"Yeah," Raphael said quietly, still thinking about what Donatello had said. "I guess that's all part of being gay," he stated.

"…What?!" Donatello's fingers froze over the computer keyboard, pondering over Raphael's last words.

"We said that you're more sympathetic than us because you're gay," Raphael rephrased. Shocked, Donatello rushed to his bedroom door and poked his head out of the room to see if Raph was serious or not.

"You think I'm gay!" Donatello cried out in worry when he saw that both turtles were being sincere.

"Well… yeah," Raph shrugged.

"Not that it's bad to be gay," Leo said.

"But, but…" Donatello started, not sure on what to say.

"Well you do read books like 'Pride and Prejudice', " Leo reasoned.

"And you had this uncanny sense of fashion design when it came to spray painting the Hummer and my Hog," Raphael pointed out.

"You like classical, dance and techno music," Leo stated.

"And you use the Internet for reasons other than porn," Raphael said.

"You are a pacifist ninja and disapprove of fighting, my son," Splinter said with a wise tone as he crossed the room with a cup of tea in his hand. The old rat entered his meditation room, leaving Leo and Raph slightly worried about how much he had heard of the conversation, and leaving Donatello speechless and shocked about what he had just said.

"But, I'm not gay!" Donatello protested.

Leo and Raph were silent for a second. "You sure?" Raph asked.

"Not that it's bad to be gay," Leonardo repeated, maintaining political correctness.

"I'M NOT GAY!" Donatello yelled once again. Leo and Raph continued to stare. With a frustrated snarl on his face, Donatello slammed his bedroom door shut. He plunked himself back into his computer chair and returned to his hermit crab-like activities, but not before considering the fact that he might be gay. 'Stupid Raph'.

Leonardo and Raphael looked to each other and shrugged. They both turned when they heard someone enter the lair. It was Venus. The two males watched as Venus ran to her bedroom and closed the door, obviously upset about the breakup with Michelangelo. Raphael winked at Leo, while Leo smiled back. They slapped a high-five in slight celebration of the fact that Venus was single again.

Leonardo and Raphael both looked towards Venus' door, then to each other yet again. "The game's on!"


Venus stared into oblivion as she lay on her bed. Her wandering thoughts were cut short when there was a knock on the door. She sighed before opening it and jumped in surprise when a baby turtle was shoved in front of her face. "Hey Venus!" Mike said with such a bright and cheerful tone that it was scary. Venus looked at the baby pet shop turtle in his hands.

"Mike…" Venus started and pointed to the little shelled creature.

"I can explain," Mike said. Venus raised an eye-ridge in curiosity. She could tell that Mike was nervous and that he was trying his best to cover the pain he endured from the breakup just over two hours ago. "Well… you know how couples have children in order to save their relationship? Well, s… since we're not r… really a couple, and I, I don't really want to have children with you… yet…. I was thinking that we could get something simpler!" Mike explained, stuttering a bit and rushing the end part. Venus just stared at him.

"Oookay…" Venus said, not knowing what else to say. Mike took that as a cue to continue.

"See it'll be really cool. We can call him something like Squirtle or Blastoise-"


"Or if Pokemon isn't your thing, then maybe we can call it Franklin-"


"Or maybe after that turtle, Crush. You know, that turtle on 'Finding Nemo' that you say sounds like me-"


"Yeah what?"

"It's a female," Venus stated calmly. Michelangelo stared at her, before lowering his eyes to the little turtle squirming around in his hands.

"But, if she's a female, then what's that?"

"That's the tail."

"Oh," Mike said, feeling slightly foolish. "But that's okay, we can just call her Shelly," Mike said, trying to sound positive. Venus sighed and couldn't help but give him a small smile at his antics. She turned her head towards the main living room clock and acknowledged the time.

"It's late. Good night Mike," Venus said softly. She tried to close the door but Mike's hand blocked it.

"Do I get a good night's kiss?" Mike asked sweetly. He gave her his puppy dog face; the one he knew she couldn't resist. With a slight smile, Venus gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Good night Mike," Venus said again with a whisper. She closed the door, leaving Mike alone with Shelly in the living room. Michelangelo stared at the baby pet shop turtle in his hands. 'Female? How can she tell?'

To be continued…