Dislcaimer: The Hogwarts crew and related objects are sole property of JK Rowling, not me.

Chapter One.


"Get lost, Malfoy."

Draco smild coldly and took aim from where he stood, closing his right eye and aiming for the scar on Harry's forehead. "What are you going to do about it Potter? I told you at the end of last year I'd kill you."

"Funny, I recall you saying I was dead." Harry's voice was falsely thoughtful. It was stupid to goad him, like going up and slapping Snape while he slept. "Did I get it wrong?"

"Funny, Potter, very funny," Draco said through clenched teeth, mentally reviewing spells he could use on Harry.

Harry smirked. "Didn't your daddy ever teach you a sense of humour?" he asked innocently. "Then again, he hasn't been around much -"

Crash. A statue behind Harry shattered into small pieces, Draco's aim destroyed by his fury. "Watch it Potter," he said, his teeth never unclenching.

"Cruel, isn't it?" Harry asked. "But then again, life is cruel..."

"You're right," Draco said, lowering his wand. "That's why I've got parents, and you don't."

Harry forgot his wand, forgot where he was, forgot everything except the glory of smashing Draco's face in last year and his desire to do it now.

"POTTER! MALFOY!" It was Professor McGonagall, and she was furious. "I've told you - warned you both - that's it. To the Headmaster's office, now." She waved her wand and muttered something. Both boys felt a strange sort of invisible plastic bag feeling wrap itself around their wand hands.

Glowering at each other, they walked in front of McGonagall to the entrance to Dumbledore's office.

"Sugar quill," Professor McGonagall informed the gargoyle coldly, and it leapt aside. Harry stepped on to the revolving staircase, feeling hopeful. Malfoy had started it, as usual, and Dumbledore was bound to see sense. It was Malfoy, after all, the son of a Death Eater. He, Harry, was in the right here.

Dumbledore was sitting at his desk when they entered. He wore bright purple robes with images of chilli everywhere. Harry nearly laughed out loud, only controlling himself by sitting down and ducking his head.

Draco remained standing, and McGonagall started explaining. "You said to bring them both straight away if they started fighting again, Albus. Well, I found them by the stairs. Malfoy had his wand out, and they were both yelling. Mr Malfoy seems to have destroyed the statue of Phillip the Punisher. What would you like me to do with them?"

"Do, Minerva?" Dumbledore asked. "Nothing. I believe I shall take matters into my own hands. I would have thought you two would have learnt trust and loyalty by now, but I see you haven't. I have only had to do this once before - alas that I must do it again. Up!" he said to Harry, and Harry stood feeling dazed.

"Now, stand back to back," he instructed, taking Draco and almost forcibly turning him. McGonagall did the same to Harry, pressing the two boys together. Harry winced in disgust and shame. Imagine Ron or Hermione finding out...

"Sir!" Malfoy said angrily. "What are you doing? This is not dignified behaviour!"

"I'm sorry you think that way, Master Malfoy," Dumbledore said calmly, "but I have given you every opportunity to cease fighting with Master Potter. Now, this will feel strange, but afterwards I shall explain."

He pulled his wand from his pocket and rumbled, "eterntius!"

Harry encountered the very uncomfortable feeling of his wrists, then arms, then torso being forcibly tied to Draco's. "What are you doing, sir?" he gasped.

Draco, on the other hand, had panicked. He threw himself forward, discovered he couldn't free himself from Harry, and then threw himself backwards. Both boys landed on the floor, Draco on top. His hair was wildly mussed by now, and he rolled to one side in a desperate attempt to escape. "What - have - you - done?" he panted, giving up and trying pitifully to stand. "What - is this?"

"I have placed you in a magical tie situation," Dumbledore replied, sitting at his desk again. "You see, you two will have to work together to see where you go, what you do, even how you stand or sit. The ties will loosen themselves when you learn to trust each other."

Harry thought he was going to be sick. Tied to Draco? How embarrasing! Everyone would see them, Ron and Hermione would either laugh or attack him -

"There is one other thing," Dumbledore said, holding up a hand to stop Draco breaking into he momentary silence. "I am sure you have both heard of a dominant male - well, that applies in this case. The dominant one - either you or Master Malfoy, will have the lead, and the other will be invisible. You will have to work things out beforehand, so that you don't end up fighting in the corridors. It may look - disturbing."

Draco made a muffled noise. He coudn't think of a worse fate than being tied to Harry. And this dominant male bit - what was Dumbledore playing at? It sounded foul.

He tried, once more, to make Dumbledore see reason. "Sir, I don't think this is a good idea. It seems -"

BR."I stairs.?

Harry stared. Walk down the stairs? Tied back-to-back with Draco Malfoy?

"Come on, Potter," McGonagall said kindly, and took him by the elbow, making sure he was the one facing forward. Harry took a few tentative steps, and fell backwards, ripping his stomach muscles. The cause of the fall was plain: not expecting to start moving, Draco had fallen over, pulling Harry down with him.

"You'll have to do better than that, boys," Dumbledore said with a small smile. Harry knew that he was just waiting until they got outside to start laughing at them.

Draco, wincing in pain, got up. When he'd fallen over he'd twisted his ankle, and Harry falling on top of him had knocked the breath out of him. Even more disturbing was the fleeting thought that Harry's back really did feel nice - smooth and well muscled. Shaking his head, Draco tried to get the hang of walking backwards. For fun, he kicked Harry a few times, but abandoned that pursuit when they started down the stairs.

"Now, I have to go to the kitchens before dinner," McGonagall said when they reached the bottom. Only her hand tightly gripping Harry's arm had stopped them both falling down the tightly spiralling staircase. "I'm afraid you two are on your own. Remember what Professor Dumbeldore said: the sooner you learn trust and co-operation, the sooner you will be untied. Now, excuse me." She strode off, shoulders shaking with supressed mirth.

"Well, I'm glad someone finds this amusing," Draco said bitterly. "Just think how awful this would be if there was no entertainment value."

"This is awful," Harry snapped. "I can't believe I'm stuck to you for Merlin only knows how long! Is that a snake tattoo on your arm?"

"Yes," Draco said shortly, pushing the sleeve of his robes down as well as he could. "We're only stuck like this until you learn to trust me."

"Never," Harry said flatly, and both boys walked off as if to go to their common rooms.

The next thing he knew, Draco was on the ground, legs sprawled in front of him, resting against Harry's back. Harry's head was back against his shoulder, green eyes scant inches from Draco's own. He could see the icy- grey colour reflected in Harry's eyes, like a living green mirror -

"Good one, Malfoy," Harry snapped. "You forgot: we're stuck together. Therefore, we go to the Gryffindor Common Room."

"Since when?" Draco demanded, trying to get as far away from Harry as he could. Pushing uselessly against the ground, he eventually managed to struggle into a standing position, by pushing himself against Harry. "If we go anywhere, we'll go to the Slytherin Common Room. Dumbledore said whoever was dominant chose where to go - " he broke off and cursed himself. "Why didn't we think of this beforehand?" he asked, and without waiting for Harry's reply yelled "finite!"

The bonds holding them loosened, and Draco leapt forward triumphantly. Now the ties felt like water, and then...

He felt himself snapped back against Harry so violently that he pressed firmly against Harry's ass before he realised it. The only thing stopping him from falling over yet again was that Harry was pressed up against his ass just as firmly.

Harry blushed and hoped no-one would come around the corner anytime soon. He was ground into Draco's back, feeling the muscles tense under his robes. "This is tupid," he said more forcefully than he'd intended, completely flustered. "Relashio!"

There was a loud bang, everywhere and nowhere all at once, and both boys fell to the ground unconscious.