Title: What He Always Needed.


Feedback: Of course!!! [email protected]

Archived: you'd better ask me first!!!

Rating: R-for sexual content for FF.net and for those archived everywhere else NC-17 for obviously sexual content.

Summary: Harry's Pregnant by his part-Veela mate Draco, lets see how they get through it!!! Sequel to Learning to Love a Veela

Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue

A/N***: OK, here we go again!!! YAYNESS! BUT unlike last time I'll only update once a week. So you'll just have to deal with it. I already have the first 5 chapters done and ready to post but I will only post one a week. Sorry. But this will give me the cushion I need right now. ENJOY!!!

As always read and review!!!!!

Chapter 1

Harry Potter looked into the eyes of his bond-mate, Draco Malfoy. What he saw there made him smile, there was love, more love then he could have ever imagined. It had been seven weeks since they bonded and three weeks since the discovery of Harry's pregnancy. Harry had a personal nurse that had moved into his old room since he now lived in Draco's. Over the next month they were going to be interviewing tutors but were seriously thinking of just using Sirius, Remus and Severus for teaching the pregnant boy his school lessons. Fafner, also bonded to Harry was always playful with everyone but Harry. Fafner didn't want to risk the possibility of hurting his bonded especially since his bonded was pregnant. That's right, Harry Potter was bonded with both Draco, who was a part-Veela and Fafner who was a pseudodragon. To say that Harry's life was normal would be to say that mother Theresa swore worse then a sailor, nothing about Harry was normal and never would be, it just wasn't his lot in life. Up until an hour from now Harry had been under the medical care of Madam Pomfrey and now Madam Carrie Flowers his personal nurse that Draco hired to care for Harry's medical needs. Today however was his first appointment with the doctor. Harry was nervous he and Draco had a lot of questions about what was going to happen and how things happened. Draco however was excited about the appointment. Draco had been very careful to respect Harry's requests at privacy but it was difficult since he knew Harry was carrying his baby.

Harry and Draco walked into the hospital wing, the Dr. had agreed to come meet them there since it was summer and Draco wanted as little traveling as possible for Harry. Traveling while being pregnant as a woman was tricky enough in the wizarding world, being pregnant and a male, well, the risks doubled and tripled.

The Dr. grinned at the couple as the entered the Hospital Wing. Dr. Herman Juggernaut was the top male pregnancy expert Draco had hired on to take care of Harry as well as Carrie. Harry had rolled his eyes at the thought of having so many people poking and prodding him, but Draco had insisted that he wanted both baby and Harry to come out perfectly healthy so Harry relented.

Dr. Juggernaut was a fair looking man, standing about five foot ten inches tall and about 180 lbs. His hair is blonde with a very slight amount of gray in it, he appeared to be about sixty years old, which in the wizarding world is at the prime of their career. Dr. Juggernaut motioned for Harry to have a seat on the bed where he'd set up all his equipment. Mdm. Pomfrey had assigned a bed specifically for Harry for throughout his pregnancy. It could be set under an obscurous spell so no one would see him or they could transfigured the beds around it to walls, but for now, he was the only one in the ward as far as needing medical attention. Harry slid up onto the bed after pleasantries were exchanged and Herman, as he had asked Harry to call him began a game of 500 questions. Most of which Harry could not answer, such as family health histories for his mother and father. Draco provided the information for his side of the family. Harry watched with slightly depressed eyes. He'd wanted to have been able to know those sorts of things about his parents and other family members.

After all the questions were answered, Herman drew five vials of blood for testing. This was mainly necessary due to the fact that Harry had an incomplete family medical history. Herman had placed his risk code as very high risk.

"Now Harry if you just lay back I'm going to teach you and Draco a spell that will allow you to see the progress of your baby, it's perfectly safe to perform as often as you like." Herman smiled gently at the grinning couple, they were eager to see what was growing inside Harry's belly. Herman pulled Draco to his side gently and showed him the wand movements as Harry watched. "Now Harry it's going to be easier if Draco does it but you can do it too whenever Draco isn't around." Herman turned to Draco and told him the incantation. "Now the incantation is: exhibeo infringo" Above Harry's stomach a bubble appeared. Herman looked at it and flushed immediately. He pronounced the counter curse: "finite incantatum" and the bubble went away and then recast the first charm.

He cleared his throat and left the room for the medical library Madam Pomfrey had and quickly looked up. Harry and Draco were left looking at each other wondering what was going on. Draco shrugged, but knew this was not normal. There was nothing for it so they just had to sit tight and wait. Herman came back into the room slightly flushed.

"Well boys I have good news and I have bad news" Herman said his voice cracking in nervousness, he'd never seen anything like this ever, and he'd seen quite a few Veela male pregnancies. Draco scowled at the man.

"He's all right isn't he? And the baby? They are all right, aren't they?" Draco's voice crackling with heavy emotions. He didn't know what he'd do if something happened to either Harry or the baby and heaven forbid both.

"No, Harry's fine and so are the babies." Herman said absently. Harry was the only one that caught the slip. Harry jolted upright from his reclined position on the bed.

"Babies? as in more then one, babies?" Harry's voice was high pitched and squeaky. Herman looked at him and smiled sadly at the young man and nodded. "Was that the good news or the bad?" Harry was scared now and Draco looked upon his mate, he could feel the tension rolling off Harry in sheets. Herman's smile grew brighter at that question.

"That Harry, was the bad news, the good news, all of you are doing very well, all healthy." Harry let out a sigh of relief and collapsed on the bed. Draco just looked between Harry and Herman in shock.

"How... um, you said babies, but um.... you didn't say ummm how many are there?" Draco asked once he'd finally found his voice.

"That would be the other part of the bad news Draco, there are two, it's twins." Draco couldn't support himself anymore and wound up sitting on the floor mumbling twins over and over. "Draco, you need to calm down. Harry needs you." Herman said looking over to Harry who laid there almost in a trance like state. Draco snapped as soon as he'd heard Harry needed him. Draco grabbed his hand and started petting it uttering calming words. Harry turned his head and looked into Draco's eyes his eyes were about to overflow with tears. Draco couldn't tell by the blank look on Harry's face though if the tears were a good thing or a bad thing. Draco looked over to the Dr and asked him to call Sirius and Remus to help the situation, he couldn't handle it by himself, that he knew. A tear finally broke free from Harry's eye and slowly made it's way down his cheek. Harry then smiled a little at Draco.

"Twins" was all Harry whispered before he passed out. Draco freaked out started yelling and screaming for Help. Madam Pomfrey came out of her quarters and into the Infirmary to find out what the problem was, When Draco told her she too passed out cold.