Episode 2 ~ Ash's new Pal-mon

Note- Also, I changed Chapter one, so you might want to re-read it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, or Digimon, so don't sue me!

"Yes! I caught it!" Screamed a very happy Misty.

"Hey!" Yelled Ash & Gary, " That's no fair!"

"Actually," Casey started, " We were busy arguing, so it is our fault that we weren't paying attention.

"Exactly!" Answered Misty, who stuck her tong out at them, while holding the Pokeball. But unfortunately for Misty, a pair of tongs reached over to her, and took her Pokeball. Everybody's eyes followed the tongs until they saw none other than… Team Rocket of Course!

"Prepare for trouble!" Jessie screamed, kicking up her leg.

"Make it double!" James added in, with his rose in hand.

"Forget about the motto, and just run!" Exclaimed Meowth.

"Wobbuffet!" Jessie's Wobbuffet yelled, after coming out of Jessie's Pokeball.

"Return!" And with that, it was back into its Pokeball. "Hmm, I say we get Pikachu at it, don't you think?" Asked Jessie, while ignoring the twerps.

"Umm, we're right here, Team Loser!"' Ash yelled out.

"I say its Golden! Go Weezing!" James answered, ignoring the comment made by Ash.

"Go Arbok!" Jessie exclaimed.

"Give me my Otamamon err, what ever it is! Go Politoad!" Yelled Misty, angry.

"I'll help! Go Pikachu!" Added Ash.

On the battlefield, Jessie told Arbok to use Poison Sting on Politoad, but Politoad easily dodged it. Misty called for a Water Gun, finishing Arbok off. Ash ordered a quick Thunderbolt on Weezing, before it could attack, and took it out easy, like it always does. Ash ordered a Quick attack from Pikachu, which knocked Otamamons' Pokeball out of Jessie's hand.

"Blast them off with Thunder!" Ash ordered. With that, Pikachu fired a big bolt at Team Rocket, Blasting them off again.

"It looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!" The Trio of thieves shouted, but they didn't go too far.

"Wow, um, thanks Ash." Misty said, while blushing.

"Its ok, anything to save a Pokemon!" Ash said Heroically.

"Pika Pika!" Added in Pikachu.

'GRR, guys and there Pokemon.' Misty sighed to herself.

Just then, Tracey ran too the scene, out of breath.

'Guys. We. Need. To. Go. Back. To. The. Lab. Right. Now." Tracey told them all, out of breath.

"What's wrong? Is Grandpa ok?" Gary asked, with worry in his voice.

Tracey didn't answer; he just started to jog back.

"Hmm, I guess we should go, but I would assume it would have to do with what happened here, the background is different." Ritchi said.

The others nodded, and off they all went to go back to Professor Oak's Lab. And Ritchi was right, as where there were fences before; there were giant trees in their place. And the path was different than before, with signs missing, and what they didn't notice, small houses, and some buildings in the green forest.

After a while of walking, they reached Professor Oak's lab, with some guests watching in the window, unknown to them. As soon as they got in the door, Tracey sat on the chair, and standing next to Professor Oak was a middle-aged guy with brownish-grayish hair in a ponytail, wearing a black/red robe.

"Great to see you, I've got lots to explain to you, so I'll start it off." Professor Oak started " You see, instead of just transporting you 7, it transported all of us, including the lab, here to the Digital World."

With that, mostly everybody was confused, not knowing what was going on. Then, the person next to Professor Oak spoke up.

"Now, things get complicated, so I'll explain everything from the beginning. My name's Gennai. You see, about 6 years ago, 8 digidestened from the real world came here to the Digital World. When they got here, they met Digimon, short for Digital Monsters, and became friends with there own Digimon, and with others. They had to save both worlds from Evil Digimon, and they accomplished that. Then, 2 years ago, the Digiworld was in danger once again, so new Digidestened had to save both world, and they did. Which brings you to the present. Now, everybody can get Digimon, or should I say catch, thanks to looking into your world at how Pokemon are raised." Gennai told them all.

"Wow!" Ash exclaimed.


"I can't believe it!"

And lots of other stuffs the others said.

"Wait, I'm not finished! Anyway, now, this is how things work around here. When you think you are ready, you are allowed to pick your Digimon, but only if you have a Digivice! And if you have one, you can get your partner, and you catch Digimon with Digibits, thanks to your Pokemon world. Then, you travel around Server, get all 10 of your badges, for the 10 elements and Digimon types, Fire, Wind, Thunder, Ice, Light, Dark, Water, Metal, Wood, and Earth, you can enter the Digital League. Also, there are 6 stages for Digimon, Baby, In-Training, Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, and Mega. The higher it is, the stronger it is. By the way, here are what Digibits & a Digivice looks like." With that, Gennai looked into his bag, and took out a regular white Digivice, the ones the kids in 01 had, and a Digibit (Think Pokeball with Green, Blue, and silver on it.

"Wait a minute," interrupted Ash, " I have something like that in my pocket." And with that, he took out a blue & black D-3.

"Hey, I do too!" Gary added in, taking out a blue & sliver D-3.

"WHAT!!! D-3's! Now, only Digidestened have D-3's, not Tamers! So that means there might be something special about you two." Gennai stated.

"Hey, how come mine is just white?!" Misty yelled.

"I don't even have one!" Screamed Casey

"Neither do I!" Ritchi also yelled.

"Hold your horses, don't go Mimi on me, wait." After Gennai said that, he typed some code on the Computer, and in everyone's hand, of course except for Ash, Misty, & Gary, was a white Digivice.

"Now, I would like to give you all one, but sadly, I only have 2 left, and I decided to give them to Gary & Ash." Gennai told everyone.

"Awww!" cried mostly everybody.

"Yes!" Ash happily screamed.

"Anyway, there are 8 starter Digimon, since the Original Digidestened had the same kind of Digimon, so here they are. They are Agumon, the Fire Type, Gabumon the Ice type, Biyomon the Wind type, Tentomon the Thunder type, Palmon, the Wood type, Gomamon, the Water type, Patamon the Light type, and Salamon, the Light type. The two left are Gabumon and Palmon, so Gary, pick which one you want." Gennai told.

"Hmm, I think I'll take the Gabumon." Gary answered.

" Okay, so that leaves Palmon with Ash." Gennai said, while handing them both a Digibit, with there own digimon inside.

"Anyway, as for the rest of you, you will just use your Pokemon to catch your first Digimon, and you can only have 8 Pokemon with you, the rest will be sent here. The town with the closest Gym is Yokomon Village, so chop chop. Oh, and here, here are Digi Analyzers, or Digidex, for sort, they have information on Digimon." Gennai lectured to them.

"Oh, well, I'll think I'll look at Palmon." Ash stated when he got his.

Palmon, Data type, Wood element, and Rookie level. Digivolved from Tanemon. Attacks ~ Poison Ivy; Poison Spore. Palmon are friendly Digimon, and usually brings out the good in a person.


"Wow! Did you hear that? Can you believe it?" Whispered Jessie, hiding near the window, with James & Meowth.

"Yeah, I know! The boss would love this!" James whispered back.

"Yes, and I'll be the Top Cat!" Meowth said rather loudly, so Jessie & James had to cover his mouth


"NO!!!! I wanna go back home to my warm house!" cried a tired Akire.

"SHHH! Shut up! Do you want to get caught!" Egrus screamed louder.

"God, I'm surrounded. No, this is the perfect opportunity for us to take over not only the Pokemon World, but also this Digital World & 'Real' World! SO both of you shut it!" Scott explained to them.

Also, in another window, Giovanni couldn't help but smile.


"Umm, so now what?" Asked Ash.

"Listen, I thought this over, and came to this conclusion. Ash, you, Brock, & Misty go one way, and Ritchi, Gary, & Casey, go another way, while Tracey, Delia, and I stay here." Professor Oak said.

With that, everyone agreed.

*Sorry, but for some reasons, I cant take out those lines. *

~*~Next Day~*~

"So, I guess its time to go." Ash stated as the three groups were at a Cross Road.

"Yeah, its looks like it, so everybody!" Gary waved, and with that, Ritchi, Gary, and Casey started to walk off.

"Hey Professor, here, take my Pokeballs, I'm only taking Palmon & Pikachu with me." Ash stated

"Pika!" Pikachu added in.

"Here, take mine, I guess I'll take Foretress with me." Brock said while he gave up his Pokeballs.

"Here, I'm only taking Togepi, and Otamamon with me, so here." Misty also said.

"Well, bye mom!" Ash yelled to his mom.

"Bye Ash! Please, becareful!" Mrs. Ketchum yelled back.

Now, we join them, walking through the woods, which only means one thing… They're lost

"Umm, great. Wait, I got an idea! Go Palmon!" Ash called out to his Digimon. And out it came.

"Like, finally, I just hate being stuffed in there! No way you're getting me back in there!" Palmon screamed at Ash after she came out.

"No, its not that…" Brock started.

"…we're lost, and we need your help." Misty finished.

"Like, of course I would help! But only if you don't put me back in there!" Palmon yelled.

"Sure, I promise!"

"Great, so lets get moving!" Palmon commanded them.


"Um, boss, what's wrong?" James said, and then cowered at his feet, with Jessie & Meowth.

"You three! I want you to get me strong Digimon, while I try to make a Rocket HQ, so you better not fail me! Here's my cell phone number!" He screamed at them, while he handed it to them.

"Don't worry, you can count on us!" Jessie said, but she didn't say it loud, since she was a little scared.

"Great, so what are you three waiting for? Get to it!" He snapped, and off they went.


Author Notes: Well, here's the second episode, expect the third one next Friday. Well, sorry if this was fast paced, but I wanted to hurry it up. Anyway, stay tuned for the next episode, Candlemon set for two!