Disclaimer: Don't own POTO, blah blah blah.

A/N: This is a poem in Erik's POV, as he watches Christine "sleep"… (In this I think Erik is rather more light hearted and, I hope, married to Christine…)

I'd just like to thank:

Opera Ghost Kid, for all your lovely reviews.

Ayesha Kitten.

Catherine Ace – thank you but actually I have written stories - they're my main focus and I should have more posted soon.

Snow White Muse.

And Phantom Aria, you are so kind.


I know you're not sleeping…

I can feel your hidden glance on me,

I can see your eyelids slightly tensed,

I can see your lips twitching towards a smile.

You're trying not to laugh…!

I know you're not sleeping…

I watch you sleep so often,

That I can tell you're not now.

But can you see I know you're awake?

What are you playing?

I know you're not sleeping…

Remember, I can play too –

I have so much more experience.

But I don't stick to the same games,

I can think of better things to do to you…

I pull you into my arms and tickle you,

Just to hear you giggle,

Just to see you smile,

Just to see you be you

Yes, I know you're not sleeping…

I'm glad you're not sleeping…