"Hurry Malfoy." She breathed against his neck as they made their way into his darkened room.

Her wand was rapidly undoing his belt, pushing him onto the bed to straddle him.

Impatient little bint, and damn if he didn't enjoy finding that out.

Draco reached behind Ginny, unzipping her dress. The spaghetti straps sliding down her arms, allowing him to nudge the silky fabric aside so he could take in one of her perfect breasts. Unlike most women he knew who played Quidditch, Ginny still had her curves yet remained petite, her breasts overfilling his hands.

He wanted to do more than touch them with his fingers. He slipped one nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting as she mewled in pleasure. Her moaning almost undid him just then. He needed to have her completely. Now.

His bout with abstinence only served to fuel his desire.

He loved how she looked with her head thrown back in abandon, her red tresses over her shoulders. Her brown eyes fluttering in arousal.

Soft legs, he thought as he ran his hands up both her legs making her grind fiercely on top of his erection.

"Weasley" he breathed. "Hold still" If she didn't give him a chance to take of her damn knickers he'd be over in minutes.

He yanked her silken panties down, the scent of her wetness thick in the air, driving him mad. Madder than if he had been given the Dementor's Kiss itself.

He reached down to remove his pants but her hands were already there, shoving his pants aside. Draco's breath caught as Ginny cupped his penis in her hands, her touch sending shivers throughout his body. It took all of Draco's cool reserve not to melt. "Oh holy Dionysus"

"My favorite of the Gods." she whispered seductively over him, and Draco wondered if he'd be offered up as one of the sacrifices to her god.

Yes, please!

She slowly lowered herself onto him. Draco instinctively reaching up for Ginny's shoulders to still himself, reciting Quidditch statistics in his head, willing himself to make it last longer than he thought he could handle. "Grab my hair Deatheater and make me scream." She said, her head lowering towards him to lick his dark mark.

Wow. Completely unexpected. He knew she might be interested in playing healer/nurse in bed. But the kinky stuff? He knew Ginny had seen the mark, after all had she not seen him naked already? But he did not know what her reaction would be during sex. Afraid it would be a mood killer for a goody two shoes Gryffindor. Obviously she wasn't as goody goody as she seemed for Ginny was licking her way down his arm and… did she just bite his mark?

A few seconds later she was completely sheathed inside of him, riding him better than any Quidditch broomstick.


Draco felt stinging along his face. Did Ginny Weasley just smack the shit's kneazle out of him? Damn if it didn't make him hotter.

"You make love like a Gryffindor." She teased raising another hand before being caught by Draco who swiftly turned her over so that now he was on top.

"You wild witch." He breathed heavily. "You want Slytherin. You'll get Slytherin." He grabbed her red locks, pummeling her into bed, their bodies moving in frantic passion. He was completely lost to everything Ginny Weasley.

"Draco?" Ginny asked breathlessly, as they both blissfully collapsed.

"Hmm?" His fingers played with her hair while she lay half on top of him. He loved the physical closeness of a woman. And Ginny was much more than any ordinary witch. She was beautiful, intelligent, downright dirty and their chemistry in bed was unlike anything he had ever experienced.

He wondered if Ginny felt the same. Would Ginny even want a repeat? He damn well did.

"How did you get out of Azkaban, Draco?"

Maybe there won't be a repeat. He stiffened, wanting to shake her and tell her that it didn't matter anymore. Would he continue losing people for a mistake he long ago regretted?

But no, he wouldn't shake her. Unless Ginny asked of course, during sex, which he was quite sure she'd ask him to do if there was a second go round.

"If you think I did anything remotely redeeming, you are wrong Weasley. Professor Snape was called as a witness for me during my Wizengamot hearing. Told them I used an unforgivable on Zabini under duress. I served a reduced sentence. I deserved to serve longer Ginny."

The past hour with Ginny(at least he hoped it had been at least an hour and not 15 minutes like the clock on the wall said) was the first time in a long time he hadn't felt the darkness. Screams of his friend begging him for mercy. The dead girl in his arms he held and wouldn't let go of, not even when the rest of the villagers found him and exacted their revenge. He spent all the years after Zabini and Pansy trying to make right what went wrong. No matter how many lives he saved, it would never be enough.

Ginny's soft gaze rested on his face, seeming to read his thoughts, "You've done good. You saved that boy's life. You area wonderful healer. They wouldn't have let you into Durmstrang Hospital if they didn't see potential."

Draco tensed, "Snape's connections. Not mine."

"Connections or not, you are a healer now. The very best" She looked at him quizzically, her hands resting on his chest "How were you able to leave Europe? They passed that law to prevent former prisoners from Azkaban from leaving the continent."

Draco closed his eyes, remembering back to his healer residency at Durmstrang Hospital. "Do you remember the Durmstrang Express Tragedy?"

Ginny nodded ,. "My brother Charlie had to put down the dragon that caused it"

"Durmstrang is no longer a haven for dark wizards but some of their practices remain. Things even my family didn't do. These stupid people kept wild dragons as pets! Dragons have no business being domesticated. They can turn on you in a heartbeat and 20 children died because of it." Draco thought back to another dragon he so desperately wanted as a young boy. It was a good thing his plan for a pet dragon had failed.

"I remember reading the article in the prophet." Ginny said sadly.

Draco could remember it as if it were yesterday. A stray dragon had escaped from it's wizard owner, overturning the Durmstrang Express. The train was full of children heading to Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning at the start of the school year. The train happened to be on a bridge at the time, sending it plunging into a river below.

"Every healer and nurse in the area was called. The reason I am here is because of the train. There was one particular girl I saved. The American Ministry of Magic's Ambassador to Norway had a daughter on that train. I didn't know it at the time. But here I am in America. My international portkey approved in less than one hour."

"That's redeeming."

Draco turned away from Ginny, not sharing her sentiments. "Doesn't bring Zabini or Pansy back."

"No, it doesn't." he felt Ginny's light fingers skimming his spine. Planting a kiss on his neck, pressing her bare breasts into his back.

"Let me heal your soul Draco." She whispered.

He rolled over to face her, his mouth dipping into the smoothness of her collarbone before heading lower.

"Ready to play healer/nurse now Draco?" she asked pushing his head towards her quivering legs.

He smiled against her skin. How did the witch do this? Bring him from the brink of depression to absolute ecstasy? Draco was more than ready. He'd give her an anatomy lesson she would never forget.

Ginny had to cover her eyes as sunlight poured into the room. Momentarily disoriented she turned her head to find Draco sleeping, and snoring soundly next to her. She watched him sleep. He was so peaceful and so very handsome. She let out a small laugh. If someone had told her in Hogwarts that the shag of her life would be Draco Malfoy, she would have thought them nutters. But here she was wanting to do it all over again. It took restraint on her part not to reach out and touch him just then. She was falling for him.

No, that was a lie.

She already fell for him. Ginny wondered if it would be a one time thing. He was a Malfoy after all. She sighed reaching for her wand to close the shades. Her legs were much too spent from the night's activities to even stand.


Ginny found herself on the floor, her head smacking into hardwood. Sweet Morgana, What Happened? Ginny turned towards a still sleeping Draco and stiffened a giggle. They had broken the bed.

The bed's four legs lay in different corners of the room. The headboard cracked in half.

Obviously not a one time thing with Malfoy. How many times last night? Once, twice, five?

She was broken out of her thoughts by a rap at the window. Owl post. Ginny crept to the window not wanting to wake Draco. She gasped reading the address.

Urgent Notice from the Ministry of Magic of the Americas

The ribbon holding the scroll came loose. Ginny knew she shouldn't read it. Knew it was Malfoy's private matter but afraid that the man she had just spent one of the best nights of her life with could be sent away.

She opened the scroll to read-

The M.O. M. of the Americas/Chicago Division/County of Cook

Protecting America's Magickal Heritage for over 200 years!

Attention Healer Draco Malfoy,

You have been charged with the misuse of Magic. Below are fines which have been itemized for your convenience.

Performing magic in a public Muggle area - $1,200

Hate speech -$50

Unlicensed use of an unforgivable curse - $10 (Licenses may be purchased during regular business hours between sunrise and sunset. Restricted usage during full moon phases)

In addition , to cover the Ministry's cost of having to perform the obliviate spell on all muggle witnesses, you will be billed $10,000 galleons.

You may send payment to:

M.O.M/Chicago Division/County of Cook

1200 E. Randolph

13th floor, Suite 7777777

Chicago,IL 66666

$10,00 galleons? Ginny folded up the scroll. Although she was glad Draco wouldn't be serving time, she was appalled. $10 for the UNLICENSED use of an unforgivable? In England such a thing wouldn't be conceivable. But they were in the Americas after all, was it not the Wild Wild West here?

She started to hear the sheets rustling. Draco was finally waking. Before she could tell him the awful news, he grabbed her from off the floor, his mouth covering hers in a wicked onslaught that left her breathless.

Something about this man's roughness sent tingles from the inside out.

"You are really something Weasley. Did you see all the bruises you gave me last night?"

Ginny gasped when he removed the sheets. Were those her bite marks on his chest? On his arms?

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be my sweet witch. I won't even magick them off. I want everyone to know what a demon you are."

He needn't worry, she was sure everyone already knew. Ginny bit her lip, feeling herself blush, "Your neighbors know."

He cocked an eyebrow at her. "How so?"

"I removed the silencing charms. I like when people listen." A kink she hadn't told many of her boyfriends about. A good Weasley girl like herself indulging in such scandalous ways? But something about Draco brought out the admission from her. The desire had always been with her, even before Draco. But something about this man with a shady past made her feel most comfortable about sharing her wants most freely. With most men she didn't feel comfortable explaining the thrill she got from it. Actually, most men were the ones uncomfortable. She had told Harry and Dean who only told her it wasn't proper. They were more than happy to make quiet passionless love to her with petals on the bed, as she stared at the cracks on the ceiling wondering when it would be over because she was downright bored. She enjoyed sex like she played Quidditch. Fast and dirty.

Draco shook his head, "You were placed in Gryffindor?"

Was it evil to feel excitement at the risk of being heard or seen? Maybe a wee bit. But was it not brave too? Ginny thought so. And living with all those brothers in a tiny house? Did he really think she cared about privacy. Ha! Not likely.

"Let's play Dementor and prisoner." Ginny suggested, " I bind you and suck you like a dementor." What was getting into her? Something about Draco was turning her insides into a raging nymph. The electricity between them was palpable. She felt it and knew he must too.

And he did, snatching her close to him and letting her know exactly how excited he was at the prospect of another game. His hardness pressing into her stomach was almost too much to bear.

"It's a good thing I didn't know you were a good shag at Hogwarts, I would have broken every desk in the school Weasley."

About that. Oh yes. Now she'd have to tell Draco who still seemed unawares that his bed was on the floor. She reached down amongst the wood splinter for the scroll, handing it to Draco.

His face was unreadable, locking his serious gaze with hers, "I guess I'll have to buy a license." He winked at her before tossing the scroll over his shoulder. "Now where were we?"

"Uh, Draco…you might want to save your money on that license. It appears we broke your bed sometime last night."

He shot a glance around his room, "Good thing I don't make your salary Weasley. Now let's me and you break a coffee table."

She wrapped her arms around his neck as Draco scooped her up, leading the way out of the very messy bedroom.

Ginny sighed as Draco nibbled on her bottom lip, "Let's break your sink too."

"and the dining room table." He added huskily.

"and your patio."


"Keep the shades up Draco, I like being watched. Now let's get back to our Dementor game."

"Naughty witch. "

The end