Disclaimer: Hello again, everyone. As Rose is... indisposed at the moment, it
seems I will be preforming the disclaimer today. Sailor Moon belongs to Takeuchi
Naoko, Kodansha and Toei Animation Ltd. All rights reserved, of course. Please
enjoy this installment.
(Turn to see Bloody in full Hannibal Lector regalia)
BloodRose: ¬¬ "Mmmph mm m mmpppphh!!!"
Doctor: - "Yes, that's very nice. Buh-bye!"
(Orderlies appear and cart Bloody away)
Doctor: "Enjoy!"
A Star Crossed Lover's Journey
Final Chapter: Remembrance
It was a gloomy day in Jyuuban. Made all the gloomier, thought Usagi, by
the fact that Mamoru was no longer there. She stared blankly at the mist that had
formed on her window in the cool, damp weather and, almost absently, traced her
finger over the glass. She was surprised to see what she had written there when
she glanced back toward the window a moment later.
Her azure eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed painfully. Silent agony
was painted on her delicate features as she looked sharply away. With a resigned
sigh, Usagi decided to distract herself with some music and her favorite shojou
manga. The exercise proved fruitless twenty minutes later and, frustrated, Usagi's
eyes returned to her window. She stared past the misted glass to the crystal
droplets falling outside, her expression filled with longing.
Ah, remembrance!
Those long forgotten days,
the happiness of yesterday,
forgotten in favor of the pain of this day.
Pain which I am determined to let go,
in favor of the happiness of tomorrow.
Though as I look back on yesterday,
there is one whom I can not let go...
Mamoru sighed as he watched the rain fall beyond his window, his thoughts
lingering on a certain blue eyed bunny back in Japan. He wondered idly if it was
raining there, too. His cobalt orbs lit up when he thought of how her nose would
scrunch up as a raindrop hit it, a small smile touching his lips. That smile soon
filled with pain and died a lonely death when he remembered the last time he had
seen her... It had been raining then, too...
With an effort that was almost physical, Mamoru wrenched his thoughts from the
path they were taking and sighed heavily. He glanced shortly at his computer
screen and pushed his chair away, moving it closer to the window. He couldn't
possibly concentrate on research, now. As he watched the drops cascade past his
window in the gloomy darkness, his already sullen expression grew depressed and
homesick as he realized, no matter how beautiful Manhattan was, it would never
rival the beauty of Jyuuban park. At the though of the park, memories came
unbidden to his sleep deprived, over worked mind, and his tired face filled with
Oh, remembrance!
How can I ever forget you?
Even through all the pain,
the lies and the cold indifference,
my love for you shines through.
I don't care if you hurt me in the past...
I've already thrown that away!
Yesterday is no longer our concern.
Usagi jumped when thunder crashed, her eyes wide. When the residual
rumbling died away, she sighed yet again and tightened her arms around the
pillow she was hugging. It just so happened the radio had begun playing one of
her favorite songs, and she recalled ruefully just why she liked that song so much;
because, no matter how many times she heard it, it always managed to make her
cry. As memories flooded her melancholy mind, she slowly began to hum along
with "Kimi Sae Ireba", her crystalline eyes slowly giving birth to small droplets of
But oh, remembrance!
I can't help but remember your words...
How my heart sang when you said you loved me.
Such a bittersweet memory...
I could never be forced to let it go.
Even should the Gods themselves strike me down,
my love for you shall I never renounce.
Even the moon could not comfort this distraught Mamoru when he looked to
its ethereal beauty for cold consolation, for the bunny looked back at him, its
silence reciting verses within his mind. Like a dagger, the memory of when he met
Usagi that fateful April night sent blinding pain through his heart, as did the long-
memorized verses she had recited for him that night, and many nights after.
Mamoru tore his gaze away from the moon abruptly, the bunny suddenly accusing.
In stead, he turned toward his desk, and his eyes fell upon the picture he and
Usagi had taken on their one month anniversary, so long ago. His quaking hand
reached for the delicate silver frame and as he traced his love's fine features with
a trembling finger, his clock radio came on, playing Aerosmith's "I Don't Want To
Miss A Thing". As his eyes narrowed painfully, a salty drop separated itself from
the stormy ocean and fell mournfully to the glass below.
So, remembrance!
Stay with me, through this laughter and tears,
though tomorrow is still long to come.
Let yesterday dry these salty droplets from my soul,
And the sun rise, if only to see my love again.
For it is for him that my soul cries out,
and remembrance is such a sweet agony.
Usagi's fingers caressed the glass as if it were Mamoru's face she were
touching, a small smile gracing her lips. It quickly grew painful as her eyes began
spilling small liquid crystals down her flushed cheeks, each splashing to the glass
below. Her eyes closed painfully as she lowered her head until the silver frame
touched her forehead. It was an identical twin of the one owned by Mamoru; they
had purchased the set specifically for their anniversary picture. Usagi glanced up
at her desk and the tears came faster when her eyes fell upon the familiar black
leather cover of her poetry journal. In an attempt to stem the memories as much as
possible, she turned her attention back toward her window, and in her grief and
agony, she imagined she could see Mamoru looking back at her, disheveled from
over work and lack of sleep, his stormy eyes shining with tears, his unshaven
cheeks wet. Her expression a curious mix of hope and longing, she reached out
and placed one small hand on the glass. As she smiled, her heart jumped to see
Mamoru smile back at her.
Mamoru couldn't keep the smile from his face when he saw his bunny on the
other side of the misty window pane, his eyes alight with mixed joy, pain, love
and, curiously, apprehension. His left hand pressed onto the glass as though he
were touching hers, and his smile grew to see that she still wore the ring he
bought her on her small finger. As he looked into Usagi's sparkling eyes, he was
surprised to see her emotions mirrored his own, with an equal amount of longing
on her shining face. How Mamoru longed to wipe her tears, but he knew there was
no way to reach her. As one, small crystals and drops of the ocean began spilling
forth with renewed fervor as the sky and ocean clashed, the storms within each
combining for a few intense moments. Though it was there, neither was able to
recognize the love in the other's gaze, and though their hearts filled with longing,
their hands fell away.
Usagi was by now exhausted from crying and as her lethargic form slowly
drooped back to her bed, she gripped the ring around the finger of her right hand,
her last thought before sleep claimed her of the joyous day she had received it, her
lips curved into a small smile.
Mamoru's eyes had become too heavy to keep open by this point, his
emotions surfacing at a rate much too rapid for him to hope to stem. Exhaustion
soon claimed him, and he was forced to stumble to his bed. As his lids slowly
hooded his turbulent pools of blue, his hand compulsively gripped something
around his neck hanging on a delicate sliver chain. Memories of the day he had
received it from a smiling goddess fleeting across his burning lids, Mamoru
dropped into a deep sleep, his face peaceful and his smile content, if only for that
Now, remembrance!
Let sorrow die, the pain cast away,
as yesterday is done so too shall it be.
Let only the sweet memories stay,
for until tomorrow is come,
I shall know only the comfort of remembrance
in love's absence, and so,
all comfort and company shall be thee.
A Star Crossed Lover's Journey: End
BloodRose: "Well, there you have it. That's the end. It's been too long since I've written this story, and as much as it pains me to do it, I've decided it needs to die. I loved this story, I did. But I haven't written a chapter in years. I still have half a chapter, unfinished as it has been for a long time. So I hope you don't blame me for doing this. For you, my readers (what few might remain) I've decided to leave you with this pittance: what would have been the end, had I finished.
I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.