A/N: Isn't the SFDF great? ^____^ Inspired by all the other good fic about them lately, I decided to write my own! They might be a little OOC because I wanted to spice them up a little in personality and make it a real romantic comedy. ^___^
I have to thank Pinky-sama for the encouragement and helping me when I got stuck at parts. Thank you Pinky-sama!
Hope you like! ^______^
"Hey, pretty-boy," Ace growled, stepping into the Caleria bar with a frown and fixing Jacques with a severe look. "Y'all mind tellin' me what this here pair o' men's briefs wuz doin' in mah captain's room?"
Jacques looked at the garment in Ace's hand with astonishment, as did the other members of the SFDF who were sitting around and drinking. "Like, oh my gawwwd, how would I know something like that?" Jacques gasped, horrified. "Like, fer shure, Geddie's totally hawt, but I'm totally like, a boxers guy! Briefs are grody!"
Ace turned his stare to Geddoe himself, seeking an explanation, but the captain simply muttered something under his breath and went back to his drinking. "Aren't y'all gunna 'splain yo'self, sugah?" Ace demanded, but was met with only silence.
"Sacre bleu! Leave ze captain to heez dreenk!" exclaimed Queen, rising protectively from the chair beside him. "Eef he vants to zleep wis somewan, he may zleep with anywan he weeshes, don't you sink?" She hesitated, and stared at Ace. "Ace... do you mean... zat you and ze captain are...?"
Ace actually blushed. "Dagnabbit - of course we ain't! I wuz jus' wonderin'..."
"Ur yoo shure?" asked Joker, who had been glaring at Ace over his drink since his initial exclamation. "Yoo seim oofly oopsit to be feendin' oonderwahr een de room..."
The question from Joker seemed to throw Ace into confusion. "Er, well... y'all jus' calm down, y'hear, sugah? Nothin's goin' on 'tween me and Cap'n Geddoe! I wuz jus' cleanin' up the rooms, an' found these here underclo'se, and it made me cur'yis, that's all!"
"So like, you totally decided that they had to be like, mine?" Jacques pouted. "That is like, so unfair. Just because I'm the new guy..."
"Ah ah! But you zee, Jacques," Queen put in, leaning over to address him more softly, "they could not be mine or Aila's, and Ace - he eez very well acqvainted weeth Joker's undervare."
Jacques' eyebrows rose. "Oh... like... I totally hadn't thought about that... But like, how does he know they aren't, y'know, Geddie's?"
"Dat eez vhat Ee vant to knoo olso," Joker stated, crossing his arms over his chest and staring at Ace.
"Ah heh heh... Geddoe...?" Rather than face Joker's anger, Ace turned his attention back to the captain.
Everyone was looking at him, now curious to hear his explanation for the strange underwear. Instead, he simply murmured something that could have been him excusing himself, as he drained the last of his drink and headed upstairs to his room.
The rest of the SFDF looked after him, puzzled. "Well now," Ace pondered, scratching his head as he stared at the underwear in his hand. "Who do y'all reckon these belong to, if'n not one o' us?"
"Yoo cahn go feend oot joorself," Joker snapped, getting to his feet and stalking out of the inn, leaving Ace staring after him as well.
Whose underwear is it that was found in Geddoe's room? Will Joker forgive Ace for his concern over Geddoe's sex life? Find out in the next exciting chapter! That is, if you want me to continue. ^____^ Review please!