Thank you page.


Mel: Thanks for your comments, everyone thinks Rei's a child ^__^

TokiKasurmari: I guess you'll *have* to rely on your imagination for this, and I take it you enjoyed this little piece.

Andhera: Glad you enjoyed reading it and hopefully they will keep coming ^__^.

Ladya C. Maxine: You have absolutely no idea how ecstatic I was when I received your review. I'm glad I could bring a smile to your face and I'll do my best to keep up the work. Rei definitely knows what he wants.

Mizu_Tenshi: Thanks for your warm comments and be sure to let your imagination run wild with the strawberries.

Esuna: Glad you liked it, and I hope it satisfied your sweet tooth!

Inari k: Hentai thoughts aren't that bad, not at all. I'll be sure to update my other fics, someday.

SquirrelOfShadows: Unfortunately you will be seeing my works for a while... but thanks for the comments, I loved it.

icyflames: Mmm, campinos. Good luck in figuring out the hidden meaning, make sure to use your imagination! Glad you liked it.

Ravensta692003: Kai has a lot in stored for Rei, I'm sure of that. In the meantime let's hope for another spark so I can write more.

Soulsister: You are too kind, it's my pleasure to know you enjoyed it.

SakuraCC87: Someone laughed! I want a strawberries and cream cake too. Thanks for the lovely comments.

Loika: I do get the idea. Definitely too kind. Thoughts, what thoughts? You know I will update my other stories, patience. Still too kind.

Homei: Glad you enjoyed it. And Kai is very sweet around Rei.

cawee: Rei is a child isn't he. You loved it? Thanks!

Platinum Rei: Your comments are very much appreciated, thanks.

Ryu_blader: Nice to know you loved it, thanks for your warm comments!

blackdranzergirl: Yes, stupid old Kenny... I'm glad you liked it anyway.


A/N: I hope to hear from you all soon. Thanks for reading this little piece.