Disclaimer: Tis a sad, sad world we live in where I can't own the Newsies.

A/N: I have been wanting to write this story for about a year, but insane circumstances have prevented me from doing so.until now!! Haha, so I hope you guys like it.read and review please.

Summary: You know those kids at your school? The loners, the drifters, the different ones? Well this is their story. Pay attention. Slash later, not telling you who yet cause then where's the point?! Oh and I enjoy to curse so.use your imagination.


You knows those kids at school? The loners, ones without friends? Come on, I know for a fact you know what I'm talking about. You even use them for homework or favors sometimes. Occasionally you throw them a grin or a greeting. But then you just go back to ignoring them.

Dude, I know you don't HATE them. You just don't talk to them without a reason. Did I accuse you something BAD? Because please tell me how. They're just observations.Correct observations.

Calm down! It's an unwritten rule of High School that not everybody has a friend. Isn't it? Good excuse, quite clever, I'm glad I gave it to you.

What's my problem? I have no problem. Yeah I'm sure. It just makes me sad when I see these kids walk around school, being ignored, alone.

Yeah I have lunch too. What, sir with SPOT?! Dude, I don't feel THAT bad for them. I don't want to have my brains leak out of my ears. I really don't know who would be worse, Cowboy or Spot- my life would be in danger either way. Specs or Walking Mouth? Well either way my head would probably explode by all the stupid facts they'd be throwing.

Seriously man.

Don't take that, it looks like it's growing mold. Snitch or Racetrack? Yeah right, ever hear of attitude problems? Both have a major case. See, in that case it's THEIR faults nobody talks to them.

It's crazy man.

But look, Mush is sitting alone. See, that's sad. But he's too shy to talk to.or sit with. We have to have fun during lunch, don't we? I think that's our right bro. Right on.

Oh look, there's that stupid one.Skittery, right? Yeah, he's tapping his foot and banging his hands against the table.can't sit still, can he? Strange.And look One Eye! Oh that's not what he's called? Kid Blink? Was One Eye politically Inncorrect? Look, he has his art stuff out even at LUNCH. Dude..just Dude.

Why do you bring your own drinks? Cheap bastard. Over where? What are you talking about.Wait who the hell is that? A new kid? What's he doing HERE then, only Sophomores and Juniors have lunch this period..

Hey Sarah, who's that kid? The one with blond hair and looks confused. Yeah.a new JUNIOR? What possessed him to transfer schools in the middle of his High School Career? Shut up, that didn't sound gay. You're gay man. Yes you are! Yours too! Hahaha.

So anything interesting about him, Sarah? How do YOU know he knows how to speak Dutch? He told the Spanish class? Yes I'm eating that Will, get off! No YOU'RE the bitch. So anyway, what else? That's all? Another mute? Damn man!

Shit, the period's almost over, I still have math to do.yeah I know, the second day of school and the bitch gave homework. I'll be right back.

Hey, Specs!


Author's Notes: Yes, it's a short chapter because it's the prologue. Dudes, it'll get longer, I promise. Even if you don't like it ehhhh hahaha. Read Review and Restrain from Flames. Thank you