-Exploding Cauldrons and Harmless Sticks-

So the night began, like most average autumn nights at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, finding two friends helping each other with their studies. If only they knew what this night held in store for them. . . This is where we begin their story. . . .

"So, what's next?" asked Ginny Weasley. She dipped a long handled silver spoon into a small cauldron filled with a bubbling lavender potion. A cold magical flame steadily burned white-green beneath the small cauldron set on the old stone floor.

Hermione Granger lightly skimmed her fingers over the yellowed pages of the one of the library's older potion books. She lovingly set it on a velvet drape to protect it from harm and placed on the floor between her knees. She sat back on her feet for a moment to think about what she'd read then leaned forward, tucking back a stray curl of long, bushy-brown hair that kept escaping from an untidy bun.

"We have to stir it twenty-six times, clockwise, while adding the powdered dragon's bladder," she said, turning her attention from the book and glancing out the narrow bedroom window of her Head Girl's dorm. The full moon shone brightly casting the two girls in its silvery beams while they concentrated on their work.

"I can't thank you enough for helping me, Hermione. If I don't get this right, Snape will fail me at Friday's exam," said Ginny, continuing to stir the softly simmering potion.

Ginny sneaked a peek from the cauldron and bit her lip. She watched from the corner of her eye as Hermione furrowed her brows and continued to stare out the window.

"Thinking of him again?" Ginny asked, already knowing the answer. Hermione's frowned deepened, bringing her warm brown eyes down to stare at Ginny.

"What do you think?" she said, her voice tipped with sarcasm. Ginny reached out and gave Hermione a reassuring pat on the knee.

"He's an idiot, that one. My brother, but still an idiot. Just don't give up on him."

Hermione frowned further.

"Well if Ron doesn't get his act together soon, he's going to miss his chance," she said, savagely stuffing random books into her leather bag. "I could be asking you the same," Hermione said, keeping a close watch on Ginny's reaction.

Ginny's shoulders tensed and she paused for a millisecond before continuing her slow stirring of the potion.

"I've resigned myself to the fact that he'll never see me for much other than Ron's little sister," said Ginny, dropping her head. She gave the cauldron one final stir and gingerly pulled the spoon out. Ginny sat the utensil on a shallow, mother-of-pearl coated plate and leaned back against the foot of Hermione's bed. She tilted her chin up to rest the back of her head against the maroon comforter. She absently reached up and began to twist a lock of fire-red hair around her finger and stared at the ceiling.

"I honestly thought I had a chance with Cho out of the picture," Ginny gave the shoulder length lock of hair a firm tug, "After this year, you lot will be gone and it won't matter," she said with a sigh. Hermione gave a sympathetic moan and squeezed Ginny's shoulder.

"So I guess that means we don't have dates for the Harvest Ball on Saturday," said Ginny, looking down at her school robes and smoothing out a wrinkle.

"We still have tomorrow you know. Perhaps they will come shining through yet," said Hermione, not sounding very hopeful.

"And… and if they don't-- We'll just go together! Who needs them anyways?" Hermione said, lifting her chin defiantly.

As Ginny gave her a half grin, she spied a container of something glimmering in the beam of moonlight. Ginny's full attention had turned away from Hermione's deep sigh as the older girl slipped the stopper into a pot of ink. She stretched over picked up a jar from many vials and containers Hermione had set out on her cluttered writing desk.

"What's this?" Ginny asked, examining the fine, luminous white powder inside the wide-bottomed jar, it sparkled, reflecting the flames from the wall sconces. As Ginny twisted the jar, she caught faint glimmering notes of blue altering to red in the powder.

"That is a very special blend I've been working on for advanced potions," Hermione answered extending her hand out to Ginny, "and it can be highly dangerous, so we have to be careful with it."

Ginny gave the jar a final look and carefully put it into Hermione's waiting hand. Hermione rose and stepped over to set the jar on the top of a small table beneath the dorm window.

"It has to cure tonight by the light of the full moon before it's complete," said Hermione, she reached over and opened the window a crack to air out the faintly acrid smell of the bubbling potion Ginny had concocted.

The crisp scent of autumn greeted the girls. A slight, cool breeze lifted the loose hairs on Hermione's neck. She walked back and sat down beside Ginny, preparing for the next step for the potion they were working on.

"Ready?" Hermione asked, measuring the powdered dragon's bladder onto a piece wax parchment that was already set upon a set of brass scales. Ginny picked up the long handled silver spoon and prepared to stir clockwise. After double checking to make sure the amount was right, Hermione lifted the wax parchment, bending it to hold the powdered dragon's bladder better and slowly moved to transfer it to the cauldron.

Before Ginny could begin to stir, both were distracted by the frenzied sound of rustling wings. They were just in time to see Ron's owl, Pigwidgeon, come fluttering in, holding a roll of parchment in his small claws.

"Pig!" Ginny cried out as the excited owl began a frantic flight around the girls' heads.

"Pig, stop!" Hermione yelled as the owl continued to bounce around them. He zoomed back over to the window, hooting eagerly.

"Pig-- NO!" Hermione screeched as the owl bumped the wide-bottomed jar on the table.

Everything seemed to go into slow motion. In horror, the girls watched the jar teeter back and forth. Pigwidgeon rotated on the spot. His tiny wings flapped back with great force and the jar below him finally toppled over the table's edge. Hermione dropped the waxed paper and leapt forward to catch the jar. At the same time, Ginny reached with her free hand in a vain attempt to help. The container grazed off Hermione's finger tips, slowly arching in its fall. It hit the edge of the cauldron and shattered, spilling a billowing cloud of the glittering white contents into the brewing potion. With a shriek, Hermione lunged towards Ginny. Both girls fell back away from the pewter cauldron which had begun to violently shake and then exploded in a shower of twinkling sparks and blue smoke.

Their eyes stung and watered and the girls coughed, trying in vain to fan away the smoke that had thickly filled the room.

"Are you alright?" said Hermione, sitting up.

"Yes, are you?" asked Ginny, she paused in confusion and sniffed the smoke filled air, "Do you smell… sea salt and… and coconut?"

Hermione coughed again and glanced down at her surroundings now in complete disarray. The blue cloud slowly started to disappear out the bedroom window, "Yes… that's – that's odd," said Hermione, vainly fanning again to try and clear the air.

Ginny's fear-filled gasp and lightning-quick grip on her shirt sleeve caused Hermione to turn her head and scramble back in fright; for a few feet away, illuminated by rays of silver moonlight and partially shrouded by the last remnants of the blue smoke cloud, stood two men.

The first man wore dark grey trousers that fit snug to his legs and tall black leather boots that came to his knees. He wore a loose white shirt tucked into his pants; the drawstrings of his top were open showing a hint of a tanned muscular chest. A broad belt hung at his hips where a sword was sheathed. His long wavy brown hair was held back with a bit of black ribbon. He looked around the room with large, soulful brown eyes. The man standing next to him surveyed his surroundings with shrewd eyes of a brown so deep they appeared black. His long, beaded, dark hair was held in place by a dingy red bandana and a weathered tricorne. He wore snug black trousers stuffed into high boots that turned down at the knee. His loose white shirt was covered with a long elaborate gray coat. He reached up and absentmindedly stroked his mustache, looking around as if knocked off balance.

"This not be me cabin," he said, swiveling his head to find the shocked young women on the floor.

Hermione's jaw hung slack, for once at a loss for words.

The younger man next to him surveyed his surroundings with great surprise and apprehension. His eyes too finally found their way to the startled women on the floor.

Kneeling quickly, he reached out a calloused hand and gently touched Ginny's fingers as they rested on her knee, "Are you alright Miss?"

Dazed as she was, Ginny had the overwhelming desire to nothing but simply sit and stare at this creature before her. In shock, she realized he was touching her and snatched her fingers away. "I -I think so. Who are you?" she asked, feeling her finger tips tingle from the warmth of his touch.

"My name is Will. Will Turner, Miss," he answered, giving her a brief smile before continuing his search of the room, seeming not to take notice of her reaction. "Exactly where are we?" he asked when he brought his gaze back to rest on Ginny.

"Hogwarts," she breathed out, "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

The man in the hat gave a half cocked grin and brandished a dagger. His eyes swung back down to rest upon Hermione and he took a half step forward, "Now lass, if you don't mind tellin' me. . . Where be the Black Pearl?"

The sight of the dagger was like a douse of cold water, causing Hermione and Ginny to come out of their stunned enchantment and quickly jump to their feet. In one fluid motion, Will swiftly stood back beside the other man, appearing again apprehensive and more on guard. In a flash, both girls were on their feet with their wands pointed at the two strangers. The handsome man with the mustache gave a low, deep chuckle, staring at the determined expression and stiff stance of the women whose raised arms brandished small sticks.

Will eyed the women, hand held ready just above his own sword, and turned to look at his companion.

"What?" the man in the hat said to the girls, his grin grew and his eyes danced, seeming amused with the idea of these two women being any sort of danger, "You threaten us with mere sticks?" He gave out another chuckle. Will appeared to choose to say nothing, deciding to keep a close watch on the two females.

"What part of Witchcraft did you not hear?" said Ginny in a low threatening voice.

"And what is this Black Pearl?" said Hermione.

"The Black Pearl -- my ship, Love," he said, giving Hermione's form a quick, approving glance and then turning his attention back to Ginny. "Witches you say?" he asked, giving Ginny a slow once over. "You'll be looking nothing like the sea hags we know tales of."

Hermione scowled. "We know of no ship, and unless you desire to find out the exact extent of our powers, I would suggest you put that weapon away." Hermione pointedly looked at the dagger in the man's hand. "My friend here is quiet good with hexes. I don't believe you would desire to be on the receiving end of one." Hermione tilted her head towards Ginny, not taking her eyes off of the man who appeared by all accounts to be a pirate.

Will glanced at Ginny then at her raised wand.

"I have six brothers, all wizards; don't think I can't handle the two of you," Ginny said defiantly.

The pirate's grin spread into a smile, showing off several gold teeth. He inclined his head in temporary submission and gave a slight bow, sheathing his dagger.

"We need to go to Dumbledore, we must tell him about this," said Hermione, finally noticing the damage to her room. Ginny looked around the room and cringed.

"Bloody owl," she grumbled.

"Pig!," both girls cried out together, remembering the cause of all this.

"Move over," Hermione ordered, pointing with her wand in short jerks for the pirates to step aside. The men obliged, revealing the tiny owl atop the table, covered in blue soot, his feathers ruffled and standing on ends.

"Oh Pig, please be alright," Ginny said, gently lifting the bird into her arms and cradling him to her chest. The roll of parchment that Pig had been attempting to deliver crumbled to dust.

The pirates glanced at each other and shrugged. The owl struggled in Ginny's grasp before coming to his feet. He gave out a weak hoot and a good shake then launched off of Ginny's hand and out the window into the night air.

"Right then, we need to see Professor Dumbledore, he'll know what to do," said Hermione, turning to face the pirate again. Her eyes narrowed, surveying the men closely. After a moment she seemed relaxed and turned towards the door of her dorm.

"Who is this Professor Dumbledore, Love?" the pirate said, taking a step back as Hermione walked past him.

"He's the headmaster of our school," said Hermione, tugging on the door handle. "And I'm not your love," she threw back over her shoulder. The pirate grinned again, watching her.

"Well then, I should like to be meeting this, Dumbledore," said Jack. "Perhaps he'll know exactly how I come to be in this… place instead of me ship."

Ginny glanced warily at the two men.

"Please, after you miss," said Will, extending one hand forward turning his palm up as he gently touched the small of her back to press her forward.

"Yes, after you," the pirate said, making a sweeping bow. Ginny gave the pirate an odd look and Will another glance before quickly following Hermione out the door. The pirate chuckled to himself straightened. "It looks as if we be on another interesting adventure Mr. Turner."

Will nodded slightly and stared at the doorway where Ginny stood just moments before, "So it appears, Captain Sparrow."

The group walked a few feet from Hermione's door and stopped at the head of the stairwell. "This could be a problem," said Hermione, looking down the stairs in deep thought. "Well there is no other way around it," she muttered to herself several seconds later.

"Perhaps you could cast a silencing charm to prevent the alarm from going off, or anyone else hearing us, for that matter?" said Ginny, glancing down the stairwell.

Captain Sparrow and Will Turner exchanged curious looks. "They're only stairs, darlin'," the Captain said. Hermione gave him a dirty look and turned back to Ginny.

"It should work," she said. Hermione raised her wand, muttering a few words under her breath. White sparks shot out the end of her wand and swirled into a mist that blanketed the stairwell. The Captain and Will's jaws dropped. "One way to find out," Hermione said, looking at Ginny.

Ginny caught on. She nodded and grinned.

"If you would . . . err. . . I didn't get your name," Hermione said, looking at the pirate.

"Jack, Love. Captain Jack Sparrow," he said, walking down the top two steps. He'd barely planted both feet on the step when the stairs dropped out from beneath him, turning into a smooth slide. Jack gave out a loud yell. His arms flayed out at his sides. He fell backwards and slid down the length of the girls' stairwell.

Hermione beamed with pride at the lack of warning bells-- her spells had worked.

Will's eyes bulged in surprise, "Jack!" he called out, stepping forward.

"It's alright," Ginny reassured him as Hermione slide down the flat stairs. "It's just a security measure to prevent boys from entering the girls' dorms. Come on then," Ginny said, dropping down quickly and pushing down the slide. Will gave an uncertain look, when seeing no other option, he quickly followed.

Will landed beside Ginny and was greeted by the shocked faces of two young men in their late teens standing not too far away, wands out and pointing in their direction. A chess board lay on the floor, pieces scattered and rolling around, yelling threats to the men above them. Jack was a short distance away on his feet, long saber now in hand, watching them closely. Hermione stood with her arms outstretched, one close to Jack's chest the other pointing at the two across the room.

"Harry, Ron, it's alright, put your wands down," she ordered sternly. Ginny watched in surprise, completely forgetting to stand. Will got to his feet and extended his hand to help.

"Don't you touch my sister!" shouted Ron. Ginny gave him an exasperated look and placed her hand into Will's. A warm tingling shot up Ginny's arm. Will easily pulled her to her feet. Harry took a menacing step forward, a dark look crossing over his handsome face as he watched Will and Ginny closely.

"Harry don't," Hermione warned.

"Who're they and what were they doing in the girls' dorms?" Ron demanded.

Ginny felt as if she were drowning, simply staring into Will's eyes. He smiled down at her, holding onto her hand for another moment.

"Are you alright, Miss?" he asked.

"Ye--yes I'm fine," Ginny answered, sounding breathy. Will's smile widened and he slowly let go of her hand.

"Well? Am I going to get an answer as to who's man-handling my baby sister?" Ron shot angrily. Ginny pulled out her daze. She turned to Ron with hand on her hip and frowned at him.

"We'll explain once we've reached Dumbledore," Hermione said, scowling at Ron before turning her attention back to Jack. "If you would follow me, we'll take you to see Professor Dumbledore," she said more to Ron and Harry than to either of the pirates, "He should be able to help us figure out how we can fix everything." Hermione said, giving Jack another fleeting look.

Jack glanced over looking at the scowls on the faces of Ron and Harry. A sly grin came over him; a look Will seemed to be all too familiar with and recognized it for what it was worth.

"Of course, Love. Lead the way," Jack said, inclining his head. Hermione raised an eyebrow but said nothing as she turned to walk to the portrait. "Ah," said Jack quickly, bending his elbow towards her, "If I may?" Hermione looked down at Jack's offered arm and back at Ron who was now the color of red beets, lips pressed into a thin white line, fist clenched tight around his wand.

"You're not going without us," Ron growled.

"Perish the thought," Hermione said under her breath before accepting Jack's arm, sticking her chin higher up into the air as she walked with Jack to the portrait entrance.

Will caught Jack's amused look as he walked past with Hermione on his arm. Harry sneered as Will placed a hand lightly on the small of Ginny's back and turned to follow Hermione and Jack out of the portrait entrance.

The two Gryffindors didn't hesitate to rush after Ginny and Will as they exited the common room. Both men's faces set, and they were determined to find out exactly what was going on.