Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and places are the sole property of J.K. Rowling and any other entities involved in the ownership of the Potterverse, including, but not limited to... Gawd, I suck at this. I don't own it and I'm not attempting to make money off of it either. But if JKR steals my plot, I'm going after her ass. :-P

This is actually in response to the "Bubble Bath" challenge over at WIKTT. This story WILL BE a fic centering on the Severus Snape and Hermione Granger ship. If you are against that ship, click your back button. Constructive criticism is GREATLY appreciated, as this is my first fic.

WOW. Thanks for all the reviews. No, that was not the end of the story (damn I would suck if that were the case). I'm also upping the rating to R (just in case *grinz pervertedly*) AND adding to the first chapter after some much appreciated advice from Electryone.

Alrighty bitey. Did I cover everything? If not, oh well! On with the show!